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Posts posted by argie

  1. 1-Nope. You're out if you are dead in combat or becomes some non battle casualty. Even if your force becomes combat ineffective, you could be reassigned to another unit by your CO, if you're good enough wink.gif

    6-Do a search. It was already discussed a few times.


  2. Sorry, I don't have a saved file of that game. But, as I was running a test hotseat, I positively knows that the MG bunker was disabled, not menace was in sight and the smoke was fired from the Sherman 105, which was behind the ELIMINATED bunker. The most curious thing was that the smoke rounds fall in FRONT of the pillbox. And that was a TacAI decision.

    Sorry I can't help more with this.

    BTW, this kind of illogical things happen from time to time seems more accurate than doesn't happens at all biggrin.gif


  3. Possible spoiler VoT





    I was running a hotseat of VoT to see some things and something really weird happens. I was playing Amis with 150% plus, to see how to level Plomville with arty. At the end, with Plomville already leveled to zero, I send the Shermans 105 (5 of it) to the Hill 209. They pass through the town and starting to make their way for the hill, with the last shells raining down over them. The German's MG pillbox was in the base of the hill, in the town. The pillbox was eliminated and the crew destroyed. Midway in the turn and in the hill behind the town, and behind the pillbox also, I see some smoke rounds falling in front of the pillbox. I thought was a late decision from the German's TacAI to defend the bunker with the mortars, but, for my surprise, was one of the 105s which was firing smoke in front at a disabled MG bunker from which the tank was BEHIND, so he had their turret rotated 180 degrees... If you think that the tank behavior that happens to you was freaking, how do you qualifies it? smile.gif


    [This message has been edited by argie (edited 05-21-2000).]

  4. LOL

    I was referring to the wargame comunity, as you can see in the multiple piss contest we (sadly) had in this same thread. I'm not exactly a macho man, as I'm the less sexist man in Latin America (gays included). biggrin.gif

    And not, I think nobody will deport me as far we were living in democracy for more than 17 years now.

    You could publish in the Forum your victory, if you take the challenge. As I'm a gentleman, I will not do the same when I crush your forces in battle. wink.gif

    Sorry if I offended you in some way. Fionn and others in this Forum could testifies that it's my speciality offend people without bad intention (at least I tried hard to let them believe that wink.gif ).

    As you already must saw, I'm not a master in English language smile.gif


    the King of all losers.

  5. Titan, the FOW is a very important issue in the play of CMMC. Saying which side you pick could result in you being baned from the Campaign. People, wathever you will say, DON'T BREACH THE FOW.

    There are some specific e-mail lists to manage all yours questions. Don't make it public, please.



  6. Oh, and about Thebans: was Epaminondas, general of Thebas, who used for first time the "oblique order" (I don't know the correct term in english, sorry) as the standard setup for his forces in battle. He was never defeated until he dies in battle. The oblique order was a proto-Schwerpunkt, giving to the thebans a great capacity of manouver in battlefield.


  7. I think, the spartans used a very similar system of "companions": two men were attached together to the army and the social life for ever... Was usual they becomes lovers, as they were compromised from puberty and so on.

    Sorry by my english.


    ps: The Special Forces in the modern world generally does something similar: in SAS, the companions are 2. In Israel Special Forces, 3. I think in USA are 4, but not sure about it. The homosexual element it's not comprised because the actual morality of the modern Armed Forces. The Ancient Greeks don't found the homosexuality questionable, as today's Western Christian's moral.

  8. Abandoning and remanning weapons was a SOP in the Soviet Army, at least in the 80's for MOUT operations. If the soldier was in defence and the preparative arty fires began, then he must leave the heavy weapons in position and run to cover (i.e., basements) When the fire decreases, he must run to his weapon, hoping isn't damaged, and wait for the first wave of attackers. it is only feasible with interlocked defence strong points and very well preapared positions, to allow sentinels look at the approaching routes without being exposed to the arty barrage.


    ps: I'm meaning: it's not so unrealistic. I think if it's in the game, only good players could take real advantage of it (not cheat IMHO), as with the Command bonuses in HQ units.

  9. In my first game, I set the Shermans 105 in the hill, reverse slope, with the FOs and the .50 MG. Then I put a smoke screen over the AT pillbox with one 81mm mortar's FO, alternated. And some smoke over the MG concrete pillbox. I left the rest of the setup almost unchanged.

    The smoke was the key for an easy (but very inmersive) victory. With the german's AT primary asset neutralized, both Shermans crsted the hill and throw ound after round of 105mm directs shells over every German unit that moves or fires.

    From then, plus the help from the 105mm FOs, all was a paved road to success smile.gif

    Even when the Panther appeared, the 105s has had a good LOS to it. The Panther took out one, but the other killed it.

    Nothing more exciting than the first time with one new scenario biggrin.gif


    [This message has been edited by argie (edited 05-13-2000).]

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