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Posts posted by ianc

  1. Andrew Hedges,

    I quite enjoyed your post and commend you on your knowledge of the language. I wish my technical prowess with it was as great as yours, but alas, I must rely instead on 'what sounds good', having sadly fallen asleep in High School.

    There are three spelling errors (not counting "u" for "you")
    Why not count it as a spelling error? This example of 'internetese' (along with 'ur' for 'your' or 'you're') annoys me almost more than any other, and it is nothing more than sheer laziness...


  2. Remember me to mock you all whenever I catch you typing/talking German.

    Sie Konnen lachen an mir als Sie wohlen uber mein slecht Deutsch und buchstabieren. Ich kan dass sehen in zukunft und es ist gut. Ich kan vielleicht dass so besser lernen.

    In a post on another thread Fire-fox apologised for his appalling spelling and said, if memory serves, that he could not help it. It is possible therefore that he labours under some form of disability. In which case to take the piss would be shocking bad form, rather like kicking a puppy.
    Yes, I agree. I'm not laughing at him per se. I just found the phonetic combinations produced in his missive to be so wacky that they provoked a rather uncontrollable mirth in me. Forgive me,


  3. Loading up a short gun with lots of porpellant doesn't do much because once the shell is out of the muzzle the excess propellant no longer accelerates it - it just produces an almighty muzzle flash!!
    Yes, but with more propellant, wouldn't you get a greater force behind the projectile, thus causing a greater acceleration as it travelled up the barrel?


  4. Until the telepathic user interface is developed, the one that guesses everything you wanted in a piece of software and performs it exactly in the manner you invisioned, not everyone will be satisfied with what a piece of software can and can't do.
    Exactly, friend Sitzkrieg. That's why most intelligent UI designers have learned over the years that it's a bit cleverer to allow the user the option to configure the interface and controls to his\her own liking rather than force them to eat crow. Nothing against BFC, but I think what they really need is for a good UI person to come on board. They've certainly got the historical accuracy and gameplay factors nailed down tight, but...


  5. Skinachey:

    I've played games against ianc, and found him to be a good and witty opponent. I have noted with interest his many postings, both now, and in the past, asking for changes to the user interface, and on such issues as 'the roster'.

    And I say, we nail him to a large piece of wood, dowse him with kerosene, and set him on fire.

    And as for you sir, I'd ask you for another game, but the way in which you wield artillery is a crime. How could you do that to me?


    If a guy has played 15 previous games and all 15 used the WASD keys to move, I could easily understand why he might want to remap the keys to his liking.
    Ha! Right on. I had played MoHAA for awhile last nite, then switched to CMBB. I was sitting there for about the first ten minutes with my fingers unconsciously on WASD, pounding the keyboard wondering why the damn thing wasn't scrolling my view!


  6. Priest:

    Since no immediate action is taking place that you must react to, there is no need for customization. I mean really why would you change the Hide command off the 'H' key?
    So you're one of those "I'll take what they give me and like it" kind of guys huh? Spent some time in the service have you? Seriously, you've never thought to yourself "I wish I could use x to control y"?

    Panzer Leader:

    I would love to use the mousewheel. Is it some kind of MAC thing?
    Um... Actually, I think the Mac hasn't quite caught on to this. Does the Mac even have two buttons on the mouse yet?

    I'm a bit of a rude bastard, but beer'll do that to you...


    Edited because I can.

    [ September 26, 2002, 12:55 AM: Message edited by: ianc ]

  7. The second is the rotate vs slide problem. Why was this done? It doesnt add anything to the game and will be even more annoying when you want to go back to playing CMBO and have to unlearn and relearn the system
    All this would be moot if BFC would give us the ability to custom configure our own controls instead of being forced to use the hard-coded ones...


  8. In addition to the roster screen of course. :D

    1) Give us what every first person shooter on the market has had for years; the ability to custom configure your own controls with a configuration screen instead of forcing us to use the hotkeys, which definitely won't please everybody...

    2) Incorporate the mouse wheel as much as possible into the controls, and give the player the option to configure it as a control. This is also needed for scrolling scenarios, mission briefings, moving up the list of units in the purchase screen, etc. within the UI. Imagine using this to zoom in the view, or raise\lower it.

    3) Scenario\operation lists need to be sortable by different parameters as in the standard Windows list boxes. You should be able to sort by date, size, name, etc.


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