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Posts posted by medlinke

  1. I did search. I did the reading.

    There were a TON of mods listed.

    I was looking for something more focused. "Essential" in that they might answer the question:

    If you only installed 5 mods which would they be?

    I "get it" that people have asked before and that this has been answered before. I am not looking for some massive list. I can go to CMMODS.com and just download a ton of stuff. However, as with CMBO, there were like 4 or 5 mods that made a huge difference...

    Magua's Terrain

    Magua's Skies

    There was an awesome sound pack

    There was a winter texture pack for Allies and one for Axis for vehicles

    Without those 4 you wouldn't want to get involved because they took the game immersion factor to the next level. Now I haven't played CMBO in YEARS and I could rattle off that list no problems.

    I asked a simple question and got nothing but people implying I'm too lazy/stupid/inconsiderate to search with the exception of Der Alte Fritz & Verg.

  2. Take your time!

    That's the biggest recommendation I can make. Remember that infantry are very fragile unlike in most RTS games. 1 bullet will take them out so when you're ready to assault make sure it's a combined arms assault (tanks + infantry, or some other complimentary combination).

  3. I played about 45 minutes yesterday and it was fine, but today I played the first Battle (forget the name) now.

    As soon as I got to the town and engaged the game got really choppy and I couldn't move my mouse then I got the C++ Runtime error and the game crashed.

    System Specs:

    Intel C2D 2.3 GHz

    2GB RAM

    eVGA Nvidia 8600GTS PCIe

    26GB free on HDD

    Windows XP SP3 + all hotfixes and patches

    DirectX 9c (I just reinstalled 2 days ago because the version that was on there wasn't working with ToW.

    Nvidia 175.19 Drivers

    I defrag weekly and use CCleaner to clean out temp files daily. My Anti-virus is update to date (Symantec 8-22-08 last updated). Spybot S&D & AdAware don't turn up anything.

    When I run DxDiag.exe every tab says "No Problems Found."

    Any ideas?

  4. I did not take the notice from Moon that work on the Marines was slowed by 1.10 to mean that it was the last patch for CMSF & the CMx2 series. I took it to mean that it was a significant upgrade that both rectified existing issues while adding components to support the introduction of Marines.

    I hardly get the impression that Battlefront isn't listening to the folks on this board...Heck isn't everyone here a Beta Tester? lol!

  5. Well let's assume that the "Iraq Timetable" of Dec. 11 is even remotely accurate...would that step down in US policy have any bearing on the possibility of getting Iraqi "forces" or expanded UNCOM roster snuck in with the brits?

    I think some more UNCOM tricks and weapons might be interesting as well as expanding the editor options so that creating scenarios in Afghanistan or Iraq might be easier given the UK's involvement in both but particularly in Afghanistan.

  6. This still seems problematic to me despite the explanations given.

    If I wanted to do a scenario in which a bridge crossing was a part of it and somehow a vehicle is disabled or destroyed on a bridge...my guys are just stuck? That is not cool at all.

    In CMx1 there were lots of reasons for bumping vehicles like clearing bogged vehicles or getting passed wrecks.

    I see no reason why that wouldn't be equally applicable here. Saying, adjust the scenario or only use your troops isn't quite right given that this shouldn't be a totally outrageous request.

  7. My impression back from when the CMx2 initial discussions were started was that it would be pretty regular.

    You bring up a good point though about the WWII thing because given the extensive amount of changes required for that I wonder if they have separate teams working on modules vs. larger releases somehow.

    I have no idea if it's just steve and a select few others any longer like the old days.

  8. Yeah I kind of think that Iraq is a tricky one given nature of the accounts thusfar that have been published. Also, Google Maps has large swaths of Iraq without satellite coverage like Nasariya for example. So you're spending a large amount of time tracking stuff down.

    Also, sometimes real life scenarios don't hold up as well in a game setting. I remember all those old Wild Bill scenarios from CMBO that were great. For every Wild Bill one though there were like 15-20 ones that sucked even if they were perfectly conceived.

    Finally I think having the Marines will make Iraq more attractive given the Marine Corps' involvement in Fallujah, etc.

  9. In some future CMx2 release it'd be really handy to have the arc be a gradient that represents the combat effectiveness ( in general terms) of the unit as the distance gets greater.

    Perhaps for a tank that combat effectiveness is 500m before it begins to degrade.

    But that gradient would at least let you be smart without having to refer to a chart to see range:effectiveness metrics for a unit.

    Any thoughts?

  10. Well if anything that only reinforces how far the game has come since its release.

    I want to thank everyone for being so helpful. I think Battlefront should tip their hats to such a great community. I was pretty active 6 or 7 years ago around here and the community has only gotten better over that time. (It was great when CM was still Computer Advanced Squad Leader too though!) So that's meant as a compliment.

    I have purchased the game and look forward to contributing a scenario I'm cooking up based on an actual small engagement near Camp Adder in Iraq.

  11. Yeah I had a lot of fun last night with the 3rd mechanized clash between T-72s and Abrams in the demo.

    OPFOR is pretty fun even though when things go perfectly your nighttime optics absolutely kill you. I never realized a 50 ton tank in the desert spewing dust could be so ninja-esque! Very telling about how effective our fighting men and women are both inside and outside of the machines that carry them to battle.

    It was still pretty fun trying to set up ambushes drawing the BLUEFOR in close before rushing in at them from my hiding spots.

  12. Since you only get 10 attempts at downloading a file I'd recommend a few things for the download confirmation e-mail.

    1. People don't read. They scan. - Break up the e-mail by bullet points or into single sentence smaller chunks saying everything you need to explain prior to providing the link & license key.

    2. Incomplete Information - People will want to know how big the file they are going to download will be. A 500 megabyte expectation is a far cry from 2.6 gigabytes so a short notice about filesize is always appreciated.

    3. Patch Information - The first question many users ask when they get a product is, "Do I have the latest version?" I would add in some kind of statement like, "The version of this product you're downloading has been updated with all the patches through 7/1/2008 or version 1.0.1. So that a user could presumably use that information to find out if they need to patch immediately after download.

    Just those three small changes and I think you'll greatly improve the usability of the download e-mail.

  13. If you have HBO & can record Generation Kill or other means of recording the radio chatter from that show there are nice 15-20 second clips at both the start and end of that show as well as moments during the show when there are generic enough clips you could use as well to add some time on to what you've already got.

  14. After playing the demo I can see this as a huge improvement. I could generally hear where the problems were arising but in a larger scenario I can imagine that pinpointing the problem before it tuns into a shooting gallery (particularly in RT, but also for WEGO).

    If I find out about an engagement once I've taken casualties it's too late.

  15. Yeah the demo scenario features 2 anti-tank teams for the OPFOR and about 10 vehicles for the BLUEFOR.

    While it seems like an accurate depiction of what would happen if BLUEFOR were actually going to take down a town, I'm not sure playing OPFOR could ever result in a win. There are roughly 67 turns that the OPFOR would have to nurse their forces through.

    A great introduction though.

    Maybe that 3rd scenario with an open terrain meeting engagement would feature a better opportunity to learn about the OPFOR in CMSF.

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