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Posts posted by Wayne

  1. Hope I don't sound like a traitor but this game looks like it could be fun. Another level of play to compliment CM. I would need to see a demo before buying it or see some reviews after it is released.

    It looks like a game that was developed for miniatures in table top play back in the old days before computor games.

    The game should have been called "Combat", after the old TV series.


    Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

  2. One problem I need to address is when I am suddenly cut off from my ISP. Will there be a way to reconnect if I am disconnected? This happens to me frequently and I am at a loss to know why. And does TCP/IP work on standard modem connections?


    Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

  3. I'm not sure I understand how this game is going to work. Is it like a tank or aircraft sim with myself playing one soldier,tank commander, vehicle driver or airplane pilot? I'm not familiar with "first person shooter" so could someone enlighten me?


    Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

  4. If you'll notice when playing the game, troop units can walk right through vehicles. If your Sherman somehow survives it's contact with SS ground troops, though doubtful, it would just move through them as though they existed on someother dimensional plane.


    Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

  5. The problem with QB's and the single battle scenarios is that they reflect only 20-60 minutes of action. In the real world of WWII, if an armored attack stalled or was thrown back because of a platoon of Panthers, the Allied commander would call in an air strike or a TOT artillery mission on the German position. He'd wait an hour or two and then move in with a reinforced battalion. We complain about losing a 30 minute scenario like it was the whole Normandy Campaign. It is a small action in a very much larger war. The inequalities of allied armor vs. German armor was a fact that every allied commander had to face.

    Perhaps the solution is to play QB's as operations with two players agreeing to play 3-5 rounds. The loser of the previous round gets some kind of advantage in the subsequent round and both agreeing to keep the same parameters for each round. Every third or fourth round could be changed to a night scenario to reflect a full day's battle. The winner of the operations would be the player with highest percentage score. I've felt for some time now that operations reflected the true conditions in war reather than single battles.


    Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

  6. The issue of sewer movement has to be addressed in CM2. Somehow they have to allow Russians to appear out of nowhere behind the German positions to simulate sewer movement. However, sewer movement will need to be limited or else people will use it in an unrealistic manner. Just my opinion.


    Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

  7. I get lock-ups every so often but I think it is just the way Windows 9X is. There are inherent errors in the operating system and they show themselves at times. If it happens frequently in one particular program then you have a problem but occasional lock-ups are just a part of using a PC.


    Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

  8. Well, that answered my question. I was going to be smart and challenge one of them to a game. Maybe I'll wait on that one.

    My reason in asking such a question was to see if it's possible to "master" the game of CM and I thought who better to find out from than the guys who created the game. I'm wondering if they still find the game a challenge.


    Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

  9. Yes, I noticed a slowdown on my 450MHz AMD when I used the new low res grass and the tree mods. I downloaded the mod without the grass and it improved the speed of my machine. It's annoying but I'll live with it until I get my 800MHz machine.


    Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

  10. Damn! Then could someone tell me why my game's AI keeps beating me, pursuing my men with a maniacal vengence, following my tanks with destructive barrages of artillery and hunting my leaders with determination that rivals the best human player on this board. Or am I stupid?


    Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

  11. I am a total illiterate when it comes to computers, or anything that uses logic, but I've heard of simple computers that solve problems over time. Is it possible for CM's AI to "learn" how to play a better game of CM over time and many plays? Does it learn what not to do or do in certain situations, unlike myself?


    Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pzvg:

    Right you are Wayne, however, it's that tragic death you refer to that has so many of us pissed off. cool.gif


    That's the way the free market works whether you like it or not. I felt the same way when the old SPI wargame company went out of the business of making boxed wargames. I still cherish the many games of their's that I own.

    In regards to Hasbro and Squad Leader, at least the MMP group has preserved the ASL line of games and, you never know, if Computer Squad Leader bombs maybe MMP can resurrect the project and come out with a computer ASL. You never know in this business what will happen.


    Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Holdit:

    Neither. It's suffering the death of a thousand cuts.



    I see what you mean. Hey! All I did was ask a simple question. Hasbro's Squad Leader will sink or swim on it's own. If it is a good game, then great. It will do well and make money for it's producers. If it's a piece of garbage, then it will soon be history. No problem except that a great name in boardgame history will have died a tragic death. However we who own the game will hold it's memory in honor and transfer that loyalty to the hiers of it's legacy, Big Time Software.


    Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

  14. Europe had always been the most important foriegn policy consideration in our past history and probably always will be. Most Americans were then and still are of European descent. Our culture, language, arts all come from Europe. Most Americans in 1940 had relatives in Europe so it was natural that we would consider dealing with the European war first.

    We are still that way. Look at Bosnia and Kosovo. Worst tragedies have happened in Africa and we did not send as much military help there.

    Europe is America's "homeland" and we will always try to protect her safety, like the child potecting the mother.


    Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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