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Posts posted by Naja

  1. I hope what erics is saying is wrong. I have Stayed away from the bbs for a while (edit.) I have been happily playing a very talented opponent and scenario maker for the last year and half, six games a day. Just took a peek to see how much longer the wait is... And lo and behold - a publisher......err, ok......but no cross platform (made on Mac) in the boxed version.. smells a little "strings attached...sign here." Don't know what to make of it..... Best of luck CM team - I think you are or..... the exception to the rule but it's nice to step away for a little while and look back ...........

  2. My God - I think tero is owed an apology by not just Slapdragon but Steve, for "trying to defend the indefensable." To even equate tero's arguments to the great dragon's slaying of the arian brotherhood in his glorious college years is disgusting.... I stopped reading at page 9 of the last thread (I had to work... real work) and caught up on what I thought were good points made by tero. (Are we all really equal? I mean equal weight, height, thinking, love of country?) Unfortunately the "elites" of this bbs have taken it upon themselves to "defend America's honor"...BULL. The Japanese might be the only exception "because it is documented...Kamakazis" ...BULL.... Every country at one time or another believes in what it is fighting for and its people are willing to sacrifice all they have in that endeavor. The average Joe fought and died for his country while most number crunchers lived to "fight another day." If being a "grog" is being able to push numbers and stats down an "opponent's" throat ad nausium - all the while ignoring valid points "while typing faster than I can talk".. you can have your text-based battlefield.. but I bet I can shoot my mp5k straight and true when it counts (relevant to the "debate") better than a "city boy" who never "finished off" that small bird with your bb gun at 6.....Slappy yor a good debator (sic) - try defending America's belief in national modifiers when Blacks were used as truck drivers, cooks...Because ...welll according to the documentation of the time "that's all they were good for"...leave the fighting to the people who have the biggest libraries or type the fastest and things will be ok......just disgusted...If Steve and Slapdragon have already apologised then I am sorry if I offended; I haven't had time to read the new thread.

  3. tero, I would like to know more about the Finnish army. Many years of reading about WWII has taught me to take most accounts with a grain of salt (I must admit now reading mostly German accounts.) Unlike the most vocal here I prefer the human element of WWII and prefer the human element of the moment to the unit # and div x was 'here or there' which reminds me of a person memorising some boring baseball stat as opposed to the feel of an individual caught in a life and death struggle. If you could point me in the direction on the Finnish soldiers version of the war I would appreciate it.

  4. Seanachai:

    Post like a man, lad, or lie down and ask people to wipe their boots on you. Now is the time when all true Peng Threaders must come to the aid of the Thread. Selah.

    DekeFentle has brought about a cry for help in the Peng thread hehe....No one is listening old Pengers... your wit has dried up as fast as you portfolios. In less time than the market you have lost the grasp of "Pang" taunt, challenge and destroy by wit before key hits stroke (K.I.S.S.). Old Pengers Hug that last share of "e-toys" as you did your first Penny stock.............. I am merely the messenger

  5. As I said (in a much better thread) I would read this crap (yes this new thread is crap) except for DekeFentle who has clearly bested the lot of you in wit a verbose. Who are the court jesters? Taunt one of you... na you have proven the true master of this thread DekeFentle. I would dare say a match for "Peng" himself. All of you trembling in his shadow have exposed yourselves as truly "inadequate".......(squash)

  6. I have for the first time read the Peng thread...maybe it was the title that enticed me like a Siren's call into this filth that you call "Peng" (tropical sunsets, willing Island girls, Maitais by the rolling surf.) Far from finding an Island sanctuary I find pungent vulgarities- nothing more than putrid psittacism. I'm sure if you jellyfish were exposed to the light of day it would reveal a decrepit group of old men containing no spine but a barely perceptible heart pumping a bile and filth that should never be cloaked in such a soothing air of "Peng in Paradise". I now find that I can spell a few obscure words, but my CM game has been severely affected for the worse.... How I despise the written word and the group called Peng.

    P.S Though I don't carry the heavy burden of a bulging verbal post-orbital ridge that each of you caresses like a badge of honor(sik). You can be sure that I will now be a frequent reader of "Peng" like a prepubescent teen that can not resist a peek at what is naughty and sure to corrupt....I must admit that I am not yet old enough to try some of the things so graphicly described by the more degenerate of your "pinups". Though like liquored up whores I have noticed a propensity to throw yourselves at the first sailor to enter this world called Peng?

  7. I just want to thank jasoncawley@ameritech.net for what was a very enjoyable dissertation on Soviet German strengths, weaknesses and myths that shape Western preconceived notions of the "Clash of Titans".... In the cold war, history was shaped by the same propaganda that prepares nations for the suffering that its current politicians expect to inflict on it's citizens in defense of what is supposed to be a right and just cause against evil regardless of borders and beliefs.

  8. I am ashamed to have taken so much of your time Dan. You give poignant insight into the intricacies of bringing such an astounding product to the market place. Thus the non-criticism of the art that Charles has created (yes, it is more art- like.) I just noticed a change in the brush stroke (again smilie here.) As always, you are a true gentleman.


  9. chrisl, one problem with you observation he did not shot, take evasive action or listen to fire commands for the rest of the game , mg or main gun option were never offered and no display of damage other than 1 crew down (I would hope the loader would fire the mg) I am very keen in differences in game behavior because it is what I do for a living (SQA tester, yes all the crappy games that don't work I have told them they wont work!) I never read Kittys post and am only replying to a Junior Member's observation and subsequent dismissal of his input, .... KwazyDog, you have alwase been a gentleman in the BBS and I respect your request and will see if I can get you the appropriate files.

  10. Sorry, I have to agree with Heathen1. I have never posted a bug or complaint ("why start now you ubergrumbler") BUT I have noticed a BIG difference in 1.1 - at first I chalked up guys sitting in blown up Halftracs as "oh well" or my 20mm Halftracs speeding off to the nearest enemy AT-team and backing up as "bad luck", or deciding to park under 2 story buildings full of enemy infantry shooting at him as "strange grenade envy." BUT (there it is again) I played a PBEM where a Hertzer refused to fire a shot (no a Hertzer is not an ubertank, 4 crew members.) He lost his commander. I understand the pain and suffering so I retire him for a turn or 2 (nice all powerful commander that I am). The long and the short of the story is the Hertzer never fired a shot, not when I tried to run over a MG, not when I targeted smoke, not when he was being targeted by a Piat. I said "oh well, guess I have to change my tactics." Lost 3 games in a row and I haven't lost too many (insert smilie here)......P.S. Matt I seem to remember reading something to the effect "This is the final version..post all bugs to the BBS.." not me..I have no problems and just adapt my tactics but Heathen1 - he is not seeing things.

  11. One topic that I think has been overlooked in this discussion of Radios is that the Germans had throat microphones. I think the importance of this has been overlooked by most Historians. This one invention made communication far superior to anything the Allies had (look at all the pictures you see of German commanders hands free, one ear to listen to commands via radio and one to the battle field. The Allies' microphone would be drowned out by the sounds of battle) Just something that has always fascinated me.

  12. Dr. Brian you might want to "pair" up your AT with a 20mm It works for me. As far as ineffective Ha! I just finished a PBEM where I came up against a Pak front. I killed all his tanks in first few turns and spent the rest trying to find his AT's throwing everything I had at them. I lost 4 Pumas , 2 Hertzer's a Panther, 6 HT's, 2 Stug's and 5 infantry guns. Against a dug in and well placed AT defense all the while dropping art on ther positions and yes smoke to. I finally had to dig them out with infantry.....He only had 7 AT guns

  13. First thing id like to say is that I enjoyed Pilsudski's post. I thought it was well writ and thought out. My only comment is was it they or he? If as correctly pointed out by Pilsudski the zook's buddy is dead next to him this makes His job that much harder. I have come to expect from the game the unexpected just like life.

    jshandorf wrote: I had a bazooka team that was down to 1 crew......I already said that he was OK!.....I mean reloading for the minute and a hlaf it took him to fire NOT A SINGLE unit shot at him......They weren't shocked, pinned, panicked.. nothin. They were hiding previously and they were in command control. They got up aimed and during the whole time NO ONE fired at them. It just seemed like they were taking their sweet time.

    [This message has been edited by Naja (edited 12-23-2000).]

  14. I had the same problem it took me about 2 weeks to figure it out and I cant remember if it was an ATI upgrade that fixed the problem or one of my extensions (sorry I'm not more help except to tell you that it is fixable) first thing to do is go to "puremac.com" and update all your drivers sprockets,ATI,quicklime,system 9.04 etc I hope some one more knowledgeable than me can help you.

  15. Thanks, M.Bates. I have A Yahoo! account, and tried to set up my first PBEM account not 3 minutes before reading your post and thought what the hell is this? Please note that all I do for 8 hours a day is test games, websites, browsers - only to tell these turkey programmers in "Bugzilla": "Your sight needs to be fixed after only 5 minutes of testing." Also note that CM would be wasting its money having our lab testing its game: almost perfect.

    1. Sign on to "bla bla bla.com"

    2. Click on [new member]

    3. Fill out information fields

    4. Note the following error message "bla bla"

    (I talk to the programmers like they're five-year-olds so as not to offend them. Otherwise they won't fix the problem.)

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