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Jimmy 4 Eyes

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Posts posted by Jimmy 4 Eyes

  1. Darstand

    I will take the Allies in CE I can play at least one a day in the evening.. I am in Washington state. I will however be gone Friday thru Mon this weekend but after that I will be back on track. If you interested set it up and send it to me jim.e.nelson@gte.net

    I assume by meaning the preorder is in that you have ordered but not received the full game.. if you have the full game I don't (didn't think it had shipped yet)

    [This message has been edited by Jimmy 4 Eyes (edited 06-07-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Jimmy 4 Eyes (edited 06-07-2000).]

  2. That was great.........unfortunately I got carried away and read it to my girlfriend not only did she not get it, but then I had to explain that there was a full version game coming with many more oppurtunities for me to be at the computer......

    In the end she shook her head and said something that I can not type.

  3. It has been a long time but I went on trip with a friend and his family. His grandfather had died in the D-day invasion. He was buried there and that was the first time father and grandson had a chance to see his gravestone. The cemetery itself was a somber reminder of the sacrifices made in this pivotal invasion. We went without a guide,but there was no need as the stories are written in the old buildings and beaches. It was a very strange feeling standing on the beaches and looking up at the bluffs and imagining how much it must it must have taken to face the enemy while being nearly totally exposed.

  4. I will agree with that. I have lost way to much in games where i was focused on getting to the flags. I am slowly realizing that I just need to use my men to fight my opponent rather than trying to move on the flags.

    Just wish I had figured it out earlier because against a live opponent I have been getting the short end....

  5. i have had a similiar but worse (in my opinion) situation. I had a schreck targeting an infantry unit in VoT and the unit charged some men in a foxhole. The schreck was back aways and got off three rounds into my own troops causing them to panic and leave the foxhole where they were cut down. It was painful to watch and I wanted to find the orders button way before the turn was over. Realistic but ugly

  6. I had the same thing happen in VoT when I had a 105 targeting a pillbox on about the fourth shot the round skipped off the front and set the front and the trees alongside of it on fire... it was very cool to watch and there was no delay as the crew bailed right away. Needless to say that my opponent (TeAcH) was not overly exited about the fire.

    For the record he still beat me...

  7. I don't know if it was luck. But when playing against the AI I placed my spotters slightly down the slope and as close the a tree as I could and still keep their LOS. I did most of this setup in in the ground level view screen and the AI never fired on them for the entire game. Oh and I also hid them until I was ready to use them. I don't know if it was the hiding and the units being distracted by other movement or the placement that really helped, but I have found that anytime I leave a unit static at the start I move and place them carefully with the ground level view.

  8. This is the first post I wish I had not read... I have been counting the days and now I will have to add at least 7. I think I would have rather have not read this and checked my mail box every day knowing that the next day it would be there.

    Oh well, i can work on refining my strategies and understanding of the game and its tactics...

  9. Not in the league of many of the computer guru's. I am a Detective for a suburban police department. Fairly new to the computerized war games.. but lover of the strategy board games. I am currently trying to make up for lost time by playing this game every free moment!!!

  10. I am not sure that the AI acting proatively and the AI having an idea where the unseen enemy is are at all the same thing. Asking the AI to read a map and see the likely avenues of approach and strategic attack/defense positions is one thing, but having code written it to tell the AI how to react to each of these situations is entirely another.

    I think even in human opponents this is such a variable thing that it would be nearly impossible to have the AI act to the unseen, but almost any human with limited experience and training can at least start to recognize the set up and I think the AI mimics this quite well.

    I guess in short I dont think that this was overstated at all I think this game is exactly as advertised if not a whole lot more.

  11. Are there any units better at accuracy with sounds contacts.. i.e. green vs. veteran? Has anyone had any luck at all with targeting sound contacts? I know the game is high speed but does the terrain effect these (like bouncing off hills or building?) Lots of questions and no answers.


    Jimmy 4 Eyes

  12. I am now feeling a little guilty about my other post on the crew not going back to their guns... but that is not really an AI issue anyways.

    Just wanted to say that this game is great. I am somewhat of a cross over wargamer as I used to mainly play the action "big money" games. So this game is even converting some of us instant action types.

    Anyways, keep up the work and get that game shipped... i am waiting very patiently (not)!!!!

  13. Thanks for all the debate on this question. I can see the point about this being a single firefight, but i still think as Mike D stated that when it happens early in a 35 minute battle (like the first 5 turns) that a crew which senses the dire situation (seeing their comrades being destroyed) could act somewhat heroically and reman their gun. When they and the gun have been ignored for 15 minutes why could they not go back... like i said with a command unit maybe moving in and giving them some positive reinforcement :] (i dont know how to use those yellow smilies).

    In this case in VoT the germans still had solid control of the area around the 150mm. I have never been in combat, but I was in the Marines and have heard countless stories and documentaries on the courageous acts of many Marines, Soldiers... I find it hard to believe that this just can absolutely not happen in this game.

    I guess my second question would be would it be possible to show more detail on the reason for the abandonment (such as abandoned gun damaged or abandoned gun functional)?

    Many of the replies to this were showing the difference between this single fight and the actual continuing action battles. I clearly understand that difference but still have to disagree about the crew leaving a perfectly good gun under fire and then having absolutely no chance of returning.

    If the gun shows some damage then of course it can't be fixed in this situation, but as of now the game isn't telling me that.

  14. I have been playing the valley I am wondering why when playing as the Germans using the 150mm that when the inevitable bombardment comes from the American's arty that after my crew panicks and runs away they can't come back and operate the gun one the are "unpanicked". I could understand if the gun was damaged, but in this case there was never any direct shelling of the gun just close enough to scare my crew away. I was thinking that if the gun had some type of abandoned but undamaged then if the crew could be recooped and maybe a command unit could inspire them to go back to the gun they could rock and roll.

    Anyways, overall the game is great and I can't wait till receive the full version.

    [This message has been edited by Jimmy 4 Eyes (edited 05-25-2000).]

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