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Posts posted by Howdie

  1. What i was driving at is can I go through my own mine firld easier since in theory i placed the mines and i guess would have a map. I am referring to VOD and a counter attack. I wanted to pursue a retreating enemy and got bogged down in my own mine field and wire. Do ya thing I should be able to traverse my own mine field faster and with less damage than an enemy could?

  2. Dear Big Time Software:

    First let me say that you all have created a great game. However, I am a little concerned about your ability to deliver. I have e-mailed "Steve" several times in regard to the purchase of your game. You see, I desired to pay for your game by check and received payment instructions on how to do so. As part of those instructions, I was instructed to include my e-mail address so that I would be notified when the payment was received.

    That was some time ago. Since then, the check has cleared my account and I have not yet recieved the promised e-mail. In addition, I have emailed "Steve" several times requesting a confirmation and have not yet received a response.

    I am an old geezer, and must admit that I have had some concern when ordering a product over the internet. Please do not confirm my worst fears. Could you please ally these fears with a responce instructine me as to how I can confirm my order and some time frame in which I could expect to receive my purchase

    Thank you in advance for your prompt response.

    were to include my e-mail address received payment instructions

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