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Posts posted by Rick614

  1. It seems like a lot of people have joined this forum in the last few weeks and that is great. It seems like the word is getting out. Would anyone that has joined since about mid-May let us know where you found out about CM? Somebody start a topic on where everyone found out about CM, I'm too lazy and tired.



  2. I liked what Buckeye said, "wouldn't be prudent." Remember, anyone that wants to copy CM and give it away is just helping to cut his own throat. I know we are all wanting more and unless Steve and Charles are big into charity work I would imagine they are counting on a payday from CM.

    I personally want them to become very wealthy so they can hire some additional help and get started on "Naval Combat, Stopping the Rising Sun"

    If they become only moderately wealthy they can work on that in their spare time.

  3. Rommel22

    Well, I guess I will ask if no one else wants to but what does all of this have to do with Combat Mission? I will admit that the topics often stray. As far as language goes it does get a little "coarse" sometimes. I am an ex-sailor and drive a truck so I don't consider myself to be a prude but maybe all of this would be appropriate in a different forum. And that is just my personal opinion and you are certainly entitled to yours.

  4. 58 years ago, certainly one of the most important naval battles in history.

    Steve and Charles imagine dropping out of the sky in your trusty SBD from 14,000 ft

    and unslinging a 1000 pounder on an unlucky

    Japanese carrier. Haven't played a good carrier game in a long time and with the way things have changed how good it could look now.

    Again, I only ask you to work on this in your spare time. (I know, HA HA)

    Anyway, lets remember the guys at Midway.



  5. Sorry, but to continue.

    I think that most of us who like to immerse ourselves in these games probably appreciate the sacrifices and the suffering more than most. Forgive me on my quotes if I don't have them completly right but "those that ignore history are bound to repeat it" Didn't MacArthur say it was the soldier most of all that hated war because he was the one that had to pay the ultimate price. Let us all remember those that "gave the last full measure of devotion."

  6. As we commence our Memorial Day weekend here in the good ole'USA and get ready to cook out, drink a few beers, relax, and listen to the 500 lets all take just a moment to remember the purpose of the holiday.

    We are all looking foward to in a couple of weeks raining untold death and destruction upon countless little computer beings. Let us not forget the true death and destruction that WWII, and all wars have caused.

  7. Steve

    You don't have to reply to this, I know you have more pressing things to do right now. I just want to make it clear that I'm not suggesting for anything to be shown during the game play. After the last turn is over you could take an overhead view of the battlefield and see where casualities were taken for both sides just marked by symbols. You mentioned a bookkeepping problem having to carry over the location of those from turn to turn and I can understand that. Maybe someday and I won't say another word on it. I have read the threads on print screen and I am sure that will work just fine. Madmatt, if you read this I apologize for my remark on that being more fun. You guys are all working real hard on this but you still take the time to answer our questions one on one. Thanks

  8. Steve

    I agree with you on leaving out the gore. I was just thinking of more of a simple map like view after the last turn with some X's and O's indicating where casualities were taken. No graphics. No view during the game and no bodies. Not knowing a thing about programming I can understand the bookkeepping problem from turn to turn. I just though something like that might actually help to show the carnage of the battlefield without all the blood and guts being shown.

    How about my second question. Could there ever be any way of printing simple maps or the after action reports?

  9. BTS. I think the addition of the "bodies" for the reason you are doing it is a fine addition to the game. I personally think that I will be able to fully enjoy CM without a lot of gore and blood, but I can understand the reason some would like it in. I guess the bottom line is it's your baby and you have to do it the way you think is best for all.

    Username brought up a good point about a squad that loses 11 men in one place and the last man continues on for some distance and then he buys it.

    Would it be possible in a future version to have an overview of the battlefield after the last turn on which the location of each casualty is shown? These could be indicated by symbols, maybe different color for wounded and KIA with disabled vehicles also shown. This might not satisfy those who want blood and guts but it could serve as a good learning tool. You might even have 2 different views. One would be the all telling view showing all casualties for both sides and the other view would depend on your command of the field at the end. Don't know if that one would really be needed because from game play you would certainly have an idea where you took loses but the choice would be nice. Just an idea. Don't know how much addition CPU horsepower that would take up, maybe too much.

    One more thing. Would it ever be possible to print maybe rough maps of the field and/or any after action reports instead of scratching them done in a note book?

  10. G Ned

    You mentioned something that has always amazed me. "Licensing Rights" Even in the time of world war how big business had it's way of doing things. I can just see the deal so close to making some Tigers in Japan but then it all falls through because they can't come to terms on the rights.

    It seems to me that I read somewhere that Henry Ford was able to get something out of Germany (maybe machine tools) just before the war started that was very useful for the Allies. Certainly the Germans knew there was about to be a war but because the deal had all the i's dotted and t's crossed it was honored and allowed to go through.



  11. That game I was thinking of was called Dreadnoughts (with an O) but it was from Avalon Hill. On the box it says WWII naval action in the North Atlantic. Go figure. You could set up some ship vs ship battles but the main part of it was the hunt for the Bismark using the actual ships involved. You commanded the Bismark and could choose your break out route. Darn those pesky PBY's. No graphics. I played it a few hundred times.

  12. Neutral Party

    Didn't mean to start a new thread it just ended up that way. The graphics in FS were probably the best to date for a naval sim I just think with the state of the art they could have been a lot better. As far as CM goes I really have a good feeling about it. I think as much as everyone is probably expecting I bet most people are going to think it is better than they could imagine.

    The name of that game is driving me nuts but the more I think about it I could swear the name Dreadnaught was in there somewhere. Its in the garage up WAY WAY high and my ladder is out in the back yard and it is pouring rain so it will bother me for another day.

    It would be nice if BTS could think of a good naval sim somewhere down the line.



  13. Neutral Party

    You are of course right about Dreadnaughts. I remember that game but didn't have it. I can't remember the name of the one with the Bismark. I have it in the garage somewhere on a 5 1/4 floppy. I remember you could try different ways to attempt the breakout. It was fun. Did you try Fighting Steel and what did you think of it?



  14. Rob

    Dreadnaughts. I still have it just can't play it anymore. And it had nothing to do with Dreadnaughts, mostly hunting the Bismark. Yes it was an SSI game, when they made good ones. Played it on my Apple IIe. I have wanted to make the same suggestion about a naval game using the CM engine for a long time but was afraid of being flamed. I was going to suggest that Steve and Charles work on it in their spare time. (Ha Ha)

    Action stations I played on my Tandy TL1000. Romping stomping 8 Mgz of TNT. I waited so long for Fighting Steel to come out and was disappointed with it. I really got more feeling of action with Dreadnaughts.

    When you say it had very little graphics you are making an overstatement. I was not impressed by the graphics in Fighting Steel. I didn't really expect any in Dreadnaughts but I did in FS.

    Really, I think the surface engagements fought between the US and IJN in 42 and 43 were a tremendous struggle during a time when so to speak the "outcome was still in doubt." Even in 44 how you like to have Oldendorf's old BB's some of which had come of the mud of Pearl Harbor crossing the T of Kurita's Southern Force trying to enter the Surigao Strait. I read an account on one of the Brooklyn class Cl's that when they were locked onto a target they would fire all the main guns independently instead of in salvo. It said with 15 6" guns firing at night it looked like a steady stream of fire coming from them. In the Atlantic we could chase the Bismark or worry about those beautiful bad German battlecruisers.

    No terrain to worry about, not a whole bunch of small units to model. It would be great. Naval Combat Mission. Yes At point blank range we would expect to see those 20 and 40 going too.

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