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Posts posted by killmore

  1. You keep giving examples of "unarmed attacks" taken from German propaganda.

    Remember thats the way germans wanted to show Soviets - like a mad horde.

    I doubt these were common. Some "volunteers" from GULAGs could have been unarmed. I doubt this was common as german propaganda wants you to think.

    Soviet losses would be much worse is such attacks were common throught the war!

    I read of volunteers without any commanding officer attacking german tanks at night with molotovs and no weapons. But it was their choice - they were partizans.

  2. One of the russians I met told me the following tale:

    In 1983 he was stationed in Ural mountains. He was in Soviet army training to be tank commander. One day their new commander ask them to drive 5 WWII ISU-122 from "storage" to the exercise field. Then commander climbed into the wooden tower and radioed to 3 ISUs to position themselves couple of meters beside the tower. He ordered 3 ISUs to fire simultaniously on his command.

    They did. The blast from the ISUs broke all windows in the tower. Then the tower itself slowly collapsed to the ground... Commander had many cuts and bruises...

  3. Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    Okay, let's compile a list of nations who actually fought in the "War in the East".

    Obviously Germany and USSR. Finland and Hungary. What about Poland?

    Poland had over 200,000 soldiers fighting on Soviet side. Polish soldiers were fighting all the way to Berlin. They were the only soldiers (other then Soviet) to take Berlin.

    They were equiped by USRR, just like Polish units in the west were equiped by England.

  4. Originally posted by Terence:

    Lets assume I'm an even bigger idiot than we all know I am.

    What exactly is this?

    You should probably try it...

    Lets see - let me describe typical sequence of events.

    1) Start MMCC3, Choose your side, Connect to server.

    2) You can change side anytime you want.

    3) You will see a large map in front of you. Some areas belong to Germans, other to allies.

    4) Lets say you want to play against AI. Select a sector that no other player wants to play. Start game in that sector. Since you are a new player you get large number of points. Purchase your units. (anything you want). My app creates saved CloseCombat game. Start CloseCombat (or CM). Play against AI.

    5) After the game your surving units are saved. Some of them might be promoted to say veteran status. If you won, then sector on the map becomes controlled by your side. If you loose sector now belongs to enemy side.

    6) If results of your game caused some units to be surrounded on the map, that sector will get no points in next game.

    7) Time is adjusted with every game, weather also changes depending on time of year...

    8) Lets say you want to play against human now. Select a sector with a game waiting. Say other player will allow you to play with him. You purchase additional units to supplement units that survived you last game. (So does the opponent).

    Number of points you get depends on your rank and the position of your side. (You might get very little if you are german in April 1945). Saved game if automatically generated for you. You will just need to load it. Time of day, weather are set too to appropriate values. (Snow in December for example)

    9) Go to CloseCombat3 (or CM) Play a game against human.

    10) After that the results of the game are extracted and saved. Situation on the map will change...

  5. Originally posted by Wolfpack:

    But the main point with this would be that you could play a campaign against the AI, without another human to handle details which (correct me if I'm mistaken)


    You can play campain against AI. You can play against other players. Results are instant! There is no need for game master! In fact the are few rules. Emphasis is on PLAYING CM not on ROLE playing DIVISION structure. It is up to you and only you where you want to fight and how you want to fight.

    Preferably you play against other players. But again after you finish the game your units are saved on your machine (and opponents on his own). You can instantly start new game in another area against willing human or the AI. You keep surviving units from last game, you get points which you can spend any way you want to to purchase more units.

    Login any time you want, play any time you want, there are no turns to worry about. You don't need to wait for anyone.

  6. This is not a plug - I wonder if BTS can help me to do similar thing for CM. All I need is saved file format...

    CloseCombat3 game just got an multiplayer mod. Yes - I wrote it myself. I wanted to write it for CM originally - but Saved game file of CM proved hard to reverse engineer.



    I would love to make one for CM!!!

    Anyway - what makes it different from other multiplayer campains?

    *Emphasis is on playing games.

    *No turns

    *Play any time. No one controls you, no one commands you. Not historically accurate - but thats what I like. I love historical units and their capabilities but let me choose what to do, where to go!

    *Attack/Defend anywhere, anytime.

    *You can make your own campains in about an hour. Maps/points/weather are configurable. If you think map of europe is too large for CC3 games - use map of Normandy if you want. You can then lauch it and forget it! No management needed.

    *If you don't want to play human opponent, you can play against AI.

    *Play any side you want - any time you want.

    *Summer and Winter maps are used depending on geographic location and time of the year.

    *Number of purchase points changes depending on date.

    *Random additional points (1 in 10 chance).

    *You keep your own units from one game to the next game.

    *Every win/loss changes situation on the map.

    *You can create Desert, Stalingrad or WestFront!

    [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 03-25-2001).]

  7. Originally posted by ParaBellum:

    IMHO this force would only be useful when playing against the AI.

    The biggest problem I see is that your force misses long range AT assets and close assault protection.

    Right. You want to position your pupchens so that they are protected from long range AT. Keep them hidden. Put MGs in front of them.

    Human who expects this type of force will roll over it. (just infantry and couple of mortars might do.)

    It works better for more generic force combination - not for the special one puproselly designed.

  8. I was amazed how well the following combination works for Germans:

    15% points - 75mm Inf guns

    40% points - Pupchen (best AT gun!?!)

    45% points - Light Mg42

    In 700 points game you should be able buy about 3 Inf 75, 10Pupchens, and over 30 MG42.

    This combination seems to stop cold 90% of Assualts.

    There is so much units that even heavy barages don't take enought of them.

    You can position MG42s in every forest, house, outhouse and doghouse!

    Pupchens can also cover 99% of all tank approches with multiple guns!

    75mm Inf should be positioned to take out possible infantry concentrations in front of your MGs...

    Tanks, mines, artilery is not needed.

  9. I have a book by Bryan Philpott "History of german airforce".

    This book claims that numbers were equal between Luftwaffe and RAF.

    Book claims it was not 500:2000 but rather 1:1. Author claims that most books simply compare all Luftwaffe forces agains british figter command forces.

    Book says that RAF had 670 servicable fighters with 513 in reserve. German forces assigned to attack UK were 640 servicable ME-109 and 190 servicable ME110 (which proved useless). This would make forces almost equal...

    Do these numbers hold water?

  10. Originally posted by Mark IV:

    I keep looking through killmore's "review" to find anything at all that might be true.

    Which part was not true? Was it the part about 10 germans killed vs 300 soviets?

    You mean germans were not defending themselves through out the movie? How many times did you see germans attacking soviet positions? Once for 10 seconds?

    How many soviet high officials commited suiside? That was at least a colonel.

    Did you see any soviet airforce in the movie? Would you like some numbers of german airforce losses?

    Do you believe that human wave attacks accross the only open terrain for miles were common in Stalingrad? Especially into prepared german positions fortified with tanks?

    And tell me what was there preventing germans from rolling all the way to Volga after human wave attack? Nothing - at least in the movie.

    Soviet tech in the movie is almost always already dead. So it is human waves vs. advanced german tech. At least to the average USA movie goer who does not read historic WWII books.

    You don't agree that by 1942 80 million of soviet population was under a german occupation? (That makes it about 40%)

    I am not saying that french director was Nazi - I am saying he showed Stalingrad from the point of view of german propaganda. Maybe he tries to justify why Soviets did not surrender but France did.

  11. I thought this was NAZI propaganda BULL.

    Watch it - there might be SPOILER here.

    And pardon my spelling.

    1) Number of germans killed 10, number of soviets killed 300. Thats the number that german propaganda always claimed.

    2) German sniper was always better. Soviet one had always help. Kid, other guys, finally in the end his "friend". He could not get the german for the longest time even with all the help. German alone did so much more.

    3) Human wave attacks are pure german propaganda. (After 1941, winter 1942). I really don't think there were any in Stalingrad. It was house to house fighting not soviet attacks on well prepared germans over open field!

    4) There was no panic after first attack in september. Nothing like constant soviet panic shown in the movie.

    5) There were always less soviets in Stalingrad then germans. Reserves/Replacements were put in very carefully - just enough of them to hold on. Not the way it was shown. Most reserves were not sent to Stalingrad but were held back for the attack.

    6) Soviet airforce was quite active. Unlike in movie where it did not exist. Just take a look at number of german plane losses over stalingrad.

    7) Germans were always cool and they were mostly defending themselves in the movie. No foolish attacks but always a well prepared resistance against enemy hordes.

    8) Germans often called russians a mongolian horde. I guess that is why they included mongolian in the movie.

    9) There was a message that Germans were not the only ones "mistreating" the jews. (I am not saying that USRR was good to them. It was not.)

    10) I don't think any suisides by high ranking officials as shown. Chuikov was there from the beginning and ended up in Berlin.

    11) Soviet system looked so bad it feels like it is actually better to serve Hitler.

    12) I fail to see why german were not able to take Stalingrad! After all after first human attack in the movie there was nothing left to stop them from rolling on to Volga. (Maybe ammo shortage?)

    Common guys can't you see this is the way the Nazi propaganda would like to show it. (except they would have won in the end)

    Soviets wanted you to think that there were human wave attacks in Stalingrad. That they had no tactics and little skill.

    They wanted USA to believe that it will be easy to stop any soviet attack because they will use human waves again and US GI will kill them all.

    If you add up the Soviet population numbers it becomes quite obvious that Soviet Union was incapable of launching human attacks all the time. By fall 1942 80 million of soviet population was under german occupation. Population of germany and its allies was equal to the remaining soviet population. Soviet union also kept large army on border with japan occupied china. And about 2 million men were in prison camps.

    [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 03-19-2001).]

  12. Hi!

    I don't think any one wrote an applet like that yet. (I did it for fun)

    This applet will let you see everyone from is also using this applet.

    Requirements are simple: IE 5 (for microsofts JAVA) and connetion to internet.

    I need a permanent home for the tiny server required by this JAVA applet. I can't keep my computer running day and night all the time. So if you have computer that is stable and runs all the time anyway (and is connected to internet by fast link) please email me!

    Here is the link: http://home.san.rr.com/apiotrow/CMGameFinder/CMGameFinder.htm

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