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109 Gustav

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Posts posted by 109 Gustav

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redeker:

    This doesn't have to do with armor protection, but I seem to recall reading/hearing somewhere that T-34's were issued with a large hammer as standard equipment to "encourage" the gearshift lever when needed. Can anyone confirm or deny this story? <hr></blockquote>

    I've heard this as well, but I can't remember and don't have the source. The T34 transmission wasn't very darn good, I've seen pictures of captured T34s with spare transmissions strapped on the back deck.

    Another example of bad quality I just thought of- the turret traverse motor was overloaded, and frequently shorted out. I'm hoping damage to the traverse motor will be modeled for all tanks in CMBB, it would be a great way to have a tank suffer damage from hits other than gun damage or armor flaking.

    Then there was the corner cutting of only having a four man crew, with the commander doubling as the gunner. Should be really interesting when the commander gets blown away by a sniper. Oops, I mean sharpshooter.

    [ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: 109 Gustav ]</p>

  2. Height differences are modeled, so it's possible that grenades are being thrown longer. Also, German grenades are modeled as "potato mashers," which could be thrown further, but didn't have as much blast as Allied grenades.

    In regular combat, there isn't any advantage to being on the second floor. In fact, I usually try to avoid it, since if the building collapses, units on the second floor will take more casualties than units on the bottom floor.

  3. Dorosh, there's a set of gun and Marder mods on The Last Defense.

    I agree, the mod community is shrinking, especially the websites. Manx's site and SuperTed's Forward Observer got folded into CMHQ. I'm losing interest in running The Last Defense, since hardly anyone sends me stuff and I always put it off for two weeks before taking the time to post it.

  4. My guess would be the hellcat that came with the game. Somebody, don't remember who, modded the M18 Hellcats in the beta demo, and BTS liked them so much that they were included in CMBO. Good thing, because the beta ones were ugly.

    There should be quite a contest for the first official CMBB mod.

    [ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: 109 Gustav ]</p>

  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Radar:

    Something else you don't get to see in CMBO is sealed off and/or booby trapped buildings, made by the defender to ambush attackers.

    Hopefully with the engine rewrite more detail will be included such as this.<hr></blockquote>

    If you want to simulate this, place a field of mines where you want the building to be, then add the building in the map editor. Use multiple fields for really booby trapped buildings.

  6. I have set up some battles like this for other people- I call them Capture the Flag battles. It's basically an ME except that the flags are on opposite sides of the map, so you have to attack and defend. They're kind of fun, except that you have to have a lot of flags to make it worthwile to attack.

    Letting both sides have foxholes would be a nice twist on this, except that it might encourage both players to sit in their dugouts gaurding their flags and not going after the enemy's.

    [ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: 109 Gustav ]</p>

  7. Well, I know a nice one that Mao Tse-Tung's communist army used to teach soldiers the rules of discipline and attention. It's eleven verses about always marching in step, obeying orders, never steal from the peasants, etc all to a catchy tune. Might make a good startup .wav file. Interested?

    Learned it off an Arlo Guthrie record. (True music of my generation, eh Slappy?)

  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai:

    Is this the same Fion who made the Fion rules? i'm pretty new here so i don't know.

    Also i noticed in one of the archived posts that someone mentioning he was banned? Is that true?<hr></blockquote>

    Yes, it is the same Fionn. He's a great CM player, and did a bunch of AARs on CMHQ. They're kind of old now, but still great reading for anyone who wants to improve their CM skills. Fionn was banned almost a year ago for being too rude on the forum one too many times. He's been unbanned recently, but he still doesn't post on the forum.

  9. If you mean the flak halftracks with the 37mm or 20mm cannon, they are generally considered to be gamey when used in games against other people. The reason is that they aren't armored at all, so tanks don't shoot AP rounds at them, they shoot HE rounds under them so the blast kills them. However, this makes them a lot harder to kill, giving them an unrealistic advantage, especially against zooks, 57mm ATGs, and similar units with very little blast.

    The 20mm will take out the M18 without any problem, and I think it might be able to kill the M10 as well.

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