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Everything posted by Perkl

  1. Ok, cycling through the units is a rocking feature. I tend to lose the little spotters in the woods. If the fuzziness about unit cover is intentional, I can live with that. Might even be cool in the long run. Had some problems with the German halftracks in the Last Defence-scenario. They tended to drive in each others way and when this happened, there would be much confusion about the direction where each vehicle should continue. One of them would do a 360 degree spin and end up at the final location almost a minute later. Displaying all the soldiers at one time is not by any means necessary, it would just be fun. The logic why this is not done is valid, cant argue with that. This game will be something to really wait for. The more I play the demo the better it gets. And its been a long time since something like that has happened. Even the beta demo made a lasting impression. Cant wait to see the full product. ------------------ Janne Nordström [This message has been edited by Perkl (edited 03-31-2000).]
  2. Downloaded the demo, tried it. Loved it. Now I am seriously considering about buying the game when it comes out. First, though, I'd like to ask from people that have tried the demo a lot more than I have: what were the worst problems that you encountered during the game? My worst problems were not quite being able to discern how fast casualties were accumulating in a unit. Especially with enemy units this was a problem. I would have liked a small graphic representation of casualty occurring during playback, or left to ground. Maybe this could be optional? The unit pathfinding was a bit erratic at times. It would be a lot easier to find out how many men were left in a squad if the amount of men was correct. This could be optional, as computers become steadily more powerful and this game has the potential to be in my hard drive for years to come. Is there a "next"-button to start from A0 and go in order through the units? Probably is, just did not find it with my fast test. These are just minor things. The game has awful lot of potential, it has a sound basic system of play and loads of possibilities for customization and creation of additional scenarios. It has the potential to become a true classic into which future wargames are compared. Alone the turn system of 60 seconds is something long awaited. I'd like to hear from you what were the worst things in the demo. I could only find these very minor points. ------------------ Janne Nordström
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