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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Ooh, 'merry band of thread hijackers'! I like that! Makes me sound like the ringleader of an international gang! On the other hand, the suggestion that Berli and Joe Shaw should be keeping me on a leash...well, that's quite a bit less flattering, of course. Also, I think that anyone with no knowledge whatsoever of the Peng Challenge Thread should avoid such vehement and ill-advised surliness. As for 'thread hijacking'. Well, I can only think of two threads, in recent memory, which I could have been accused of 'hijacking'. They were both complete pieces of ****e, dead in the water and starting to stink, and I would have thought that a more apt description of my contribution would have been 'first scavenger to arrive on the corpse'. If others, sensing a lack of life or positive contribution from either of those threads, came in to rip at the carcass, I can't really take credit for 'leading' them in. First off, laddie, you should try to draw some sort of distinction between a thread that serves no sodding purpose at all, rehashing the same ugly noise again and again, and that's already deteriorated into ugly personality conflicts, and a thread that can actually be 'hijacked'. No doubt anyone would like to think that a thread that they're posting in is unique, distinct, and important in the eyes of God. But we should all try and make a distinction between a thread that has any actual bloody significance in the Forum, and one we think is important simply because we're involved in it. Oh, and don't go all over runny with excitement at the concept of saying the same about the Peng Challenge Thread. It's not important because I participate. It is simply what it is. Now, start a thread telling us all about how important the threads were that I 'hijacked', and that you were participating in. No, go ahead. Point out to us how the 'Bren Tripod Redux' thread, which had already been discussed into the bloody ground to no purpose at all, was 'significant'. Oh, and the 'can bombs flip tanks'. That one at least showed a bit of promise, and broke some new ground. Of course, the purpose was hard to focus on, and simply got worse after people started focusing on being angry with Slapdragon. Go on, lad. Explain to the world how I've 'hijacked' innumerable, important, significant threads. By God, the lads are right! I should be the one under trial! I'm an internationally despised 'thread hijacker'! Slapdragon, my profound apologies. I am the criminal! I demand the right to be accused, defamed, and humiliated for my crimes against the Forum! Justicar Shaw, you know your duty.
  2. Ooh, 'merry band of thread hijackers'! I like that! Makes me sound like the ringleader of an international gang! On the other hand, the suggestion that Berli and Joe Shaw should be keeping me on a leash...well, that's quite a bit less flattering, of course. Also, I think that anyone with no knowledge whatsoever of the Peng Challenge Thread should avoid such vehement and ill-advised surliness. As for 'thread hijacking'. Well, I can only think of two threads, in recent memory, which I could have been accused of 'hijacking'. They were both complete pieces of ****e, dead in the water and starting to stink, and I would have thought that a more apt description of my contribution would have been 'first scavenger to arrive on the corpse'. If others, sensing a lack of life or positive contribution from either of those threads, came in to rip at the carcass, I can't really take credit for 'leading' them in. First off, laddie, you should try to draw some sort of distinction between a thread that serves no sodding purpose at all, rehashing the same ugly noise again and again, and that's already deteriorated into ugly personality conflicts, and a thread that can actually be 'hijacked'. No doubt anyone would like to think that a thread that they're posting in is unique, distinct, and important in the eyes of God. But we should all try and make a distinction between a thread that has any actual bloody significance in the Forum, and one we think is important simply because we're involved in it. Oh, and don't go all over runny with excitement at the concept of saying the same about the Peng Challenge Thread. It's not important because I participate. It is simply what it is. Now, start a thread telling us all about how important the threads were that I 'hijacked', and that you were participating in. No, go ahead. Point out to us how the 'Bren Tripod Redux' thread, which had already been discussed into the bloody ground to no purpose at all, was 'significant'. Oh, and the 'can bombs flip tanks'. That one at least showed a bit of promise, and broke some new ground. Of course, the purpose was hard to focus on, and simply got worse after people started focusing on being angry with Slapdragon. Go on, lad. Explain to the world how I've 'hijacked' innumerable, important, significant threads. By God, the lads are right! I should be the one under trial! I'm an internationally despised 'thread hijacker'! Slapdragon, my profound apologies. I am the criminal! I demand the right to be accused, defamed, and humiliated for my crimes against the Forum! Justicar Shaw, you know your duty.
  3. Day late and a dollar short as usual boy-o. I called it off already. While the Salem Witch Trails were one of my better efforts, i have moved on to bigger & better things (Russian Revolution, Presidential Elections in the USofA, etc). Now that you have returned, feel free to remove the outerboardies THAT YOU INVITED IN!</font>
  4. Day late and a dollar short as usual boy-o. I called it off already. While the Salem Witch Trails were one of my better efforts, i have moved on to bigger & better things (Russian Revolution, Presidential Elections in the USofA, etc). Now that you have returned, feel free to remove the outerboardies THAT YOU INVITED IN!</font>
  5. Hmm, you don't participate in the Peng Challenge, you know nothing of our ways, you're almost unknown on these Boards, with no great record of participation, unless, of course, you're some Prince of the Forum who's member number and posting history lies lost in one of the Board crashes... And yet you judge. We, lad, do not judge you. Mind, if we did, you'd come up very light on the balance arm of history. Thousands of posts on a Thread that has the benificent nod from the Powers that Be, participation by Beta Testers, Scenario Designers, Modders, and even, on occasion, BTS iself. A Thread that has known schisms, heresy, apostasy, and has even brought the Forum in general to its knees. And you find it inane? Good on you, lad! Now, come up with something significant, yourself, do ya' see, and we'll all have a jolly sing-song!
  6. Actually, lad, it isn't my name. It's my title, do ya' see. But it's what I go by. Sometimes the lines between the two blur, of course. I know they have for me. Now, as I imagine yer a good Irish lad, who has the Gaelic, and all, I think you shouldn't take such quick offense at a bit of a jest. The folk here, you see, well, they're a bit of a community. Give a bit of a smile, and a well thought out answer, and don't take quick offense. Your bad luck was coming in and speaking on an 'angry energy' thread. There's things, as you could say, that aren't immediately apparent. [ May 15, 2002, 02:48 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  7. Now, that said, what progress do I see being made towards the Trial of Slapdragon? Idjits from the Outer Boards wandering in here to posture and hop around with their pants around their ankles, No one's made any attempt (other than Noba, nice job, lad) to prepare for trial, and the usual Lynch mob has gathered to howl about the supposed crime of my 'inviting' Outer Boarders in to the hallowed halls of the Peng Challenge Thread. I invited in no one, other than those involved with the Trial of Slapdragon. Useless toads who wandered in here yelling 'Woot!' are nothing to do with my purpose. Now, my apologies for not being here the last few days. Originally my thought was to see to the trying of Slapdragon under Australian Law, as so many of his most hardened detractors seem to hail from that location. So I began a number of Internet searches to get a grasp of Australian Law. Strangely enough, my searches on 'Australian Law' resulted in several hundred links to 'Australian Rules Football'. Repeated attempts brought me back to these time after time. Finally, I broadened the search to include 'Australian Social/Political Culture, and that netted me the same sites, along with an almost equal number on 'the History and/or Practice of Brewing', a number of 'Bestiality' sites, and six 'Xena, Warriour Princess' sites. So, as intriguing as all that was, I simply see no means by which we could, in this Universe, try Slapdragon properly. Since my return, I find, in my emails, a number of theories as to why I've been incommunicado. Mixed with the death threats, of course. Some were most imaginitive. All were most appreciated. They were all...quite personal. But I'm back now, and I'm apalled. The trial of Slapdragon has broken down into SSN antics and confusion. Personally, I'm ready to call the whole thing off. In any case, there's no question of it occuring in this Thread. We are soon to seek a new home. I shall have to see where we end up.
  8. Now, that said, what progress do I see being made towards the Trial of Slapdragon? Idjits from the Outer Boards wandering in here to posture and hop around with their pants around their ankles, No one's made any attempt (other than Noba, nice job, lad) to prepare for trial, and the usual Lynch mob has gathered to howl about the supposed crime of my 'inviting' Outer Boarders in to the hallowed halls of the Peng Challenge Thread. I invited in no one, other than those involved with the Trial of Slapdragon. Useless toads who wandered in here yelling 'Woot!' are nothing to do with my purpose. Now, my apologies for not being here the last few days. Originally my thought was to see to the trying of Slapdragon under Australian Law, as so many of his most hardened detractors seem to hail from that location. So I began a number of Internet searches to get a grasp of Australian Law. Strangely enough, my searches on 'Australian Law' resulted in several hundred links to 'Australian Rules Football'. Repeated attempts brought me back to these time after time. Finally, I broadened the search to include 'Australian Social/Political Culture, and that netted me the same sites, along with an almost equal number on 'the History and/or Practice of Brewing', a number of 'Bestiality' sites, and six 'Xena, Warriour Princess' sites. So, as intriguing as all that was, I simply see no means by which we could, in this Universe, try Slapdragon properly. Since my return, I find, in my emails, a number of theories as to why I've been incommunicado. Mixed with the death threats, of course. Some were most imaginitive. All were most appreciated. They were all...quite personal. But I'm back now, and I'm apalled. The trial of Slapdragon has broken down into SSN antics and confusion. Personally, I'm ready to call the whole thing off. In any case, there's no question of it occuring in this Thread. We are soon to seek a new home. I shall have to see where we end up.
  9. Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, there is no 'Constitution'. The will of the Olde Ones is manifest, but not binding. Are you offering yourself as the Defense Attorney? I've read his posts, and Slapdragon will need a great deal of defense.
  10. Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, there is no 'Constitution'. The will of the Olde Ones is manifest, but not binding. Are you offering yourself as the Defense Attorney? I've read his posts, and Slapdragon will need a great deal of defense.
  11. Correction, Simpleton You can bloody well sod off Seanachai! You'll be damned and slow roasted in Hell long before I allow one of MINE to be tried by the likes of you</font>
  12. SuperTed is a rather fine chap. You won't even hear ill spoken of him in the Peng Challenge Thread Mind, he's got enough sense to only appear there occasionally. But, in general, we like him. Now you can blush, SuperTed.
  13. Bugger off, you Aussie lackwit! Not that I don't respect and admire you... Judges are needed in this trial. We need an uninvolved Grog of Good Standing, and I would beg the indulgence of BTS to send us an unnamed, never to be unmasked, vote never to be made public, Judge. When the Trial of Slapdragon is finalized, the vote of the BTS judge will be known to no one, other than the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread. And we don't make idle conversation with fecking idjits. Seriously.
  14. Ah, they've begun to circle! Kanonier, sir, would you care to take up the position of Prosecutor? Or would you like to second someone who would? If you, or another, will not take up the position of prosecutor (and, obviously, your posts will appear with all the manifest exemptions that posting in the Peng Challenge Thread normally engenders), then we shall be forced to appoint a Prosecutor of Slapdragon. Perhaps a brief intermission while the opposition debates who hates Slapdragon the most? Who's the best advocate for requiring him to do penance? Who's actually got enough cajones to actually come forward and make a case against him? Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we shall have a great deal of fun deriding both sides in this Trial. But we shall also allow both sides to speak their piece. And the Prosecutor shall have his say, and the Defense shall have their say, and the jury will be chosen from beyond the Peng Challenge Thread. Although we're only going to empanel those who show up here to participate...except for the various attorneys being given the right to empanel uninvolved forum members from the Board in general. As for Judges, well. The Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread shall stand in Judgement, with these additions: A Grog of General Acclaim A Member of BTS (This latter shall be an unnamed, hooded, and deeply circumspect Judge. It's their bloody board, and one of them should have some sort of say, says We) So, lad, how do you hate Slapdragon? Can we count the ways? And are you willing to build a case for hating him, or do you just want to prance about and spit at him? For myself, I can't be bothered with listening to anyone who can't explain their dislike.
  15. Ah, they've begun to circle! Kanonier, sir, would you care to take up the position of Prosecutor? Or would you like to second someone who would? If you, or another, will not take up the position of prosecutor (and, obviously, your posts will appear with all the manifest exemptions that posting in the Peng Challenge Thread normally engenders), then we shall be forced to appoint a Prosecutor of Slapdragon. Perhaps a brief intermission while the opposition debates who hates Slapdragon the most? Who's the best advocate for requiring him to do penance? Who's actually got enough cajones to actually come forward and make a case against him? Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we shall have a great deal of fun deriding both sides in this Trial. But we shall also allow both sides to speak their piece. And the Prosecutor shall have his say, and the Defense shall have their say, and the jury will be chosen from beyond the Peng Challenge Thread. Although we're only going to empanel those who show up here to participate...except for the various attorneys being given the right to empanel uninvolved forum members from the Board in general. As for Judges, well. The Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread shall stand in Judgement, with these additions: A Grog of General Acclaim A Member of BTS (This latter shall be an unnamed, hooded, and deeply circumspect Judge. It's their bloody board, and one of them should have some sort of say, says We) So, lad, how do you hate Slapdragon? Can we count the ways? And are you willing to build a case for hating him, or do you just want to prance about and spit at him? For myself, I can't be bothered with listening to anyone who can't explain their dislike.
  16. Er, yes, but I think you're probably on about me abusing you on the Newbie Tournament thread. Get over it. I could abuse and humiliate you at far greater length than you can ever imagine. I don't, of course, because you are my former Squire, and I like you. And really, lad. Cheap Trick? Why not ask me if I'm familiar with the musical work of the Partridge Family? The two are about on par. But we're not here to deal with your childhood rebellions made manifest, while you long after a date with Marcia Brady. We're concentrating on the Trial of Slapdragon. You're either for, or against, lad. Unless, of course, you're empaneled for the Jury. Then you're waiting to for the chance to dance around singing about your prejudices.
  17. Er, yes, but I think you're probably on about me abusing you on the Newbie Tournament thread. Get over it. I could abuse and humiliate you at far greater length than you can ever imagine. I don't, of course, because you are my former Squire, and I like you. And really, lad. Cheap Trick? Why not ask me if I'm familiar with the musical work of the Partridge Family? The two are about on par. But we're not here to deal with your childhood rebellions made manifest, while you long after a date with Marcia Brady. We're concentrating on the Trial of Slapdragon. You're either for, or against, lad. Unless, of course, you're empaneled for the Jury. Then you're waiting to for the chance to dance around singing about your prejudices.
  18. Ladies, Gentlemen, and SSNs Seniour Knights, Knights, Squires, and Serfs Fellow Olde Ones, Ladies of the Pool, Justicar, Herald, Lawyers, Grogs, and Fools Oyez, Oyez. We of the Peng Challenge are called upon to do our duty, to justify our exalted, and often exempt position, and to hear the Case of One Slapdragon, Defendant. The members of this Thread will hold themselves in readiness for whatever role will be required of them in this trial!
  19. Ladies, Gentlemen, and SSNs Seniour Knights, Knights, Squires, and Serfs Fellow Olde Ones, Ladies of the Pool, Justicar, Herald, Lawyers, Grogs, and Fools Oyez, Oyez. We of the Peng Challenge are called upon to do our duty, to justify our exalted, and often exempt position, and to hear the Case of One Slapdragon, Defendant. The members of this Thread will hold themselves in readiness for whatever role will be required of them in this trial!
  20. You sodding Canadian pillock, this thread cannot last long. The Trial of Slapdragon will take place within the Peng Challenge Thread.
  21. I'm a simple man. I get up in the early afternoon, have myself a 'wake-me-up' cup of tea and whiskey, and then go about my day of returning turns, posting in the Peng Challenge Thread, and reading the Combat Mission Forums. But lately, I'm bemused. There is, lately, a great number of angry and otherwise soddingly useless posts indicating that within our communal midst is a person...nay, creature of great horror. Slapdragon is the Beast with '666' printed on his forehead who is mentioned in all these angry, off-topic, and utterly useless posts. Justice must be done. Neither the Combat Mission Forum, nor the General Forum are the venues for this sort of investigation. The only adequate venue is the Peng Challenge Thread. Here, we will assign judges, impanel a jury, appoint prosecutors and defense attorneys, and proceed against Slapdragon to the full extent of the Board! For the first time, the testimony and even 'participation' of Outer Board members will be accepted within the Peng Challenge Thread, at least insofar as it regards the Trial of Slapdragon! What does this mean for the Forum? Simply this: If the people who keep showing up time after time in threads where Slapdragon posts don't show up to convict him, everyone will be excused from ignoring and abusing them. Conversely, if they can build a solid case as to how Slapdragon is the very 'Essence of Evil', Slappy will abase himself in his contrition, and offer proper penance as determined by 'The Court'. We of the Peng Challenge are the Court. We shall oversee the Trial of Slapdragon. We're not only the best venue for this trial, but the only fair hearing his opponents are ever going to get. Because we're on the Combat Mission Forum. Some of them can't reply anywhere else. Also because we are 'Way Cool'. My young nephews told me I should add that...
  22. Gentlemen, Ladies, Knights, Squires, Serfs, and...well, whoever that is standing over there in the corner with their hands in their pockets...Yes! We can see you, lad! You might want to consider actually participating in the Thread, and not shaming yourself and your parents by what you were just caught at: I am taking a dramatic, nay, Thread challenging step. I am opening the First Ever Trial of a Peng Challenge Member by the Outer Boards Ever Conducted. This will be beyond merely 'Big'. I interrupt our normal activities for something so overwhelming, so momentous, that even Peng himself might drag his sorry ass back in here to be a part of it. I anticipate a certain guarded concern even from BTS themselves! You will all be a party to it. There will have to be 'Members of the Court'. There will have to both 'Prosecutors', and 'Defense Attorneys'. There will have to be a be the 'Seating of the Jury'. There will be 'Outer Board Fecking Idjits' wandering in here to offer testimony. When this one breaks open, it will probably keep everyone on the edge of their seat until goddamn CMBB is released, and we can all stand down from reading petty bitchiness on the Outer Boards for weeks! Perhaps months! I am speaking of no ordinary Trial, which has been common enough here in the Peng Challenge Thread. I'm speaking of something that will cause 'worlds to collide'! Wait for it, and remember, we are the Elite of the Combat Mission Forum. This means we get to throw both comments, and food!
  23. Gentlemen, Ladies, Knights, Squires, Serfs, and...well, whoever that is standing over there in the corner with their hands in their pockets...Yes! We can see you, lad! You might want to consider actually participating in the Thread, and not shaming yourself and your parents by what you were just caught at: I am taking a dramatic, nay, Thread challenging step. I am opening the First Ever Trial of a Peng Challenge Member by the Outer Boards Ever Conducted. This will be beyond merely 'Big'. I interrupt our normal activities for something so overwhelming, so momentous, that even Peng himself might drag his sorry ass back in here to be a part of it. I anticipate a certain guarded concern even from BTS themselves! You will all be a party to it. There will have to be 'Members of the Court'. There will have to both 'Prosecutors', and 'Defense Attorneys'. There will have to be a be the 'Seating of the Jury'. There will be 'Outer Board Fecking Idjits' wandering in here to offer testimony. When this one breaks open, it will probably keep everyone on the edge of their seat until goddamn CMBB is released, and we can all stand down from reading petty bitchiness on the Outer Boards for weeks! Perhaps months! I am speaking of no ordinary Trial, which has been common enough here in the Peng Challenge Thread. I'm speaking of something that will cause 'worlds to collide'! Wait for it, and remember, we are the Elite of the Combat Mission Forum. This means we get to throw both comments, and food!
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