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Posts posted by coe

  1. well it'd be kinda neat to see a Panther VG or a King Tiger go up against a Crusader or a Matilda

    or even a Grant (already tried King Tiger's vs. Stuarts in CMBO). Just imagine plinking away

    at the King Tiger with a 2 pounder or

    that is if the King Tiger doesn't run out of fuel just trying to make it to the front-line.....

    hmmm, I wonder if we'll be able to do tank recovery under fire!

  2. spoiler

    I'm playing von Lauchert and learned the hard way that there are certain points in the ravine not the area of the flags that can be seen by the Germans at long range.

    I almost got a platoon of T-34's into the flag ditch on the left but alas....

    I'd be interested if against a human player, an Russian side player has gotten his infantry or anti tank guns in there....asside from risking them on piggy back as you make a run for the ravine I'd think that having a whole company of russian infantry at close range would add wonders to the complications of the germans (realizing of course that he might have infantry there too but I think that currently he doesn't having left them waay behind....

    have any of you russian types waited until you get all the tanks behind your hill before rushing down.....?

    (except the first wave of course....the one thing taht is kinda cool is that the destroyed tanks you have out in the middle of the field do wonders for you in terms of borg spotting....(I have some crews out there).....

  3. These are actually curiosity questions of historical nature

    1. does anyone know of sources describing German troops experiences in the French Foreign Legion fighting in Indochina...(I'm interested in how they viewed the fighting over there as opposed to the european theatre.

    2. Can someone explain the numbering system of the German divisions

    This is where the confusion is

    There was a 1st infantry division, a 1st

    armoured division, 2nd inf, 2 armoured, etc.

    however then you had things like 116 Panzer

    56th panzer Korp, 901 Panzergrenadier regiment...

    (No I won't believe you if you tell me that honestly there were 115 other panzer division

    and 900 panzer grenadier regiments and 55 other

    panzer korps.)



  4. Here's one, so I had a veteran StuG IIIB

    hiding behind a house....and a buttoned up KV-1

    comes up the road and by it, in fact it stops

    right in front of the StuG and the StuG lets him

    have it at I believe it was 10 meters

    No damage...it was a flank shot too. the KV

    turns and polishes him off

    actually have you noticed, point blank shots sometimes are less effective than shots that are lets say from 200 yards out? any reason why?

  5. In some pictures I've seen (mostly Normandy ones) I see a panther shooting at some targets in the

    distance (tanks). The thing is the panterh has its rear turret hatch open and there are some

    people hanging out and loading in shells through

    there or maybe dumping empty casing I don't know.

    How common was this, how long would it take to

    get up and ready for all around combat, and given

    that the place was probably crawling with Allied

    vehicles of sorts....why?

    Second of all, what do you think about if an AT gun gets knocked out, there's a chance there might be some spare ammo around and if a tank with the same gun comes around, you could command it to scavenge (a risky thing, but if you are short on ammo) and it becomes rather vulnerable/for like a few minutes....

  6. in PBEM is it possible to have both computers do the calculations...

    e.g. instead of

    A moves, send file to B

    B moves (calculates) B views, sends file to A

    A views sends file to B. B moves

    sends file to A etc.

    why not

    A moves sends file to B

    B moves (calculates) and views. B moves sends file to A

    A moves (calculates) and views and moves

    might that be more efficient?

  7. We've talked alot about how tanks and infantry changed to meet the needs of the battlefield. Anyone know much about half tracks. Did they change significantly....e.g. the german half tracks seemed somewhat vulnerable to stuff like the .50.....and did the Americans do anything to their half tracks to adjust to the plethora of hand held AT weapons that the Axis started to use?

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