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Everything posted by Howdie

  1. Maybe thats cause the CD hasn't been delivered yet. Made ya look didn't I. And I bet ya were a bit jealous also. HA!
  2. What i was driving at is can I go through my own mine firld easier since in theory i placed the mines and i guess would have a map. I am referring to VOD and a counter attack. I wanted to pursue a retreating enemy and got bogged down in my own mine field and wire. Do ya thing I should be able to traverse my own mine field faster and with less damage than an enemy could?
  3. Can you advance through your own mine field with immunity or at least without harm and faster than the enemy?
  4. Will the game have rocket launchers? I think the jargon was screamin meamies?
  5. Steve, T Thanx for the quick response here on the board which is a good enough confirmation for me.
  6. Dear Big Time Software: First let me say that you all have created a great game. However, I am a little concerned about your ability to deliver. I have e-mailed "Steve" several times in regard to the purchase of your game. You see, I desired to pay for your game by check and received payment instructions on how to do so. As part of those instructions, I was instructed to include my e-mail address so that I would be notified when the payment was received. That was some time ago. Since then, the check has cleared my account and I have not yet recieved the promised e-mail. In addition, I have emailed "Steve" several times requesting a confirmation and have not yet received a response. I am an old geezer, and must admit that I have had some concern when ordering a product over the internet. Please do not confirm my worst fears. Could you please ally these fears with a responce instructine me as to how I can confirm my order and some time frame in which I could expect to receive my purchase Thank you in advance for your prompt response. were to include my e-mail address received payment instructions
  7. I posted this site befoe but wanted to make sure you all saw it. www.normandy.eb.com. Its a great site. Leave a note as to what ya think of it. Its a great tribute to those D-Day vets.
  8. Go to www.broadcast.com/books/history/thesecondworldwarpart1_492.html, Its a great book.
  9. If i go to the "hot Key" screen and then back to the main screen, the objective flags loose their insignia.
  10. If you want a little background before the release of CM. And, since the scenarios take place after D-Day, check out this site www.normandy.eb.com. It takes a second or 2 to load, but its well worth it. This should gear us all up for the drive to Berlin.
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