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109 Gustav

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Posts posted by 109 Gustav

  1. This quiz is a bunch of questions in no particular order. Write down the points in the parenthesis for each "Yes" answer.

    1. Did you have to find a job just to buy a copy of CM? (1)

    2. Was it a really lousy job that you did anyway? (1)

    3. Were you able to make a family member find a job instead, just so you could play CM? (2)

    4. Have you ever spent 6 hours in a row playing CM? (1) -bathroom breaks and getting up to get food to eat in front of your computer doesn't count. Food eaten away from the computer does.

    5. 12 hours? (2)

    6. 24 hours? (5)

    Two bonus points if you didn't get up for food or bathroom

    7. If you had to choose between CM and your spouse/significant other, would you choose CM?. (1)

    8. I already did. (2)

    9. And he/she cleaned me out in the divorce, too. (5)

    10. Have you ever had sex with the CM CD? (2)

    11. Did you come? (3)

    12. Did the CD? (4)

    13. Was it better than with a human? (5)

    14. Do you visit the CM forum

    a. Every week or so (0)

    b. Every day (1)

    c. I can't be without my fellow CM players for more than two minutes (4)

    15. Is your entire CM game modded? (1)

    16. Do you switch mods for different games? (2)

    17. During games? (4)

    18. Have you ever played a TCP game? (1)

    19. While playing PBEM turns at the same time? (3)

    20. Two TCP games at once? (4)

    21. Two TCP games and PBEMs at once? (6)

    22. Is that even possible? (0)

    23. Have you ever read 100% of one of JasonC's posts? (1)

    24. Did you have to take notes to remember what he said at first so the ending would make sense? (2)

    24. Have you ever discussed shell velocity, penetration, tank armor, MG ROF, etc with JasonC, Germanboy, Rexford, Slapdragon, or other ubergrogs? (1)

    25. Did you argue? (2)

    26. Did you win? (4)

    27. Did they use your arguments or evidence in future posts? (5)

    28. Are you a member of a tournament? (1)

    29. Is your ranking in the top 10? (2)

    30. Are you a member of either the Cesspool or Antithicess threads? (1)

    31. Both? (3)

    32. Have you ever won an argument while in one of these threads, in which your opponent admitted you were right? (15)

    I think you're lying.

    33. Are you an original member of that thread? (3)

    34. Have you ever bought a copy of CM as a gift for someone else? (1)

    35. Did they like it? (1)

    36. Were you given CM as a gift? (1)

    37. My relationship with Madmatt as a member of this forum is:

    a. Just fine (1)

    b. on the verge of being banned (2)

    c. banned (3)

    d. I would already be banned, except I have pictures of him at last year's party and I remembered to keep the negatives (10)

    38. I know the exact value of a sherm 75's armor penetration (at a particular range/slope, doesn't matter which) (1)

    39. At more than one range/slope (2)

    40. At all of the ones listed on CM's chart, plus a couple extras that I calculated myself. (9)

    41. I have attended a gathering of CM players (3)

    42. Outside my home city (5)

    43. And it meant a 5+ hour roadtrip (10)

    44. I have made a scenario for CM, and sent it to a website for hosting (1)

    45. I have made a mod for CM (2)

    46. I got tired of sending my mods to other websites so I made my own (5)

    47. I didn't care about hosting my mods, I just wanted to make a website for CM (8)

    48. I bought a new computer just because my old one couldn't handle CM (2)

    49. My computer handled CM just fine, but I've already bought a new computer just so I'll be able to play CMBB (4)

    50. CM is the best game in the universe, and will continue to be the best for an indefinite period of time, with the exception of future versions of CM (5)


    Now add up your points.

    178+ Well, you might be a grog, but you're a Dorosh-class grog who can't add. Go back and check your scores again.

    100-178 Truly an ubergamer who has devoted his entire life to Combat Mission.

    50-99 An expert Combat Mission player, who knows just about everything related to the game.

    25-49 Well, you have a long way to go before you can count yourself as the best of the grogs, but that might be the best as far as friends, family, and health are concerned.

    5-24 It's okay, everyone started somewhere. Just keep your eyes and ears open while chatting with fellow CM players and you'll go a long way.

    0-4 Better slip out of this forum quietly before anyone notices you were here. Come back when you've played the game a few times.

    What was my score? I earned a mere 39 points. Let's see how many people can beat that.

    [ 12-09-2001: Message edited by: 109 Gustav ]</p>

  2. Actually, you're dead wrong ;) - if neither the green or elite troops are suppressed, and both are able to fire constantly, the green troops will blast away their ammo much faster. This is correct, since it simulates inexperienced troops blazing away trying to keep the enemy from firing back. Test it out with machine guns to see for yourself.

  3. I also go with the brits, mostly because I can buy 4 platoons instead of 3 american ones. That gives me a lot more flexibility when setting up a defense, since I can have a reserve or plug all the holes in my lines.

    The paratroopers are also better, since you don't get all the 3 man 1919s and other supporting weapons that come with the ami platoons. I prefer to get my support weapons individually so I can have exactly what I want.

    Then there's the 4.2" mortars for arty. Nice and cheap with good Boom. Right, Tanker?

  4. If you find yourself caught in an arty barrage and decide to run out of it instead of staying, run sideways instead of streight back. The pattern of an arty barrage is roughly an oval, with the narrow axis perpindicular to the enemy's line of advance. Here's what I mean:

    X= drop zone


    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.........Enemy's route of advance



    By running sideways, your troops will be moving through fire for a much shorter distance. Of course, sometimes you're better off hunkering down in the foxholes and taking the fire.

    [ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: 109 Gustav ]</p>

  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kingfish:

    Yes, before he was known as SuperTess<hr></blockquote>


    Hydra, there's about 8 operations that come with the game, plus you can download a ton more from the CM websites. There's everything- paratroopers at Arnhem, assaulting the sigfried line, the rout across France, hedgerow country, winter battles, you name it.

  6. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm already playing more games than I usually do, so I'm not interested in one right now, unless I get the opportunity to beat on CombatGeneral for awhile.

    I don't gut the fish, I catch them. Cannery workers gut them. Calling me a fish gutter is like calling a manager of a McDonalds a burger flipper.

    Besides, next week is finals week, and after that I'll be going home for three weeks, and I won't be able to play CM during that time. As soon as one of my PBEMs finishes, you're next on the list.

    [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: 109 Gustav ]</p>

  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral:

    And any hotshot out there, who is good, let me know, because I will bust you up. Combined arms, overlapping fields of fire, this is the game I was always meant to play. Damn, Im just like patton, casualties for victories. tongue.gif <hr></blockquote>

    I'll give it a try if you're still looking for opponents. My win ratio is better than 1/2, if that qualifies me as a hotshot player who is good. I don't believe in combined arms all that much, I tend to go heavy on infantry and support and light on armor and arty, so with your combined arms strategy you're sure to beat me. beigelemon@yahoo.com if you're interested.

  8. An expert who's never played another person? I guess about 6,999 of the 7,000+ people on the fourm must also be experts if that isn't necessary to become an expert.

    "People have a tendancy to leave behind their machine guns and 60mm's because they are too slow." How do you know what other people do or don't do if you've never even PBEMed with a lousy player like Dorosh or Slappy?

    They don't teach you how to spell "cannons" correctly at Harvard? Every day now I feel better about going to Fort Lewis where I can get an ivy league education for a tenth the cost.

    [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: 109 Gustav ]</p>

  9. Another good way to get more out of the AI is to defend against crack troops with conscripts. The AI still can't reason out things like being patient and suppression for an attack, but in many ways it doesn't have to, because your troops aren't any better. The first time I played conscripts vs crack AI, I got beat badly while defending. It took a few tries before I figured out that I couldn't hold a main line of resistance, I had to deploy troops forward with a second line to hold the line once the forward units had been routed.

    Ambushes got sprung too early, guns missed easy shots when they were most needed, panzershrecks were useless, and troops always ran away instead of holding on and dying in their foxholes. Counterattacks were totally ineffective because of the long delay and tendancy to turn around while crossing open ground under fire.

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