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Posts posted by ThomasZ

  1. I have seen the behavior Airbone is speaking of. You should be able to replicate it by setting up a QB win an AI controled 88Flak, some allied infantry and an allied FO to call in the smoke.

    Get the infantry in view of the gun about a turn ahead of the incoming rounds. After the rounds start to fall on the 88 watch the area of your now battered infantry. You should see a few smoke rounds start to appear.

  2. Well here is an odd one.. I install the patch and suddenly the main menu screen keeps prompting for the CD rom (which is in the drive). I remove the .exe from the patch and I don't have this problem (in other words the game seems to find the CD and plays fine)

    Any thoughts? I'd really like to play the patched version of CM.

  3. Imagine it my friends, a night mission, a small squad of german soldiers equiped with only a pf-60 closes to within 20 meters of an american tank. They move slowly forward in the building till they get a line of sight on the target and fire!

    Now, I don't mind that they missed, it was a desperate plan to be sure, but they CAUGHT THE DAMN BUILDING ON FIRE smile.gif

    I've repeated this course of events 3 or 4 times and though some of you might just say I'm an idiot and should learn from my mistakes I was looking for a more data driven answer to the following questions.

    1. I've fired bazooka's anf Shreks in houses and though the backwash often pins my men as of yet I've had no fires. Is this just luck or do they light buildings on fire less then fausts?

    The buildings in questions were all "light buildings" so that must have an effect.. also, does this ignition problem exist in other model fausts?

    BTW My PBME opponent has GOT to be laughing, for after I miss the tank and mark my position by lighting the building on fire my men do the smart thing and get the hell out of the building, only be be SLAUGHTERED by american MG fire..*sigh*

    PS I've yet a 4th! squad to try this tactic in the coming turns, and I am LOATH to try it without some feedback, it is however my best chance to take out his tank *grin*.

    Please help out if you know something that would help here.

  4. Your very welcome for the Aachen comments, they are very much heart felt. Recently I've not had time for big battles so these smaller battles are most welcome.

    I elected to play the Germans before I read your post but I gave the americans a force bonus, I'll let you know how it goes.

    PS I was surprised the briefing didn't have a recomended side. Is there a reason you felt you didn't want to do this?

  5. So I've recently completed Achen and really loved this small and quick scenario. I played it as the Germans first (which in retrospect may have been a mistake) but had a lot of fun.

    Can anyone provide some advice as to which side is best played first and why? I'm trying to only play each scenario once as I think the games tend to be a lot more fun and the AI more challenging if you do this.

    So I await your collective wisdom.

  6. I have struggled with this one most of the night, am I a bad person either morally or spiritually? Should I be sent back to turn based games and the solutions to enemy opportunity fire (i.e. a light fast cheap unit to draw fire!).

    Here is what happened. I played the Desorby op as the Germans and was soundly defeated on the first day. Bruised by not bloodied I opted for a night attack and reviewed my objectives. The briefing gave conflicting messages. On the one hand the operation is an "Advance" so I know that the key to victory is to get to the edge of the map. On the other hand the briefing says to "take the town" even though their is no victory location there and I know it's SWARMING with Ammie armor.

    Thus my evaluation gives me a strategy. A company of infantry reinforced with armor will advance to contact on the left flank and hold. Once that action begins I will thrust the majority of my force through a gap in the trees on the far far American left.

    The computer had only screening forces out this far (if that) and by the time he noticed the bulk of my force was way over on his flank he had little time to charge tanks out of the town and toward my waiting panthers. The op ended shortly after with a total victory for me as I'd managed to get almost a company of infantry to the far right corner of the map.

    Now ordinarily I'll take any victory I can get. However I can't help but think the AI did something wrong here, and deployed very little to nothing in the forest that my main thrust cut through. I think he was setup to defend the town in force (which makes some sense if you consider the terrain and the operation briefing). Yet I knew I didn't have to take the town to win so I went by.

    What I'm asking here is as follows:

    1. Was my solution "gamey"?

    2. Wouldn't the operation make more sense if their was a victory flag in town? Even better a series of victory flags.

    3. Should this op really be an "advance" since judging from the mission briefing the real goal is to take the town.

    Any an all comments are welcome and I look forward to getting them.

  7. But.....

    I'm playing the team desorby opperation as the Axis, and I'm having some difficulty deciding what course of action to pursue to achieve victory. Can someone who understands better what the goal of an "advance" operation is help me out?

    Should I try to push into the town and take it


    Should I try to bypass the town and reach the end of the map?

    Help me out guys! I know advance ops are all about reaching the end of the map but... can it really be this easy to win?

  8. I've read through the shipping manual (a pleasure so great that I made myself put the book down twice so a to prolong the joy) but I am still confused at to the primary differences between crawling and sneaking.

    I've read on this forum that sneaking is a quick way to get your troops dead. Thoughts?

  9. I admit I've had the church go up in flames (much to my glee as I'd just fled the building in the face of 2 advancing american platoons) but I've also stood my ground in the building and watch as tanks banged away at it in vain, all the while my troops, in relative cover, were able to make quick work of an infantry charge from the trees across the road.

    I guess it's a matter of luck, sometimes it goes up, others it doesn't.

  10. I played chance encounter last night as the Germans with the Americans up 25%. It turned out rather badly for me, in part from bad luck and in part from mistakes. However what I was looking for is a quick discussion of tactics for this map. I figure most of you have PBEM this map to death so you might have some ideas.

    My principal idea in this was a force in the woods on the German right to just hold that, a force of just under 2 platoons right behind the church and in the trees a bit further behind the church, and the rest in a large left hook to flank the American infantry and tanks.

    My flank started well but I think I should have moved up and then set ambushes, as is I wandered into a moving American column. My jerries made a good showing but were mowed down. I setup a small armor ambush on the island of trees just short of the big forest on the allied right, but my stugs got taken out by the Shermans as the came through the light trees and my shreks were VERY unlucky.

    Has anyone tried this strategy. I'm also worried about how to hold the church, my original plan was to let the Americans come and then rush into it (thus saving me from being pummeled by the guns of the Shermans) while my force on the left helped out with flanking fire.

    Any thoughts you guys have would be very interesting to see.

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