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Posts posted by Rick614

  1. First of all I should say that any of you complaining about the AI just be a lousy player like I am. Don't have a plan (sure it was done), don't pay close attention to what's going on (done also) and you get your clock cleaned like I just did in a quick battle.

    Anyway what am I doing wrong? I am given trenches, why can't I place any units in them?

  2. I agree with Michael. There are a lot of guys that were hollering "if it delays the release one day don't do it." Maybe that would have happened with a different demo. My main gripe to this point is that it took so long but we all know the reason. A quality product will be released when it's ready.

    I have a game that's been on my HD for almost 2 1/2 years and I ordered as soon as I saw I could last night. I'm mad because Sat. morning I went to bed about 10 mins after Matt posted the go ahead but I never checked before going to bed.

    Any one who has doubts about ordering can wait and read reviews and then decide. To me there is no question that my $52 will be well spent.

  3. Gyrene,

    My last post on this so as not to beat it to death. How would you get "get rid of their payload and scoot" from my statement of "concentrate on any other thing that putting metal on the target"? I just saying if it was me knowing what all was going on I think I just try to cover the target with lead the best I can and not worry about bouncing bullets off the ground.

    As far as this speed of a projectile fired from and aircraft I'm lost. Does a bullet fired from an aircraft going 360mph (440 fps) which normally has a muzzle velocity of 2640fps (2160 mph) now have an initial speed of 3080 fps? Or is the fact that the aircraft is traveling 360mph cancelled out by the fact that once the bullet leave the barrel it sees what appears to be a 360mph headwind. Remember the bullet is dumb and it does not know if it is being fired from a stationary platform into a 360 mph headwind or if the wind is calm and the platform it is being fired from is traveling 360mph. Does the bullet end up traveling 2640 fps with reference to the ground but only 2640-440 or 2200 fps with reference to the aircraft?

    The only thing I know for sure is that the 30mm in the A-10 doesn't need much help. I have read accounts that pilots are told to maintain ample speed above stall speed when firing because the recoil from a substained burst is like firing a small retro rocket.

  4. To be honest I have never had the privledge of talking to a veteran fighter pilot.

    However "feeling" invincible does not make one so. I'm sure you know as well as anyone that the "feeling" can be a mixed blessing. It can lead men to acts of courage in the face of danger, but it can also lead to foolhardy acts. There is a picture of a base in England with a runway covered with just what appears to be parts stretching a couple hundred yards from a returning P-51 pilot doing a victory loop which didn't quite loop.

    Please note that I don't doubt the courage that it takes to be in combat. I have no idea how I would react under those conditions. The heaviest action I ever saw was in Norfolk, Va. That of course involved the USMC as you can imagine.

    I will always remember an interview I saw with a German ace after the war. He told how hard it was to shoot down an allied heavy bomber. He said as sq. commander it was his place to go in first knowing that there were maybe 100 machine guns shooting at him as he did so. He described how he would try to approach from a certain angle and then at such and such a distance he said he would squeeze the trigger (as he said this he put his arm up in front of his face in a mock defensive gesture) "scared to death, scared to death." I know that this was a man probably with more courage in his little toe than I could ever dream of having admitting that he was just flat scared.

    Completely OT I have just recently joined a sub vets org. and at the last meeting we had 4 men that have a number of war patrols in the Pacific fighting the Japanese. One man had made 8 patrols. I talked to each of them and shook their hands. These guys are national treasures.

    Have a good day, Gyrene.

  5. A question YankeeDog. You are firing a weapon from a fixed mount, a very fixed mount, straight into a 450 mph headwind. What does that do to the velocity of the projectile?

    As far as the bouncing the rounds into the belly I really find that hard to believe. I'm sure that it happened from time to time with effect but probably the guys that claimed they were doing it on purpose were the guys that always fired a little short. I just can't see a young man probably flying over enemy territory making a strafing run at 300+ mph knowing that all sorts of people are shooting at him with no altitude and if anything goes wrong he will be just a smudge on the landscape with a dozen other things to think about would concentrate on any thing other than putting metal on the target. I would think that maybe a practice was to fire short and walk the bullets into the target. Yes, I have read those accounts also and I'm sure it happened. In my opinion I just think most of the time it was probably more luck than planning. Kind of "yeah, I meant to do that"

    Anyway, I do not mean to belittle the efforts of those who actually did those things.

  6. The naval air museum in Pensacola Fl if great. I have been to Dayton and I liked it but being ex-navy I really loved Pensacola. It's not as big but not as crowded either. They treat you like a million dollars and it is the home of the Blue Angels. They have a free bus tour and we were told when I was there that every Thurs the Angels practice for 2 hours when they are home. Free to watch the only difference the guide told us was there are 2000 people watching not 200,000

  7. The topic of mine dogs always gets something going. I'll agree with Subvet and JasonC on the Kamikazes. At the time they were about the best thing the Japanese had left. I think at the peak of the attacks off Okinawa the US even thought about withdrawing the fleet until better means of dealing with them could be worked out.

    Besides the damage it also forced the carriers to carry more fighters thereby reducing the number of bombers available for ground support. Then many of the SBD's and TBF's had to be used for attacking and suppressing hundreds of Japanese airfields from which the Kamikazes might originate.

    I read that after Japan surrendered there were still 11,000 aircraft available to the Japanese. I'm sure most of those were less than modern but scrounge up 20 gal of gas and a 250Kg bomb for each one with a very old or very young pilot with about 2 hours of flight time and the invasion of Japan would have been very costly indeed.

  8. I agree it wouldn't be practical to model weight limits for thousands of different bridges but it would be nice to model a few with a random factor built in. Maybe just a brief condition report available similar to building damage. In the time frame of CM I don't think there would be much bridge inspecting done especially under fire. You pretty much would just have to decide if you want that heavy stuff on the other side and what you are willing to risk. It could lead to some hasty plan changes when your 3 light tanks make it across and one of your heavy tanks ends up in the creek with the other one now sitting by its lonesome.

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