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Everything posted by dd

  1. Now I wonder why things might change? Perhaps because people pissed and moaned about it? Never! Fact of the matter is that pissing and moaning does change things and it also allows the end customer (potential) to get things off their chest and feel that at least maybe BF is listening whereas CDV aren't. ITs all part of the PR/CSR circle. If there were no pissing and moaning there wouldnt be a USA and King "Mad-Cow" George LXI would be in charge of a global empire. Absolutely - so why are CDV hampering the sales by mismatched products, skewed release dates and sub-standard manuals? Why isnt there an english language CMBB forum at CDV? Why was the release delayed and why isnt there any plans for the "Bunbdle Pack"? All of these things hurt sales now. One has to remember that saying "its better" is not as good as saying "its much better". I dont want CMBB, i want to buy the bundle pack as i dont have CMBO - but i cant buy it because I live in the UK. CDV arent releasing it (for 6 months) yet i cannot order it from BF. That's 1 sale down allready...would you wait 6 months for a game?
  2. You can only have your time refunded if you send us a cheque for £5.00 and include with it a finger from your left hand to prove you are indeed Seanachai. Please also allow at least 2 weeks for delivery. Remember that for every time-refund we will require another additional original finger.
  3. erm... Activision for one, even Ubi Soft. (edit) Ditto to Mr Dorosh, Activision (UK/Europe) could've done it all far better and on a far more timely basis. Ubi-Soft (UK/Europe, french based) as an alternative and they allready recognise such a thing as "oversized DVD cases" so no need for a cut-down manual either. Need anything more, just shout. [ October 03, 2002, 09:12 AM: Message edited by: dd ]
  4. heck yes...and by the time you guys get CMIII we might see a) the bundle pack of CMBO+CMBB, or even just CMBB if were very lucky and pray to those gods of european marketing and distribution with amazing support and CSR...the one and only, the supreme and magnificent..... CDV! (Who'm 99.9% of europe never heard of and the rest wished they hadn't) /em grins that felt good
  5. Not true - there's an oversized DVD standard that accepts deeper documentation. UBi-Soft and other majors all use it. ITs still DVD sized just deeper... CVD's "excuse" is pure fluff.
  6. Im a freelance games journo so i keep my head down Its not often I even have to pay for games tbh, but it irks me tremendously to see variable standards in games and package offers, just because of regional distributors "whims". Ultimately it hurts the developer also as its rare the player that distinguishes between them and the distributor. /em returns to lurking.
  7. Actually whats more annoying is that there is no European Bundle-Pack of both BO and BB (with proper manuals). If you live in western europe you cant order if from BF but CDV arent releasing it (Apparently not for at least 6 months) Why not? Because they're still pushing the single sales of CMBO and CMBB seperately. So the only way to get cmbo and cmbb WITH a full and proper manual (which is to order if direct from BF) is blocked by CDV. BF obviously cannot comment Officially on this - they simply cannot say "Yes we're freakin' angry as heck!" - even though they undoubtedly are less than "supra la luna" about it... But what can you do? Without having a friendly soul in the US (or elsehwere) who CAN order a proper and complete version without "half arsed manual" or the bundle pack - then you are scupered. As to "What is the purpose of stating this on the BF forums?" - that should be obvious... to try to ensure BF don't get holed in later games with the same shoddy distribution deal. Unfortunately the "Money up front" exclusive distribution deal is hard to refuse... even when you know it WILL pee-off some of your customers. and keeping silent about it remains the best policy for BF - and no i dont blame them for that...just wish they'd chosen almost anybody except CDV as their "partner". The delay isnt an issue - getting a sub-standard copy manual IS. There is no requirment for CDV to issue a single-set DVD jewel case for the game and thus no requirment for a sub standard manual. This is PURELY a choice by CDV to save on packaging costs. There exists NO regulations making DVD cases compulsory, nor on the size of DVD cases for Games. Check out Ubi-Soft DVD (oversized) releases and Atari et al for the "proof". All in all it looks like BF got rather shafted - or rather the European market segment did. And one other reason for posting: Its good stress relief to publically grind an axe.... meanwhile - back to PG2 and WF/EF /em sighs.
  8. Why is it not possible to order the BO/BB bundle pack from europe? CDV (in their ever infinite wisdom and terrible distribution/marketing) don't list it. Will this ever come out?
  9. nope, still generates the same error
  10. Gold Demo generates a PKSFX error "no CE found" any ideas?
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