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Posts posted by kmead

  1. Congrats on your entry into the fold. I have been enjoying this game since the beta demo in Nov of 1999. Wow 3 years now. I rarely play any other games besides CM (OK Ghost Recon of late).

    You will truly enjoy it, just be patient and learn the way to use tactics relative to each unit's strengths or weaknesses

  2. It isn't just a Mac to PC issue. We have seen it occur on like platforms as well. My experience has been that MS Outlook has trouble with files larger than 500k and that it drops a few 1s and 0s, rendering the file useless. I am a Mac user and have seen the problem both ways. It may also be an issue with your ISP or all the ISPs between you and your PBEM opponent.

    In any case it is good practice to compress your files before sending.

  3. I suffered a partial install on my new G4 DDM initially and reinstalled by copying the CD onto my HD and ran the install from there. It was alot faster than the CD install and appears to have been more complete. Just a thought.

    I too would suggest an upgrade to 9.2.2 if possible or at least to 8.6 which would be a free upgrade. Also make sure you use the later video drivers that were included in the CMBO 1.2 update.

  4. On a Mac you don't get a chance to choose a resolution. To get it to the res you want, first go into your System Folder, Preferences Folder and delete the CMBO or CMBB prefs file. Set your desktop to the preferences you desire and start up CMBO/CMBB and it will either accept the setting or set it to the nearest one it supports. This setting will now be in your new prefs file and CM will start at that resolution until you repeat the process.

  5. BFC's order fulfillment contract is with a company in Vermont. Some of the primary developers live in the wilds of inland Maine (Steve and Charles). Matt hails from southern Ohio and I don't honestly know the whereabouts of Moon (Martin). Kwazydog (Dan) haunts the far reaches of Australia and there are many others who have contributed to these fine games from around the globe. I believe Moon was charged with much of the manual and I recall he is a European (maybe even Finnish, which isn't quite European :D ) and thus the proper spellings of many words.

    edited because I really am a moron

    [ December 02, 2002, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: kmead ]

  6. Neither CM will run under X or Classic.

    You will need to install OS 9.2.2 and run it with the Classic Rave Extension turned off.

    This works fine on my machine(dual 867 with Nvidia Gforce 4MX), but some who have a ATI 9000 video card are having problems with textures.

    It runs fine on my machine and I am very pleased with the performance.

  7. So whats this we stuff?

    Actually my worry now is with MS having much of the intellectual property that forms the basis of (parts of ) OpenGL and they could make it not so cross platform.

    Yes, at the time Apple was saying that Rave was the API for the future. Of course this was when Copland was still the apple of Apple's eye. Apple turned its back on much of the gaming community and when Jobs came back it got worse. Notice the lack of something like game sprockets in OSX or other elements that make things easier for game companies to interface things to a Mac. In the case of CM they were too far down the line to make the change to OpenGL when it became clear that it would be road taken.

  8. Reboot into OS 9.2.2, hold the shift key down to enact the Extensions Manager and turn off the Classic Rave extension. Continue the boot up process. CMBO and CMBB will work.

    When you reboot into OSX and if you start up Classic it will tell you that required system resources are missing, will be restored and it will then continue the Classic boot process.

    CMBO and CMBB will not run under OSX due to the revision level of Rave used in Classic. This is an issue that Apple has not seen fit to fix. The CM engine was written using certain calls in Rave that are not available or enabled in Classic Rave. Now that our friend Steve (Jobs) has seen fit to croak OS9, we will not likely see substantive updates to Classic 9 to get it to behave better. The MSW version of CM uses DirectX calls making it relatively immune to changes in MS OS versions.

    BFC has indicated that the next CM engine will use OpenGL for the Mac version hopefully bypassing these sorts of issues in the future.

  9. Zipping or other file compression is the solution to the problem as the mail programs and service providers will often drop a byte or two. I have the same problem when sending DXF files that are large, all it takes is a few dropped lines and it will be unopenable.

    I found that with Outlook Express that when the file size reached 1 mb or so that I would have consistent failures. The files from the program were fine, it was whatever it was going through on its way to and fro across the information superhighway.

  10. My, my, didn't take your anti-grumpy pills?

    So far my transition to OSX has been very pleasant aside from the printers at work. I turned my Revb iMac in for 250 bucks towards my nice dual 867 and a 19" CRT. I am one happy camper!

    As for it being windows, no, its just UNIX with a nice wrapper. I used to use UNIX all the time to run Alias Studio when I was in college, A bit clunky at the time but solid.

    With enough Ram, preferably 2GB, all is well. I find it fast on my home machine and acceptable on my lowly 550 mhz single processor G4 at work. I rarely even use any classic apps of late.

    I too would be OSX only were it not for CM and a few other apps. Would I prefer to have it be a bit more adjustable, yes, but at the same time I really like having completely separated work spaces for me and my kids. We all get to make the spaces what we want. Overall its a big thumbs up and I have so far suffered only one kernal panic, versus fairly regular crashes under 9.

    Now if Apple would only update Classic Rave to allow CM to run under Classic....

    Edited to say hi to MOM. Hi Mom. Off to the general forum for us

    [ November 12, 2002, 09:22 PM: Message edited by: kmead ]

  11. HQs and HMGs both have a nasty habit of shooting first. The HQs seem to fire even though their paltry weapons have little to no effect. I hide them and give them a small covered arc that is within the arc of the units they comand. This generally works well. Others may have other techniques of preventing them from leading the other units in firing. I have not played the scenario in question (a spoiler alert would be nice) and do not know the terrain you mention, but if it is open or pine trees you may not have had effective cover.

    As for HMGs or MGs in general, they have a long effective range and are willing to reach out before we may want them to. Again, I find covered arcs along with the hide comand to be quite effective in quelling their tendency to fire.

    As for a flaw in the game, I suspect not. I have been playing CMBO for the last two years and have not suffered in the way you describe. In fact with CMBB with the greatly improved C&C afforded by covered arcs and unit specific targeting that I have much better luck in keeping my units in line and unseen until the enemy is literally upon them. Do you keep movement and targeting lines turned on? They are essential to seeing what is really being shot at.

    Don't assume the AI will do what you expect, sometimes there seems no discernable rhyme or reason to its approach. I know I would have likely done as the AI did in this case which is to assume the far side of the river is enemy controlled and take up position to cover that side. Don't assume the AI is a complete idiot (though at times it will be), but also remember it is best at defence and not offence.

    And no, the AI gets no special spotting privelages as was shown in a overly technical :D thread a week or so ago on targeting. (ie the AI does not cheat).

  12. Might I suggest emailing Matt and see if a replacement manual can be acquired? Ultimately the manual is nice to have but not required. The readme from the demo is likely enough to be able to get up and running. This is a simple game, that just takes time to learn the nuances. The nuances are in the behavior and tactics and cannot be gleaned from the manual in any case. Time in the seat is the key.

  13. I have never seen this behavior (which is not to say it didn't happen), what were the circumstances in the scenario? Does it repeat in the same scenario when you start the scenario over? When have you seen it before, was it with CMBO or CMBB?

    Were the turrets traversed to the rear to face a threat or was the vehicle backing towards you as if it was reversing from a perceived threat?

    I have seen this in the CC series many times along with other bizarre vehicle movements. I know that the CM AI often fails to act in the most sensible fashion, but it usually doesn't butt into battle.

    [ November 09, 2002, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: kmead ]

  14. I suspect the older powerbook doesn't have enough Vram. CMBO will run on as little as 6 mb, but I think that 8 is the minimum for CMBB. If you run System Profiler under the Apple menu you will be able to find out the amount of Vram. Sorry to hear of your misfortune. Depending on how bad the repair bill is you might consider a new iBook, the base model now has 16mb of Vram and is only 999. The next model up has 32mb of Vram.

  15. As so often happens we find ourselves in heated agreement.

    We all want better graphics, it would help with the immersion, it would help with the gameplay if it included better terrain as well as rotoscoped/kinematic quality of motion for the soldiers. And so on ad infinitum.

    As Michael said, if they could have included better grachics when they started this game's initial production they would have. As it is, the graphics are incredible in comparison to where they first started showing them back in 1999. Look through some of the old files about development and you will see what I mean.

    I bought the game in July or August of 1999 on the basis of those graphics and reading the forum with Steve's posts. At the time I never chose to post as I am no grog and felt I couldn't add to the discussions. The beta demo vindicated that choice as they had done all that they said they would. This game more than anything else is about the game play, and even in the beta it was immersive, believeable and enjoyable.

    To go back to earlier points and there were some good ones from Deanco, Mud and others. I love the idea of an expert system to advise the commander of what the results will be for a given order. It would be rather like the sargeant "guiding" the green leutenant to do the right thing. Being able to toggle him off as you learned the intricacies of command would be nice. As I recall in the game Patton vs Rommel there was a simple version of this feature.

    I do feel the need to point out again that a very complex game that relies on tacit knowledge will always have a limited distribution. People are lazy when it comes time for entertainment, what else would explain the p[olularity of Sunday and Monday Night Football's popularity? :D

    So lets lay off parsing out each item of each post. When we type these notes out initially, we all are responding with what we know or feel about the subject. We are not always thinking about the total logic involved or that someone will be analyzing what we said to such a degree. The internet tries to be a conversation except it is I-go, You-go. In normal conversation we tend to pick on a few points stated not each and every sentence.

    Well off to work, have a nice day.

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