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Posts posted by Epée

  1. Anybody got Diplomacy, by Hasbro?

    I really love the board game, but honestly, can artificial intelligence get any worse than that on this game? No wonder Squad Leader (also by Hasbro) failed so miserably at even resembling anything fun and enjoyable.

    Gamespot gave it a review score of 4.0. But wait, just checked out the score for Battlecruiser 3000: 2.6

    here is an excerpt:

    "We will probably never know. Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. is now out, and as one of the games with the longest development periods in computer history (seven years), it will go down in legend as the most bug-ridden, unstable, unplayable pieces of software ever released. (And, yes, I'm counting Falcon 3.0 and Patriot.)"

    Seems I was lucky to bypass this one completely!


  2. read this today on www.gamers.com, think it might be of some interest. Does this mean they will be responsible for ASL and former AH games as well?

    "An inside source at Infogrames reports that in a company meeting held today, employees were told that the company has bought Hasbro Interactive. Rumors of the deal have been circulating for some time, but the PR department at Infogrames had denied the story.

    Infogrames will purchase 100% of the common stock of Hasbro Interactive and Games.com (which just launched on December 5) for $100 million. It also gets the right to develop and publish games based on all Hasbro properties, like Monopoly and Dungeons and Dragons.

    Hasbro will receive an annual sum from Infogrames based on sales generated from the licensing agreement. Shareholders and regulatory committees still need to sign off on the deal, but the companies expect it to close early in the first quarter of 2001."


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