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Posts posted by Mikester

  1. I have 2 simple questions. I'm getting geared up to buy new PC and have to figure out what Windows O/S to put on it.

    1) Both CMBO and CMBB list Win XP as acceptable O/S to play game on. Ok, great! What I cannot find anywhere, however, is *** WHICH *** version of XP are you referring to? In other words will it work both on XP Home Edition and also XP Professional Edition, or just the Home one? I'm assuming it's both, but absolutely need to know that for sure.

    2) Have all the kinks with XP and nVidia drivers (looking to get nVidia video card) been worked out? Sounds like in large part they have from what BTS is saying. Reason I ask is alternative to going w/ XP (home or Professional) is to get Win2000 instead.



  2. Was talking to my sister last night and she said last week she saw on TV show they were showing demo of a first person shooter (arrgghhh... I know) game that was supposedly loosely based on D-Day and Saving Private Ryan movie and had Steven Spielbergs name mentioned in association with the game. Does anyone know anything about this game? Is it out, is it still in development, where can find out more details about it, etc.? I'm not real big into 1st person shooters, but she said this looked pretty cool and mentioned it to me as she knows I'm totally into wargames. Thanks.

    Mikester out.

  3. I still have the additional info regarding Panther introduction dates and some snapshots in time of actual tanks on hand referenced to certain dates I mentioned in the previous thread from the Nafziger book if BTS is interested. As I said there, it's broken down by Panzer Division. So I need to know which Panzer Div's were on the Eastern front during the time frame of interest ( mid-late 43 to early 44 ) that they wish to find out about. Steve/BTS, if you want you can also email me directly and I'll put the info together and send it to you. Or, can post it here.



    aka Mike D

  4. More info......

    Charles Sharp lists following in "German Panzer Tactics in WWII"....

    Information below is from chart on page 71 and is prefaced by:

    "The schedule of Panther units reaching the front line units in 1943 and 1st half of 1944 was as follows:"

    Note: Dates shown are listed in chart under heading, "Month to the Front"

    I Bn, 2nd SS Panzer Regt | Aug 43 | 71 Panthers

    II Bn, 23rd Panzer Regt | Sep 43 | 96 Panthers

    I Bn, 2nd Panzer Regt | Oct 43 | 71 Panthers

    I Bn, 1st Panzer Regt | Nov 43 | 76 Panthers

    I Bn, 1st SS Panzer Regt | Nov 43 | 96 Panthers

    I Bn, 26th Panzer Regt | Jan 44 | 76 Panthers

    I Bn, 11th Panzer Regt | Mar 44 | 79 Panthers

    II Bn, 5th SS Panzer Regt | Apr 44 | 79 Panthers

    I Bn, 31st Panzer Regt | Jun 44 | 79 Panthers

    I Bn, 35th Panzer Regt | Jun 44 | 79 Panthers


    On page 72, there is another chart (only Panther data shown here) prefaced by following:

    "The chart below gives the tank strength by types actually assigned to German units on the first day of each monthing (indicated) from 1 July 43 to 1 October 44:"

    Date # Pz. V's

    ---- ---------

    1 Jul 43 = 428

    1 Aug 43 = 524

    1 Sep 43 = 601

    1 Oct 43 = 675

    1 Nov 43 = 783

    1 Dec 43 = 912

    1 Jan 44 = 1084

    1 Feb 44 = 1205

    1 Mar 44 = 1339

    1 Apr 44 = 1617

    1 May 44 = 1649

    1 Jun 44 = 1898

    1 Jul 44 = 2105

    1 Aug 44 = 2167

    1 Sep 44 = 2160

    1 Oct 44 = 1794

    I assume by "stength" above they mean actual combat strength deployed on that date. Unfortunately, this appears to be for all active theatres (i.e. not just Eastern Front). Still, gives you some idea of general availability of the Panther Pz. Mk. V over time.

    Hope this helps.

    Mikester out.

  5. Hey,

    I have a copy of Nafziger's "The German Order of Battle, Panzers and Artillery in WWII".

    This book gives, some pretty exacting details on OOB's for all German Panzer Regiments in WWII along with some snapshots in time (i.e. on a specific date) what actual units strenths were in terms of operational tanks by model. This sounds like what you are looking for (at least should be able to provide you with some data points).

    If you can tell me which Panzer Divisions were stationed on the Eastern Front that you are interested in, I'll look up whatever info they list for each.



  6. Hey folks,

    Been running CM from day 1 on my PIII-500 under Win98SE and never had a problem. Looking to get new computer and I'm trying to determine what problems / issues people have had playing CM and Other Games under Win ME or 2000? I see the CM specs now show that the game supports ME/2000 OS's just wondering what issues there might be lurking out there for the unwary.

    Thanks in advancd,

    Mike D

    aka Mikester

  7. To Steve/Charles/Other(s) who can help me understand.

    This has probably been covered somewhere, perhaps not. Either way, I don't want to go searching for it (most of the time I do by the way) so a "simple" answer woudld be appreciated. What I'm trying to ascertain/understand is how to interpret some of the info provided to us in the unit details screen.

    Take the following hypothetical information from the unit detail screens of tanks A and B and the situation where tank A is firing at tank B at a range of 1000 m and hits tank B's front upper hull. Both tanks are directly facing each other so there is no "side" angle involoved (i.e. that would further increase tank B's equivalent armor thickness beyond that described below). I'm also "assuming" no arc to the flight of the projectile (something the game actually does take into account I believe), etc. (may or may not be a good assumption)

    Tank A:

    AP Gun penetration value at 1000m of 112mm (equivalent armor value where shot strikes armor completely perpendicular to the plane of the plate?)

    Tank B:

    Front upper hull shows armor value of 95mm at an angle/slope (I'm assuming measured from the vertical) of 40 degrees.


    How do I know if this shot will generally penetrate tank B's front armor or not? If I look at the 112mm gun penetration value vs. the 95mm of actual armor thickness it would "appear" that it does penetrate.

    But then this doesn't take into account the 40 deg. of angle to the armor which increases the equivalent armor thickness to just over 124mm. Which when compared to 112mm gun penetration value would seem to indicate a "non-penetration".

    All replies / discussion are welcome and appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.



  8. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Steve, Charles, and the entire BTS team for bringing us TCP/IP. It is great to see this addition to the game coming out and in addition, to also see features such as the timer and ability to switch back and forth between TCP/IP to email format and then back again once a game has been started. All features which myself and others have asked for many moons now to be included as part of the patch. Great work guys, I can't wait to try it out.

    Mike D

    aka Mikester

  9. Actually Kingfish, this was discussed quite some time ago. As I recall it was stated that some aircraft carried a single bomb while others had two. Some of the ones that had 2 also had pilot control over whether 1 or both were dropped at the same time. I'll see if I can find the thread. But either way, what you've been seeing certainly sounds like 2 FB's to me, not 1.


  10. Hey Tom,

    Seems whatever optics that were in my Panzer that clocked your Sherman(?) last night at 1400+ meters seemed to be working just fine. And on the first shot no less, on a target that had just stopped moving. wink.gif (actually, I think I got really lucky to tell you the truth)

    I'd actually be interested in hearing more about this subject as well. It is pretty much a known fact that the German optics were generally better than the allied ones. Is there any test data the allies generated based on captured vehicles comparing the two, etc.?

    Mike D

    aka Mikester

    [This message has been edited by Mikester (edited 08-23-2000).]

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