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Darren J Pierson

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Posts posted by Darren J Pierson

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    Is it just me, or does anybody else feel that I am in a no-win situation unless we do nothing but pander to every single whim of anybody who voices an opinion here?



    Don't let it get to you. From all of my years working customer service and then in the classroom, I learned that there will always be one or two people who won't be happy ever, even if you do everything that they ask for.

    Just keep doing what you need to do and in the end you will produce another great game and the vast majority of the customers will love it. (Sure, we will beg for tweaks but we will still love it. smile.gif )

    I for one lurk here everyday and still love this board for its honesty, professionalism, and information. Sure, sometimes someone acts like an idiot, but most of the people are of a very high calibre.

    Don't let 'em get to you.


    (Now please go back to coding, thank you very much.) smile.gif

  2. I play the Allies, with the Canadians in the lead and the Americans a distant second. (I'm a home team fan.)

    I identify more with the Canadians and Americans and seeing my name on screen helps to reinforce this belief. smile.gif I also admit that I just can't work up any enthusiasm to do well as the Germans. It just doesn't seem right. I don't know what I will do in CM2. Germans or Soviets? Great. wink.gif


    And by the way, these are historical preferences and do not reflect attitudes towards modern day citizens of those nations. Was that PC enough for everyone? wink.gif

    [This message has been edited by Darren J Pierson (edited 08-17-2000).]

  3. My funniest experience was in a QB with my Canadians defending against the Germans. I let the computer pick the forces with random quality. So, it was conscript Germans against a Crack Canadian engineer platoon. I had placed my flamethrower unit in a house with it hidden. The only armor I had was a Stuart and a Ram Kangaroo. The Germans had a Hetzer and a Panther.

    So, I placed my Stuart on the right flank behind some woods with only a very narrow fire lane possible. I was hoping to attack infantry and avoid his armor. Well, it became funny because as the Stuart engaged the enemy infantry in its field of vision, the Panther came across the map and got into its field of fire. Needless to say, the Stuart became rapidly upset and reversed out of there and wound up behind the building that my flamethrower team was in.

    For the next few turns the Stuart would dart out from behind the building and take a couple of quick shots at the infantry and duck back behind the building as soon as the Panther spotted it. The Panther would wind its way left and right towards the building going after the Stuart and avoiding small obstacles like woods and a roadblock. Finally, the Panther drove right across the face of the building and after three bursts the flamethrower destroyed the Panther. (It was buttoned up after my sharpshooter tried to take the TC's head off.)

    It was just hilarious to watch this poor little Stuart dart back and forth like a kid with a pop gun to finally sucker that Panther into driving into the trap. The Stuart had no choice because certain death awaited it if it moved out too far, but it was still quite amusing.


  4. Just a thought, but couldn't you determine if it was a ricochet by checking the kills list of your Tiger? If the self defense mortar system (not going to even try to spell it in German wink.gif) killed the crew, shouldn't it be listed as a kill for the tank? If it was a ricochet, then I don't think it would be there. I have never tested this however.

    Of course, you may or may not still have a save game file to reload and check with, so it may be moot.


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dittohead:

    Then again maybe just have it as an option when you start. Have a box to check to use historical point numbers, otherwise blast away. After all you can never have too many options. biggrin.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Very good idea. Controls and choices. Always a nice combination.


    [This message has been edited by Darren J Pierson (edited 07-30-2000).]

  6. One thing to keep in mind is that many of us only play against the AI and not other human opponents, at least not yet. It might be worthwhile to have limits on competitive games, but many of us sometimes want to set up unrealistic situations just to see what would happen. (Such as the 100 jeeps vs. a tiger test.) Any additional restrictions on what someone can buy when we are just having fun hurts the game, IMHO. Plus, a good player should be able to defeat such an unbalanced force, or so I have been led to believe.


  7. I picked up Squad Leader as a kid back in the 1970s. Loved the game and bought all of the expansions for it. None of them, however, to me matched the original. I moved on to ASL and I loved the ASL manual. Couldn't understand all of it, but I loved the format and the wealth of information. I haven't played in years, but I still pick up expansions now and then.

    Damn, but I feel old now. smile.gif

  8. I will pledge not to copy or distribute CM illegally or do any other bad things. (However, I don't consider wiping the German Army out a bad thing! smile.gif)

    Of course, you do realize that anyone who would pirate a game wouldn't bat an eye at lying about their pledge.

    Nevertheless, it is good for people to stand up and be counted among the good and decent so more power to you.

    Good gaming to all.


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra:

    Curious now. How come a Texan wants to play Canadians? Seriously, is it the equipment or what?


    Well, I'm Canadian by birth and citizenship, but have lived most of my life in the U.S., mainly Texas. My family that fought in World War II did so in the Canadian Army. Unfortunately, all of the vets in our family have passed away and I can't talk to them about what it was like. My folks tell me though, that they wouldn't discuss it anyway.

    I do know that I had 4 great-uncles that served in tanks in NW Europe, but I am trying to find out in what unit(s).

    So, I guess I still have maple syrup running through my veins after all. smile.gif Although I want it with some jalepeno in it too!


    [This message has been edited by Darren J Pierson (edited 06-06-2000).]

  10. Unfortunately, this whole thread is a shining example of how sometimes someone has a good question or comment to make, but very poor word choices destroy any possible value the comment had. Sure, the poster might be eventually proven wrong, but an honest, healthy debate is always useful.

    I also tried, when this thread started, to keep in mind that language and culture differences could be adding to the fire. I still think that some cultural clashes have taken place, but we are now at the name calling stage.

    Gentlemen, let's all just step back and relax. Steve and Charles are making a great contribution to the gaming industry here and let's support them with our dollars and ignore useless and mean-spirited attacks.

    Besides, I can't wait to get my hands on some Canadian troops and start slaughtering German HMGs. smile.gif

    And I hope and pray that my name that was on the list made it into the game!!!


  11. Well, I hate to admit this, but I find the thread fascinating. It's like an experiment in abnormal psychology where you can tune in whenever you want and see how the experiment is going. Unfortunately, the behavior is way too common and not really abnormal.

    Of course, it is the kind of stupidity in the thread that wears down talented and dedicated people who try to supply us with such wonderful games such as CM. I'm sure this doesn't need repeating from me, but Charles and Steve have the full support of most everyone here (99.9% I'm sure.)

    Keep up the good work guys. It is appreciated.


  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Turtle:


    Im new here so please dont hate me if someone has already asked this already.

    There are a ton of games representing the European theatre, (although the demo of CM

    blows them away) but i dont know of many depicting the pacific war.

    I think it would be keen to fight in places like the Philip. Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hi Turtle.

    Welcome to the forum.

    FYI, this debate has been long and heated in the past, and if you do a search you will find more that you probably wanted to know on the subject. smile.gif

    To quickly summarize, BTS has little interest for a variety of reasons for a Pacific Theater CM. Anyway, the next few in the series are already spoken for, so it is a debate that can be held off for several years. smile.gif

    Hope you enjoy the game and the forum.


  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Frenchy:

    Whatever happened, it no longer recognized my old user name and email address. I had to re-register under a different name. I was formerly known as Gyrene251.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Just out of curiosity, did you try to post while the board was having its problems? The last time we lost the board anyone who tried to post (as I learned the hard way) had their account corrupted and had to create new accounts. At least some of us did anyway. I don't know if this is true this time, but I thought I would throw it out there.

    Y'all have a good evening.


    (And for anyone living in the U.S., Happy Memorial Day. And to those who served(past, present, and future), thank you!)

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hundminen:

    I apologize to all the History Academics out there. No offense.

    As an Engineer, I just couln't pass up the opportunity to take a shot. wink.gif


    Hey, no problem. Have to plead guilty to a few engineer comments in my past, especially here at a big engineering school. smile.gif

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