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Everything posted by kverdon

  1. Jeez! Way to go guys. SURE! just release this thing at the same time that the other program I've drooled over for a year (B-17II) is scheduled to be released. This shows definate lack of consideration for the serious gamer . However, HEHAWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe if I go to sleep NOW, I can get in enough zz's so I won't have to sleep in June :>. THANKS GUYS, Kevin [This message has been edited by kverdon (edited 03-28-2000).]
  2. From most of the reading I've done, infantry units w/o any anti tank weapons (AT Gun, Bazooka etc) tended to break for cover or bug out when faced by enemy armor. The squad attacking with a grenade bundle or something like that was VERY rare. CM should model the general rule of units not the rare exception. It would be nice if they could put in a 5% chance (thats probably REAL generous) that you Inf Squad would go Gung Ho and try and disable a AFV by close assualt. Kevin
  3. Howdy, Thought I'd throw out a few reading recomendations to pass the time and set the mood as we wait for CM to be released. The following series of books written by George Koskimaki are collections of first person accounts of troopers of the 101st AB in DDAY, Market Garden and the Bulge. They are good reads of the viewpoint of the man on the ground participating in small unit actions. Koskimaki was present himself as a radioman for the 101st in the actions. Here is the list: DDay With the Screaming Eagles. ISBN:0686227840 Hells Highway:ISBN:1877702013 Battered Bastards of Bastonge. ISBN:1877702048 I've read the DDAY book and most of the Bastonge book and have enjoyed both. The readng does make the wait go faster, but it DOES make the wait harder <G>. If you're interested in the Bastonge actions I also heavily second the recomendation of Donald Burgett's Seven Roads to Hell. best, Kevin
  4. Yep, I loved Willie and Joe and UP Front. It seems to me that there is another Maudlin book out there (The Brass Ring??). Another one of my fav's has Willie and Joe as arty Spotters in a fox hole. There is a Stug III parked right over the hole and one of the character is speaking into the phone saying "Able Fox 5 to Able Fox.. We've got a target but you've gotta be patient". Kevin
  5. Well the Demo is so delightful, the gameplay so insiteful, Your support is such a pip, Let it ship, let it ship let it ship. (in the spirit of the holidays) Kevin (voted)
  6. Hi, Sorry to post this here but when I tried to send this via email, my mail server kept returning the addresses as "Undeliverable". Please feel free to delete this thread once someone from battlefront has read and responded to it. I placed my order for Combat Mission quite a while ago. When I place the order, I had not yet received my new Visa Card and the card I used will expire at the end of Dec as the Expiration is 12/99. Do you expect the game to ship before then or do I have to give you my new number? Would it be safe to email the new number to this address or do you have a phone number I could call to update the Visa Number? I’m not keen on just re-ordering as I should be currently at the head of the list for orders and don’t wish to drop to the bottom. Thanks, the product is looking GREAT. Kevin Verdon kverdon@earthlink.net
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