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Posts posted by Mikael

  1. An interesting proposal but unfortunately I think it would flood the game with too much complexity. Sure, this would bring more realism, and sure, it would promote more skill, and sure, it would be fun, but... eventually this would force too much micromanagement. Ideally you'd have an intelligent AI that changes the formation when appropriate, for example when entering houses, forests... But this is not possible right now I guess.

  2. I recently read a book about the SS Freiwilligen Legion "Flandern" and I clearly remember an episode where the Russians were preparing a massive attack and a company commander, desperate to get info (because he had experience of Russian maskirovka measures), asked a patrol to go out and get some Russian prisoners. The 5 man patrol approached the Russian lines at night (and thick fog too I believe), sneaked close to an isolated guard and KOed him with a rifle's butt. Then they dragged the body back to German lines. The patrol lost 1 man and another was wounded in the process.

  3. I feel there is a huge difference between a company sized engagement and a battalion sized one. Or rather, between a game played on a small map and a game played on a large map.

    In the first case, one single mistake, like rushing a turn or two too soon, or positioning one AT gun badly, can cost you the game. Similarly, just one spell of bad luck can have devastating effects.

    Whereas larger battles, where the maps are at least 1km on each side, mostly consist in several small independant engagements that aren't directly linked to each other. For example, on the left flank you might be attacking a village with a company, and the nearest friendly forces might be located up to 600 meters away, advancing through a forest. So, if one of these small engagements turns out badly, it isn't such a big deal for the big picture.

    As a general rule I'd say the better players win more often in large battles than they do in smaller battles.

    Also, when it comes to the type of tactics used, smaller battles tend unfortunately to turn into slugfests, wars of attrition, of firepower versus firepower, and the biggest firepower wins. In larger battles the art of maneuver, of making wide sweeps down the flanks for example, becomes much more crucial.

  4. Excellent suggestions. If BTS wants to improve something, it has to be the infantry. I'll also add that the Tactical AI can seem pretty dumb in close combat situations. Once I had an enemy tank get stuck in a hedge, 5-10 meters from two of my squads. IIRC they even had Panzerfausts. Well, guess what. They spent 2 minutes just firing their small arms at the tank, and taking 4 or 5 casualties in the process. A smarter AI would have either used its panzerfausts or assaulted the tank... And they were veteran troops BTW.

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