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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. You used a mortar barrage on three or four panicky, possibly broken survivors?

    Don't you think that's a little bit much, Zsa Zsa? Why'd you choose the 81? Because anything larger would have taken way too long, and you Just. Couldn't. Wait!

    And don't worry about the set up.

    You're on the list.

    Poor Boo...poor, poor, uneducated Boo. If you had anymore experience with CMBN you might have just a teeny clue that arty barrages take anywhere from 4-6 minutes to land, give or take.

    It is not possible that I could have ordered the barrage AND have it land within the 20 seconds or so that Speedy's banzai charge took to be decimated and routed. It was more luck that the barrage which was intended to prevent his troops advancing actually caught them in the midst of a wild retreat. But I shouldn't expect you to know that, what with you being more of a CMBD (Combat Mission Beyond Dorset) kind of guy.

  2. Speedy has cleverly removed an entire squad of his by ingeniously running them into the most murderous crossfire from hell that i've seen in this game to date. The 3 or 4 survivors then retreated into my sneeksy 81mm arty barrage and I think I saw one left at turns end...sheer brilliance.

    This will put me 3-0 in the Cesspool CMBN stakes, no wonder Boo hesitates to send a setup.

  3. Before Stuka can post here with wild claims of how he soundly defeated me in our latest battle, I am here to present the truth, and to give a fair account of what actually happened.

    I have requested as ceasefire, as my conscript OST Truppen have done their best, and can no longer hold off the hordes of Elite Para-Rangers that have surrounded them.

    After constant pounding by naval gunfire and mortars forced my conscripts from their prepared positions, they could no longer mount a credible defense against the overwhelming force that is facing them.

    Perhaps we can live to fight another day, eh Ivan?

    Wild claims? WILD CLAIMS?? Whats all this about naval artillery? You think my 60mm spit wads were naval artillery? Perhaps you meant navel? They are small enough to be popped out of a belly button I suppose, but the good thing is you were still scared by them.

    I like the sound of the 'overwhelming force' bit too, seeing as I had maybe 2 or 3 split squads and a couple of ammo bearer teams running hither and yon. Maybe your Ost Truppen were routed by the green question marks?

    Anyhoos, it seems pointless to play with conscripts, they appear to have all the moral backbone and intestinal fortitude of a fully enraged, fanatical Emrys-beast.

    No wonder you lost.

  4. Stuka, we may need to rethink this Overlord status if you can't even properly smack around your yappy bird SSN countryman.

    Oh don't worry, Maggie will get his due rewards. I'll put him in charge of Ohio or something, that ought to smarten up his ideas.

    People, People, People...and Emrys, although I am Uber Overlord of the ex-USA and have now absorbed those territories into the greater UAE it is no '4th Reich' I am creating, there will be no jackboots on Madison avenue let me assure you. Life will go on as normal. King O will remain, old glory will remain...your grey little lives will continue in hut dworg eating competitions and crack-fueled driveby shootings.

    But the changes will be subtle. When the King O administration does something that makes you wonder, know that the hand on the tiller is mine own. When the foreign policy doesn't quite fit with the traditional 'bomb them until they're our freinds' pattern of yore, know that it is kind old Unca Stukey bestowing his will upon the war-mongerers. The changes will be insidious but unavoidable, as i've mentioned, starting in the schools the curriculum will change to ensure 'Oz-speak' replaces 'merkin-babble. Then one day the jellied peanut butter will disappear from the supermarket shelves but Vegemite will be available and you'll bloody well like it too. Slowly but shirly the integration into the UAE will gather pace until the day comes when the flag over the White House is that of the Southern Cross and most likely no-one will notice that anything has changed.

    You see how nice an Unca Stukey annexation can be? So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

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