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Posts posted by Mikael

  1. Hmmm... Desantnik, when you say it took the Germans a year to take Sevastopol and it only took the Russians two weeks, be aware that you're comparing an apple with a cherry. When Manstein's 11. Army attacked the Crimea peninsula it was around Oct-Nov 1941. Due to the winter and the strength of the Russian garrison he didn't launch any attack on Sebastopol itself until the spring. Then when he did purposely assault the city, he took it in a few weks, against very strong opposition(I think the Soviets had like 10 fortresses on the mountains surrounding the city). WHereas the Red Army, when it took Sebastopol a couple years later, had overwhelming odds and the Germans hadn't had any time to prepare solid defenses as much as the Soviets had done before.

  2. Any chance of including inaccurate or incomplete maps, maybe as an option? On the Eastern Front especially, the commanders' maps were often sub-par. I find it unrealistic in CM to know every inch of the battlefield, even as the attacker, when the battle begins. And no, I don't want to play with Franco's True Combat Rules! I'm not quite a masochist yet! Only half-masochist! tongue.gif

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