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Everything posted by Tankgirl

  1. Hi all, Yeah, i like the idea of maybe modifying some of the existing troops, it's good that you can do that and make .wav mods. I'll look into that later, when i get the full version. As far was the eastern front goes there seems to be real debate. I think they should be model personally, especially with some female troops. Besides it would add more interest to more people and could be consistent with the commitment to historical accuracy. --- "Snowpants are sexy!" http://www.geocities.com/wildhippychik/whp.htm
  2. Hi Ales, Well, I'm sure the Germans thought of them that way. Weather they were or not depends on your POV, I guess. I agree with you, I don't think they were "terrorists". I was just merely commenting that we might call them terrorists if it suited us. Like we do with Hizbollah. --- "Snowpants are sexy!" http://www.geocities.com/wildhippychik/whp.htm
  3. Hi Pulse, Yeah, that's what I read, but also that they were being supplied by the U.S., and I think maybe one or two other western allies. --- "Snowpants are sexy!" http://www.geocities.com/wildhippychik/whp.htm
  4. Hi all, Well I'm with Xavier, I think that it would be really good if we could have partisans. I'm not sure if you could do it yourself with scenarios and mods. Is that possible, or is it important that the units are supported in the game proper? --- "Snowpants are sexy!" http://www.geocities.com/wildhippychik/whp.htm
  5. I was reading about why partisans are not modeled, but wouldn't it be better if we had some partisan unites to put on some of the create your own battles, like where they help press an attack etc. Especially in the east front version. My main interest is that then we could have some WOMAN commanders, as i read there were some in France and Russia. Would that be so bad!? I'd even do the wav files. Whoo hoo! P.S. Incidentally, I was reading the other day the western allies had partisan units (what we would call terrorists) operation inside the S.U. into the early 60's. P.P.S. After all those e-mails i only have one demo game going, so can play one more. --- "Snowpants are sexy!" http://www.geocities.com/wildhippychik/whp.htm
  6. Thanks for all the responses, i got a few e-mails now and I'll respond tonight to get a couple games going. Thanks for the advice on the forms etc. to all who were helpful. I have a few more questions about the game in general. But I'll do a search first. --- "Snowpants are sexy!" http://www.geocities.com/wildhippychik/whp.htm
  7. Shatner was born and raised in Montreal. He was a Shakespearian actor before going down south. Also Joni Mitchell, Sarah McLaughlan, Celine Dion, Alanis Morrisette, K.D. Lang etc...all with different accents from different regions, or no accent at all. --- "Snowpants are sexy!" http://www.geocities.com/wildhippychik/whp.htm
  8. Hi all, Everyone has the full version? Blah *hangs her head and sulks* Well if anyone is new like me, just let me know "Snowpants are sexy"
  9. Hi all, I thought you could play the demo over e-mail? Oh, and where is the opponent finder?
  10. I'm a lesbian and that pic was taken in the 1940's, hehe, I'm really am a dyke though, so DON'T BOTHER. Just a game or two please.
  11. Hi all, I tried to play the demo over the internet once but had some technical difficulties. Now I've got a new puter. So does anyone want to play? Huh?! I'll kick your ass! lol Or try to anyway... --- "Snowpants are sexy!" http://www.geocities.com/wildhippychik/whp.htm
  12. Hi all, I tried to play the demo over the internet once but had some technical difficulties. Now I've got a new puter. So does anyone want to play? Huh?! I'll kick your ass! lol Or try to anyway... --- "Snowpants are sexy!" http://www.geocities.com/wildhippychik/whp.htm
  13. Yeah, I was just trying to get a few people interested in a good tussle, I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings-sorry Lewis. (You big baby) lol OK, I'm having a good time playing, just started a couple games and having a couple problems...I'll see if I can figure it out first before I come boo hooing here. Oh, and some Macho man from Argentina warned me that I was entering testosterone zone, if he loses does he get deported?
  14. Hey there again, thanks for the responses! I've been having problems with my mail off and on so I was wondering if I could get a ICQ game going...can respond at least a move a day i think. I'm also in tonight with a bit of a hangover if anyone wants to play. I can fit in one or two more. Oh and if you are one of the two people I responded to, you can ICQ your move too. E-mail if you must...blah Tankgirl out! ICQ: 64988490
  15. Hey ladies and losers, I just got the demo, anyone want to play Valley of trouble? The puter is to stupid to play, but the game is really fun so I need one of you dorks for a challenge...lol! Say is there a way you can customize the Allies tanks? I'd like to be able to colour mine and stuff. Anyhoo...let me know. Oh! And why can't you buy this in the store, it's pretty good, it might sell a few copies. Does papa really get a extra pair fo shoes this way? Cheers all
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