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Posts posted by rich12545

  1. Got the poster today, unexpected, since I ordered just a few weeks ago. Really nice. The only thing I can think of is I ordered about a year ago and then had to cancel because the first demo wouldn't work on my computer. After trying the gold demo it worked great so I re-ordered. So anyway I just wanted to thank you. :)

  2. rich12545, you will never convince anyone that arabs are filthy animals that must be exterminated.

    Are you serious? How about a quote where I said this - or an apology?

    Believe me, I would like nothing better than for the arabs, all of them, to stop shooting and bombing and simply live in peace. I have nothing against the people, just their actions.

  3. Marcusm: About Palestinians I want to add that both are equally responsible for the violence.

    This is not even close to being accurate.

    Ask yourself this, if the palestinians stopped the violence, would the Israelis follow suit? How about - if the Israelis stopped, would the palestinians follow? The answers are yes and no. The palestinians are TOTALLY responsible for all the violence because if they stopped, there wouldn't be any more. The Israelis use violence in self defense only to protect themselves. Do they sometimes go overboard? Maybe. But put yourself in the position of trying to protect your loved ones from terrorist bombings and see what you do.

  4. Labelling a whole people as murderers is a gross over-generalisation rich. The murderers are the kids who blow Israelis up and the mullahs and terrorists who indoctrinate and send them on their missions. The vast majority of the remainder of the ethnic group you singled out is merely interested in getting a better life and doesn't much care about killing Israelis one way or the other.

    Fionn, thank you for your clarification. I can go along with what you said with one caveat. I believe the vast majority is interested in Israel's demise and the minority is merely interested in getting a better life. Now maybe we can agree to disagree and get on with CM. smile.gif

  5. I just finished reading the manual and in the troubleshooting section it says to reinstall video drivers in case a dx installation overrode the new one. It never occured to me that a dx installation could do that. So I tried it. OOOOOOEEEEEEEEEE. It worked. Not only that but everything else looks better.

  6. many people in the world regard the Palestinians as victims not aggressors. They maybe wrong and gawd knows I get sick of people misunderstanding Irish history so I hope you could illuminate me further.

    Glad to.

    The palestinians are victims - of the arab leaders. Back in 1948, when Israel became a state, all the arab countries got together to push this new Jewish country into the sea. They told the arabs living in Israel to leave their land in order to make it easier for them to accomplish their task. Well, things didn't work out as planned and these people became displaced in camps after the war. The Israelis figured they abandoned their property and took it (those arabs who didn't flee kept their land). The arab leaders wouldn't allow these people into their countries and decided to use them as pawns against Israel by leaving them in the camps. This strategy worked very well as the "palestinians" have been a thorn in Israel's side ever since.

    The palestinians say they want a homeland. I say give them one. How about Sinai?

  7. Sorry, Rich.

    Do you know that after WWII the English uses the German concentration camps to "lodge" the Jews

    That's interesting. No, I wasn't aware of that although the British certainly sided with the arabs prior to Israel's independence in 1948.

    And I'm not the one who started this pissing match. I mentioned my feelings about the palestinians and Fionn jumped all over me saying what nice people they were and calling me prejudiced. I was ready to let that go. Until he brought up his dislike for Brits. Seemed very hypocritical of him to call someone else prejudiced when he held prejudices of his own.

  8. He has a great deal of knowledge to offer, but he is quick to engage in unnecessary verbal duels.


    I noticed the verbal duels on the historical usenet board. I have absolutely nothing against Fionn and have respect for his gaming and historical knowledge. But when somebody starts talking about how wonderfully nice people palestinians are I take exception. Here is a group who are just as dedicated to the eradication of the Jewish people as the Nazis ever were. I just think that after his comments about the Brits he has a lot of nerve telling me that I'm prejudiced. I'd like to know the last time the Brits deliberately blew up a bus full of Irish children. Yeah, the palestinians are nice people, all right.

  9. Got the game today and it's every bit as good as I expected. Except for the smoke.

    I installed the full version, patch and mods. The smoke still goes in the air with a rectangle outlining. Anybody have any ideas?

    I have a k62-400, 160 meg ram, voodoo3 2000, Soundblaster 128 pci, Sceptre 19 inch .26 monitor, dx7a, all the latest drivers for everything. Running at 1152x864. Everything else seems to work great, just as fast as the demo.

  10. I disagree. The game is now out. Add-on packs would amount to nothing more than mods. Different units, different terrain, maybe substitute brown for grey to simulate blowing sand instead of fog. Shouldn't take that long. BTS could charge $30 a mod, make a fortune by the end of the year and then start on the next great game. They'd be way ahead and so would we.

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