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Hakko Ichiu

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Posts posted by Hakko Ichiu

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    Ah I see, Ethan is of the righteous creed after all v- although I always pictured you as a kind of Father Dougal, I must say. Although that is a bit unfair to him, really...


    That's an ecumenical matter! Let me just call Father Larry Duff on his cell phone, he'll know the answer for sure. Not like that Father MacDuff over on Rugged Island. What an eejit!




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    Not so. Combat effectiveness is independent of rarity. Some VERY effective vehicles will be as cheap as possible, while some rather ineffective vehicles might be priced through the roof. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Sure, but it remains the case that, under the system you describe, two units of equal combat effectiveness, one common, one rare, will have radically different prices. You want to make Pumas uncommon and I support that, but if I, the player, want Pumas in my force, why should I have to exchange them on a 1:2 basis with Mk IVHs (to use my earlier example)?


    The way our system works is that units are initially priced based on combat effectiveness, which is the way it is in CM1. The Rarity system simply makes the rarer units more expensive using thier base value as a starting point. In this way we succeed in doing what it is we are setting out to do -> make the rare units RARE. If this puts the price of a King Tiger or Puma out of reach of the vast majority of the players for the vast majority of the games... GOOD! Because that is what it is designed to do smile.gif

    The random "rarity reduction" allows for some variability to enter into the picture. So instead of having King Tigers and Pumas *never* be a wise purchase choice, they sometimes will be (to some degree or another). I think that is a great system to work with.


    Even with randomness, I'm assuming the rarity factor will never be zero. In which case, I as commander will always face the trade-off of combat effectiveness for style points wink.gif. I don't think this is desirable. Yes, the end effect is, as you say, to make rare vehicles truly rare, but I still think making rarity a separate factor with it's own set of "points" is the better means to that end.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    Oh well I am starting to get all gooey-eyed and about to buy a ticket to Donegal. Best go back to the Cesspool.


    As a famous Irish prelate once said, "Drink!Feck! Arse!"

    At least he didn't lapse into some non-linear disquisition on the political significance of the seasonal variations in pH at Lake Altan as recorded by the illustrators of the Book of Kells. Anyway, give me Horslips anyday.

    Now, how about a nice cup o'tea then. Aw, go on. Go on! Go On! GO ON!




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    Ethan, we kicked this idea around earlier on. It actually doesn't produce a different result than the system we have proposed. The "rarity pool" you mentioned is the same as the system lowering the rarity value randomly. The only real difference is that the rarity pool allows the player to decide if something rare is going to be affordable rather than the game system. I think it would be better to let the game do that or we might very well see King Tigers and JS3s popping up in every battle smile.gif And because of the point pools for different unit catagories, you realy can't harm the ability to purchase Infantry by squandering all your Vehicle points on something like a Puma (at least no more than you can do right now).


    Here's my problem with that. For purposes of illustration, let's suppose that a MkIVH and a Puma have the same purchase price, unadjusted for rarity, of 100 points and let us further suppose that they have equal combat effectiveness. In a game w/o rarity adjustment, I could therefore have my armored force of 500 points composed of any combination of MkIVs or Pumas up to the maximum. Suppose now that the rarity adjusted price of the Puma is 200 points. I can no longer simply trade-off Pumas for MkIVs. If I want an all Puma force, I'm now restricted to 2 vehicles, plus a MkIV to make up the numbers, whereas if I wanted the common vehicles I could have 5 tanks.

    Again, players are being penalized in terms of combat effectiveness for their preference for rare units. If a rare unit is especially combat effective, let that be reflected in the price. I'm still not clear on why rarity should impinge on the combat effectiveness of a given force. If your goal is to let the computer determine rarity, then let rarity points be assigned randomly, rather than determined by the players.

  5. Whilst going through the thread, I was struck by two different thoughts: 1) I really would like a rarity option, but only if that option is optional at the choice of the players by exercising an option, and by the way, can I buy options on BTS stock? 2) The various schema for rarity didn't really resonate with me. So, I came up with my own idea.

    My point of departure was that I want the purchase cost of any given unit to reflect its capabilities, relative to any other unit of a given side. So if, for purposes of illustration, a Puma has the same combat capabilities as a Lynx, they should cost the same. Rarity ought to be a separate issue, otherwise those who pick rare vehicles will be penalized for being récherché.

    Instead, each side should have a separate pool of rarity points, the level of which can be determined by the players beforehand, like QB points, or assigned randomly by the computer. Some units (e.g., Rifle '44, jeep, Panzer IVH) would have a rarity cost of 0, so one could choose as many as one likes, while other units would have higher rarity costs based on their availability at the time of the battle.

    So, a Puma might have, say, a rarity cost of 150. If one is playing a battle with 500 rarity points (which would be quite high at that scale), then go ahead and buy three Pumas. But if you wanted to buy a Jagdtiger, which costs, say, 600 points, you would be caught short, even if you had enough purchase points to buy it. I would trust BTS and the beta testers to be pretty accurate with their assessments of rarity.

    This system strikes me as a better way to handle it. Again, just because I want to play with a Puma, doesn't mean that I should be able to buy that many fewer rifle '44s because of the Puma's rarity value. It isn't that powerful a weapon, just a rare one.

    Comments, critiques, suggestions?




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  6. Lewis beat me to the punch on this one, but here's my view:

    Fixing the "fast spotting" loophole diminshes the value of the jeep recon rush (JRR). Re-jigging the purchase price of soft-skinned vehicles on top of that would diminish the accuracy of force compositions, IMO. OTOH, penalizing the loss of transport vehicles is a good idea, because it penalizes gamey tactics like the JRR. I don't, however, agree with Lewis's next idea of disproportionately rewarding surviving vehicles because, as others have noted, it leads to new and original gamey tactics.

    As for a wholesale re-jigging of vehicle purchase prices, I'll wait until rarity factors come out in CM2, unless BTS can figure out a patch for CMBO.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  7. Scene: An Elysian garden filled with wild flowers, lovingly watered by babbling brooks, rushing rills and sussurating streams. Lions lie down with lambs, while flocks of colorful birds dance attendance. Buzzing bees lovingly pollinate all manner of fruit trees, while baroque fountains issue forth streams of vintage wine.

    Enter a Nice Person

    Seanachai (for it is he): I wandered lonely as a cloud

    That float on high o'er vales and hills,

    When all at once I saw a crowd,

    A host of golden daffodils...

    Pauses to remove a spotless square of linen from his perfect cuff of priceless Mechlin lace. He blows his nose in the most delicate yet manly fashion as befits a true knight, sans peur et sans reproche.

    Enter a Courteous Person.

    Hiram (for it is he, and to no one in particular): The quality of mercy is not strained,

    It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

    Upon the place beneath: it is twice blessed;

    It blesseth him that gives and him that takes...

    He stops to contemplate a worm that lies in his path. Realizing that he was about to tread upon it, he recoils in horror. Then he realizes that he may have stepped on something else and recoils again. Eventually, he jumps up on a tree branch -- checking first to see that no grubs would be crushed in the process -- and hangs there.

    Enter a Nice and Courteous Person

    Meeks (shome mishtake, shurely? -- ed.): A drowsy numbness pains

    My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,

    Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains (yes, that sounds like Meeks -- ed.)

    One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk... Oh, I say, hello there Hiram. What cheer? Just hanging out, I see.

    I say, fancy a quick game? PBEM. I could do nothing other than allow you to be those lovely Germans on the defense in open terrain on a large map, clear weather, daylight and no air.

    Hiram: Gosh, golly, Monsieur Meeks, you are too kind, but I'm afraid I must decline. For you see, I fear that were I to let go of this glorious tree limb that God in His mercy has provided for my use, I might inadvertantly give injury to one of his creatures. Furthermore, the thought of harming any of those poor digital men gives me the vapors.

    But I see that Sir Seanachai is over there wiping his manly nose. Perhaps he can give you good sport. shouts and gesticulates Yoo hoo, Sir Seanachai, over here, if you'd be so kind. To Meeks He really is most kind and condescending to consort with such as we.

    Meeks: What ho, good Seanachai. Would you fancy a challenge? My H-39s against your T-28s. I will give you 50 percent more, since 39 is the higher figure. What say you?

    Seanachai: Good Meeks, hale and well met. Truly you are a stout fellow whose bonhommie is outdone only by his joie de vivre. And yet I must decline your challenge, alas, for, look you, I am but as a stranger in a strange land, a simple traveller I. I accept no challenges, but merely moderate. Where the bee sucks, there suck I and all that.

    Interestingly, that reminds me of a story. It seems that once, long ago, in my native Celtic realm...

    Meeks makes himself comfortable and orders tea, while Hiram takes a more secure grip on his branch. Fortunately for them, and how much more so for us, a large rodent enters stage right. He has large fangs that drip venom, a crazed look in his eyes, and a military webbing harness that is well-stocked with all the latest death-dealing devices.

    Professor Doktor Hamster X (for it is he and none other): Shut your fat gob, you pustulent gas-bag, with your pathetic pseudo-Oirish drivel. in squeeky Seanachai voice I remember how it was back when the Leprechauns outside Clonmacnois used to run a bathhouse for all the Seanachais normal voice. And you, you feeble excuse for a Cesspooler, get off your fecking tree branch before I shove it down your neck, and go kill something. And Meeks, my one-time psychophant, back to the brickyard with you, those wounds are almost looking like healing. And what's with all this peace, love, respect, brotherhood, courteous, nice crap anyway? Lions and lambs? How cliché can you get. Someone hand me my fecking flamethrower.

    someone hands him his fecking flamethrower

    That's better. Time to die everyone!

    Exeunt omnes pursued by a Hamster.

    Curtain. Applause

  8. -- "You have insulted me, you have insulted my family and you have insulted the Shaolin Temple. Now you must die." Bruce Lee, "Enter the Dragon" (not verbatim)

    -- "First you get the coke, then you get the money, then you get power, and then you get the women."

    -- Frank: Please don't shoot me, Tony!

    Tony: Don't worry, Frank. I ain't going to shoot you. Hey, Manolo, shoot this piece of sh1t.

    -- "Columbians. I hate f--king Columbians."

    -- "Hey, Manny, look at the pelican. Fly, pelican, fly."

    -- "You think you're something special? Who the f--k are you? shoots assasin in head Look at you now!"

    -- "Say hello to my little friend!"

    All the above from Scarface and uttered by Al Pacino. Herewith my favorite line from the movie:

    -- "You tell your friend I kill Communists for fun...but for a Green Card I'm gonna carve him up real nice."


    -- "I remember every detail -- The Germans wore gray, you wore blue."

    -- Heinze: Can you imagine us in London?

    Rick: When you get there, ask me.

    Strasser: How about New York?

    Rick: There are certain sections of New York, Major, that I would not advise you to try to invade.

    -- Renault: I am shocked -- shocked -- to find that there is gambling going on in here!

    Croupier: Your winnings, sir.

    -- "Major Strasser has been shot. Round up the usual suspects."

    All from "Casablanca".

    And finally:

    -- "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" The Princess Bride

    Many more, obviously, but time and space do not permit.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  9. You've pissed off your fire control officer by continually changing your mind. Make a battle plan and stick with it. Some of us have better things to do than replotting our barrages every ten seconds cause some Company Commander can't make a decision. wink.gif




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  10. There are at least two German 37mm vehicles: the Ostwind, and twin Flak 37, which is rearward firing. I have used both with some success, although the twin 37 is pretty vulnerable to small arms fire. The Ostwind can be quite deadly: good penetration and decent armor.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  11. John's post clearly shows that the most effective AT weapons system was the Hamster. What do you think made all those crews demolish their tanks?

    Professor Doktor Hamster X

    Generalissimo and President-for-Life

    Hamster Liberation Front*


    Death from Behind™

    *<font size=1>The HLF is a wholly owned subsidiary of SalomonSmithBarneyHewlettPackardPriceWaterhouseCoopersSnapple. All rights reserved. Only one per customer. Your mileage may vary. </font>

    [This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 09-22-2000).]

  12. Let's take the "single Jeep recon" out of it's vacuum and put into a more realistic context:

    Suppose you have infiltrated your forces without being spotted to a line that is clear of the enemy. You, the commander, know that the enemy is close, maybe even in the next row of buildings if it's an MOUT situation. Now, you send your single Jeep MG, the only motorized recon asset available to you, on a fast drive-by to draw enemy fire while he is observed by lots of other assets.

    Now the issue of telepathic recon goes away. It's still a likely suicide mission, although I'd say a fast moving jeep has a better chance of survival than a half-squad. Is it gamey now? Or is it more a case of needs must as the Devil drives?




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

    *sigh* H2H for CM2 please biggrin.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I'll ignore your rant about the differences between cross-dressing Anglo-Colonials and red-blooded Americans. More than half the post-war generation must have American blood anyway.

    WRT h-t-h combat, I'm pretty sure it's in there. On several occasions when I sent my boys in to kick Jerry's backside I heard the sweet sound of rifle butt on cranium. You probably heard it before but mistook it for your boys playing cricket.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

    [This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 09-20-2000).]

  14. I see this adding a lot of value, even as a simple graphical overlay. If you can recall your tactical overlay at anytime, it makes judging your progress against your objectives very easy. It also allows you to remember exactly what those objectives are -- something that often gets lost in the press of battle.

    I imagine that the graphical overlay alone, w/o any link to unit control or the AI, could be implemented relatively easily.

    It would also look cool.

    Barring that, I would love to have an in-game "print map" function for view 8 (any other view would be too large/complex).




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

    [This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 09-20-2000).]

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1:

    Heh was playing Eseldorf revised today had 3 gun hits 2 on Pershing's from Tigers & one on a Jumbo from a 5cm PAK.

    M26 - 1 1st shot from Tiger II

    M26-2 3rd shot Tiger 1

    Jumbo - 2nd shot 5cm PAK.


    Played Elsdorf the other day and had no gun hits at all. Killed a lot of Tigers though. That 90mm goes through them like a hot knife through butter. Mmm, butter...




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    This place is actually our outdoor privy...


    Not very private, with all this traffic coming through, is it?

    HEY, you two in the last stall, go rent a room or something. Oh, it's just Peng and Seanachai bricking Meeks. Carry on, lads.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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