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Posts posted by acrashb

  1. Originally posted by Blashy:

    Depleted Uranium is one hell of a lethal weapon at the cost of it being a WMD.

    This hoary old myth appears to need constant rebuttal.

    DU is less radioactive than a granite countertop - hence the "depleted" part.

    It is, of course, a heavy metal (making it a chemical toxin is ingested the right way - not through skin contact) and pyrophoric. So, if one survives the impact, shards of flying metal/ceramic, ammunition/oil/fuel/DU fires, one may have health effects from breathing vapourized DU - partly because of the heavy metal aspect and partly because DU is a mild alpha emitter. The primary health effects are from chemical toxicity.

    Breathing lead dust is bad for you too.

    For a brief but scholarly look at this, http://www.iaea.org/NewsCenter/Features/DU/du_qaa.shtml#q10 which contains the telling quote:

    There have been a number of studies of workers exposed to uranium (see question 8) and, despite some workers being exposed to large amounts of uranium, there is no evidence that either natural uranium or DU is carcinogenic. This lack of evidence is seen even for lung cancer following inhalation of uranium.
    Now back to our schedule long march to SC2.
  2. In no particular order:

    - follow-the-leader commands to avoid the mess shown below. In general, the ability to issue commands including SOP's to leaders and have them auto-organize suborbinate units. The time-savings would be enormous.

    - iron-man rules option - limited views

    - per-weapon ammo modelling. You should be able to blaze away with the squad MG42 then switch to SMG's when it gets tight.

    - campaign capability. Ok, so shoot me, I think that taking a company or battalion through several scenarios (with limited replacements) on a scale larger than 'operations' would make us behave more realistically regarding casualties.

    - flying monkeys with flamethrowers. No question.

    - realistic LOS regards 'living' vehicles, fortifications, etc.

    - single-email-per-turn turnaround. It can be done (one very old suggestion involved processing turns on only one of the computers, that's OK), and it would save tons of time for PBEM. I'm not worried about Andreas or certain others cheating, but I think it could be done "cheat proof" anyway.

    - highly-adjustable graphics options. I'd certainly like to play on the laptop while travelling, then get home and see more immersive details.

    This is why we need auto-organization as in point 1. Note: every waypoint for every vehicle was hand-done... never again.


  3. There are a lot of details to look at, and I bet BTS does so. On some larger topcis:

    1) Ironman rules enforced as an option during setup. Views 1&2 only, etc. This way the hardcore can get more "realistic" (more constrained as per an actual commander) and the gamers can still have fun.

    2) Airbourne Assault-style command and control. Tell your platoon leader to go somewhere and assume a defensive position. Tell your company leader to attack a marked hill. Tell your convoy to move along roads to a certain city square. And so on. You could then manage larger battles, or just manage smaller ones more easily.

    3) improved LOS (moving vehicles, bunkers should block LOS).

    4) n-based multiplayer. As in "player 1 gets these forces", "Player 2 gets these forces", ..." player n gets the remaining forces". Let one guy do the armour, one the infantry (on a given side), or have individual platoon leaders, etc.

    5) what they said about modelling small-arms penetration ( a .50 should degrade it's firepower more slowly through cover than a 9mm smg).

    6) SOP. Emulate TacOps as required. This also facilitates larger battles, and adds some realism.

    8) keep the ammo abstracted, but on a per-weapon basis. Now your squad LMG's can open up at long range, and you'll still have some SMG ammo for the knive-fight that follows.

    9) OOB. Can't the company commander just turn to an aide and say "where did that anti-tank team get to"???

    10) better "continuity battles", currently modelled as operations. A series of short conflicts over a few days seems to be a mainstay of WWII, but it's hard to depict in CM.

  4. Originally posted by Jollyguy:

    My experience is that British/Canadian units in Axis contolled France live on. Allied units in Vichy French territory at the time of surrender, however, surrender themselves.

    The lesson is don't have British/Canadian units in what will soon be Vichy territory upon French surrender. You'll lose them.

    You're right - and I'm suggesting that the behaviour is a 'bug', since it is inconsistent from France Vichy. It's not believable to think that British units would just put up their hands because they were geographically in the wrong spot.
  5. Certain statements made here turn out to be, how shall I put this? Wrong.

    Testing shows that British units in France at the time of capitulation survived just fine, as one would expect. It doesn't matter whether or not the units are in, near, or far from a port.

    Like this:


    So, Hubert, are non-French units outside of continental France supposed to disappear when France surrenders, while non-French units inside France proper continue to fight, or not?


  6. Originally posted by JayJay_H:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by aaronb:

    Just as my expeditionary force landed, france fell, and the entire airforce vanished.

    You can imagine the effect this has had on the campaign!

    Should they not have been displaced instead, perhaps to British-controlled Egypt?

    That feature represents that all french units on french-controlled hexes lay down their weapons and surrender. Operate french units of any kind to commonwealth territory, and they will be available for further action after the fall of france.</font>
  7. Playing as Allies against the AI, my entire airforce was clustered around the city in the french area next to Iraq to support the conquest of Baghdad. French and British airfleets.

    Just as my expeditionary force landed, france fell, and the entire airforce vanished.

    You can imagine the effect this has had on the campaign!

    Should they not have been displaced instead, perhaps to British-controlled Egypt?

    [ November 24, 2002, 01:01 PM: Message edited by: aaronb ]

  8. Originally posted by Les the Sarge 9-1b:

    Problem is it is sloooooooooow in running.

    What are the system requirements.

    My 800 Celeron with 256 Ram and 8 meg Video don't seem up to it.

    I'm running a 933 with 64mb card. Works fine. The "minimum" requirements are posted on the pre-order page (which just went up).

    An 8mb video card is necessarily an old video card, so you would have to disable a lot of graphic bits-and-pieces to have to work adequately (like turning off "doodads", stopping tree-swaying, perhaps turning off trees altogether, and so on). Check out the hotkeys and disable anything that uses graphic power.

  9. Originally posted by aaronb:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

    aaronb - You're using just the 'Enable External Depth/Stencil Buffer Storing' setting and not the 'Loading' too, is that correct ?


    I'll try turning off the "loading" and see what happens - to both the demo and CMBO.</font>
  10. Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

    aaronb - are you using a 'profile' for your Direct3D settings ? What are your settings for Direct3D when running CMBB ? I've seen some 'external depth/stencil buffer' settings make CM crawl...

    No profiles, the entire system is set to store the Z-buffer off the card (resolving the transparency issues of this card which you, I, and several others kicked around on the tech support thread a while ago). As mentioned, CMBO plays just fine.

    Crawl might not be the right word - it's not playable, and I mean that in absolute terms rather than aesthetic ones. Waiting a full minute for the quit screen to come up... unable to rotate the view, select units, nothing. Just a bit of flickering.

  11. Big bug.

    Takes 12 seconds for the "Loading 3D graphics" box to come up, then it takes at least (as in, I gave up waiting and came back later) 5 minutes for the actual game screen to arrive. When it arrives, the frame rate is maybe 1 frame per 3 seconds (based on the movement of the trees), the screen is a mess, and it is completely non-responsive to commands (including alt-Q and ESC). Oddly, the background sounds work fine.

    Yelnia Stare. Have tried several resolutions (most recently 800*600) with the same results.

    XP, Herc Prophet 4500 64MB, 933 Intel, 512MB RAM, Asus motherboard. System plays CMBO just fine, running about 45-55 fps. I'll try patching everything up.

    [edit] put in some XP patches; herc is already at 'most recent' patch level. No change.

    [ September 02, 2002, 01:29 PM: Message edited by: aaronb ]

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