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Posts posted by Jochen2

  1. Germany lost the war in a combination of several things, mentiond here above. At least the absolutely stupid decissions of Hitler made the well started war in a massakre against the germans and against the thousands of civilians, who were killed by german troops.

    I read above, that if germany would have sign a peacetreaty, the naziparty would be still in position in germany today - i don´t believe that, cause there was a lot of disappointment even in the german high command, wich led some officers to kill hitler (Oberst Graf von Staufenberg) but they failed. A lot of old grandpas, i spoke to, said to me, that they were all fighting against the russians, cause everybody knew their barbaric behaviour against german civilians (by order!!!). So, a lot of german soldiers said, let us win against the sovjets, and then we will clean up our home country.

    (Sorry, my english isn´t the best today)

    Greetings from Germany


  2. Will it come really true???

    The game will be shipped. I waited since the beginning of this year - and i´m so happy now.

    Not only, that this game is making my dreams come true, not only, that i found in this forum a very nice community, not only, that my girlfriend is forced every weekend now to visist a panzermuseum.... öäähm - there is a company out there, who will stay independent, who believed in what they were doing, and they are the best i ever seen. Support, reaction times, answers to my individual questions - really good!

    BTS, i wish you all success and money you need - go on with your fine work.

    Many lucky greetings from Germany to all folks here! (my the game arrive in time!!)


  3. Steve said the right thing - there is a much better feeling than in any other wargame, when you wipe out the AI.

    There are still many surprises and individual situations, EVERY TIME i play CE. And this is only ONE Scenario. So, what will be with all the other scenarios included in CM? It is fantastic!!!!!



  4. Hey, i had this expirience in Ce once.

    A Sherman was shot immobil by my Schreck in the church. The Sherm was standing only 30m in front of the first house in front of the church. My Schreck was killed by the Sherm using his MG.

    I ordered two squads (one green, one regular) to run into that house, to take the Sherman out with their fausts. The first unit arriving was the green one. They get MG fire by the Sherm and didn´t managed to use their fausts. I was disapointed, and thought, that the use of fausts would be still not good enough. Suddenly my regular squad crawled to the left side of the house (there wasn´t enough room inside of it) and took the Sherman out with their panzerfaust. Yuppieeeeee!

    I think this realistic! Green troops are very nervous and fail to use their fausts even under light fire.


  5. Last night i played CE as Germans. My tactic is to bring 2 StuGs in position on the Southend of the street leading to the north. I try with this maneuver to outflank the progressing Shermans. My StuGs are protected by the first Company of Volksgreandiers (6 platoons with full manpower).

    As expected, the Shermans are approaching with the scattered trees to their right on the little hill right to the street, leading into the little village. Suddenly my Stugs beginn to outtake the first Sherman. He is knocked out and burning. Another Sherman is knocked out. And now it comes:

    The third Sherman is targeted by my two Stugs. I think, he will step back to get cover by the scatterd trees, but, he is fast moving toward the burning Sherman - silly, isn´t he? But suddenly i notice, that he tries to get cover by the smoke of the wrack. And this really was succesfull, my StuGs lost LOS and the Sherman is sitting behind the burning wrack, shelling my infanterie in the forest at the north-west hill.

    Hey, that´s really cool. Amazing AI. I´m really impressed.

    My compliments to BTS.

    BTW, my score in this battle was the best i ever had: German 92 to US 8. Only 36 casualties on German side (11 KIA), 186 casualties on US side (50 KIA).

    In most cases i win against the AI, but it´s really funny to see, how "intelligent" the AI tries to plan his attacks - like a human being.

    O.k., thats enough know - nothing new to you all, but, you know, sometimes there is a need to write about such battles.

    Greetings from Germany


  6. I sent two weeks before an E-Mail to BTS, asking, if there is any possibility to ensure, that the game will arrive "in time" in germany.

    I couln´t believe it, they answered me - what a good customer support.

    I´m so frightened about the shipping to germany, ´cause once i ordered "Age of Wonders" from US. It arrived with FedEx in 1 week. The strategic guide, wich was sent by "average Mail", NEVER ARRIVED!!!!!!!

    I don´t care about the shipping costs at all (no, i´m no rich man at all) but, i waaaant to have this game for sure in my hands.

    So, i´m looking forward, that everything goes well, and the shipping to germany will work properly.



  7. In most cases, when the tanks use their smokeammo, the rest of my troops is so low on ammo, that i was always very happy, that the tanks blocked the LOSs of the enemy.

    I think it´s a good solution, until the smokefiring unit remains on the battlefield. If you are angry about their smokeusing remove them, or put them out of LOS ... perhaps this could help.


  8. Yeah! - I mean not to hate those who are lucky enough to get it before me, but i hate not be able to communicate, cause i don´t have the game and be forced to wait.

    Don´t worry, there are enough scenarios, that you won´t be able to remember every single spoiler information.

    Ceep your head up!

    Greetings to all


  9. Nobody could have explain those feelings better!

    Just remember the horror, when the forum was down. Did´t know what to do ...., playing the Demo again, find a few new things to ask, try to have a look in the forum - nothing, nothing, nothing ....

    Go downstairs to have a look at my postcase, is CM arrived - no, it isn´t, going upstairs, playing demo.................

    Hmmm, sometimes i think of myself, that something is going wrong with me.


  10. Hi Blackhorse!

    Whuuu, a very traditional military family - you are in.

    Funny thing, my grandfather fought in the "Prinz Eugen" Waffen-SS Division. He was forced to go to the army by his "free will". All Germans, who lived outside The Reich, as "Volksdeutsche", (near to Hungary Austria and Yougoslawia), were by their "own will" at the Waffen-SS. He fought against partisans in Yougoslawia and at the end of the war against the US. He was a POW under american forces and was sent to the yougoslawians, he came back from them in 1955 as an ill and broken man. He always told me, never to go to the army - but, perhaps because of that, i was very interested in all military things.

    In my family i am to only one, who likes the army, so i am very happy to find people in this forum, who think in the same way, as i do - what a good feeling.

    O.k. - thats enough now.

    Greetings to all


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