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Everything posted by COMMO CHIEF

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiloIndiaAlpha: " What a thrill, the rush of adrenaline flow, fear, excitement of dropping behind enemy lines, cut off from supplies, reaching down for your soul and a basic primitive instinct to survive. Getting close enough to an enemy tank for a kill..... Thats me." Sure... That lasts for about 1 hour then you realise that a violent death is probably what you'll get. You don't want to die, be mutilated have parts of your body blown off. You'll see your friends blown into oblivion, no trace of them at all. He was no different than you, so you are next. Absolute FEAR is the reality of war, not excitement. Ok the first time under fire gives you a massive adrendalin rush, after that.... you want to go home. Not beacause you are a coward, you are just human and want to live.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not if your RAMBO! ------------------ [This message has been edited by COMMO CHIEF (edited 04-04-2000).]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Major Tom: Hitler never really trusted any of his "companions" to be his successor. Possibly Speer,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> On the contrary MT. A.Speer was the only one of the "hight command" not to recieve the death penalty from the Nuenburg trial. This was due to the fact that possibly Speer did not totaly believe and follow the NAZI way of thinking. Speer was the least influenced by Hitler. Now, did hitler trust him the most? May be............but he was definatley the most rational of the group. ------------------
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by werfer: and for the most part, the world is war-free still. This is a good thing that needs to last for several hundred years (hope,hope). werfer<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It depends on what you consider a war. My ass gets tired of deploying to all these F**ked up 3rd world countries, with fanaticals shooting every damn direction thier barrels turn. The world may be WAR free, but it damn sure ain;t peace free. ------------------ [This message has been edited by COMMO CHIEF (edited 04-02-2000).]
  4. <but the IS whizzes (geeks> Oh... and BTW, be nice to us geeks. You are probably working for one.
  5. Listen to fion. Your 2MB video is more then enough. Update your drivers and also try running the gane at a smaller resolution maybe 640x480. This could be where your smaller screen mode came into effect. Make sure you have direct-X 7.0 ITS A MUST! You can download it at almost any big gaming review site.
  6. Ah yes, the wonderfull world of NT. I have the same problem. At work of course. There is nothing you can do. Service pack 4 comes with direct-X 3.0 That's the only direct-X that will load on NT 4.0 The reason you need an "administrator" is because "general users" are not authorized by default to load device drivers, edit the registry, change system files, etc.... Security was the main focus in the development of the operating system. I can't find any work around, and this is what I do for a living. If any body has a work around for getting the DEMO to run with NT 4.0 it would be really helpfull. I sent a copy of the BETA to Microsoft tech support, which I have a direct contract with. They say BTS needs to add the DLL's required for NT 4.0 or make the game compatible with direct-X 3.0 But I have seen manufactures', hardware and software, release driver after driver and patch after patch to get thier stuff to work with NT. It's a useless cause. Besides, it's a sucky OS for gamers anyway. I say just suck it up and buy your own laptop so you can paly the game at work.
  7. HMMM....yes, well...ehem..... sounds like alot of integrity at Battlefront. Also sounds like I really don't have a clue about the gaming market, hehe. To tell you honeslty, I didn't think there was a compny even concerned about some of the things BTS writes about. Sounds like the game industry is as dog eat dog as the music industry. I guess in the end, it's really all about money. If what BTS writes in the "ABOUT" column then they should have a loyal, dedicated fan base, for as long as they stay around. I read back 30,45,75 posts, theres alot of knowledge here. True war gamers, lost somewhere between ASL and Close combat, who seem desperate for something like this. I am in the same boat. I am spending more time reading this board than any other.... ever. Realism, with graphics? All the TECH talk... I have big hopes for this game, and it's community. First, you need endurance. I will Pre-order, based on the following.... 1. I can't stop playing the freak'n BETA. It's basically bug free and runs smooth. 2. Alot of time has been spent by BTS communicating with thier customers on this board. 3. The community seems like REAL war gamers, probably most trying to convert from the ancient, yet still fun, ASL. Everyone seems friendly and knowledgeable. 4. I like being part of, or rooting for the underdog. I know someone at BTS is smilling.
  8. This looks like the possible best WWII PC game ever. I played the BETA.....pretty good. But I have been hyped up by marketing before. It seems kind of out of place not to release the game to any Major distributors. I mean, with the work going into this game and everything. Is this because of budget? Or do they not have the assets to get the game distributed fast enough? I dunno...... But it makes me wonder about the overall quality that may come of the end product. Oh...don't get me wrong, I love what BIG TIME SOFTWARE is doing and the direction thier taking in war strategy gaming. And, I know they won't give a release date for quality assurance reasons and pressure. This is all great stuff. God knows I want to preorder this game. However, i'm gonna keep a close eye on this board, read a couple of online reviews and check it out when it's released. Then I'll see if I'm gonna hit the ORDER button on the left side of my screen. I hope I'm not disappointed cause I'm looking forward to it. Back to lurking.
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