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Wild Bill Wilder

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Posts posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. Gentlemen (I use the term loosely in some cases),

    This is just a game. We do this for fun. I keep reading comments that border on viciousness, replete with obsceniities, and unwarranted jabs at folks.

    I've heard cussin' before. You won't shock my modesty, but it is a public forum and offensive to some. Swearing does not make your argument stronger. Verbally ripping into someone does not make you the better man.

    Am I missing something? Is this really a life and death issue or are we in this for fun?

    There seem to be sinister undercurrents in some posts that are troublesome. But then I suppose we have a microcosm of the world itself right here on this forum and it is to be expected.

    I guess I've lived long enough (62) and seen enough in gaming to know it will all work out. I'll be glad to see the game out when it is done.

  2. One more thing and I'll put this theme to rest. Warmeister is in charge of the CM section on the Raider Site. He is an outstanding member of the Raider Team. He has done numerous scenarios and maps for Steel Panthers and other games.

    He also plays a mean PBEM game for those interested. Dick has great ideas for the CM-Raider site as you have noticed and he will do that and more. You're gonna like what you find there.


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

    [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 12-26-99).]

  3. Though I have not yet talked with Matt and Fionn (and you are right, Matt, Fionn and you make quite an internet team!), I am hoping that we can crosslink the sites.

    That way when you are visiting one, a quick click and you're at the other one. I think this will enhance the coverage of CM even more. Its gonna be fun. And Thank you for the vote of confidence, my maniacal friend...


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

  4. Invasion scenarios are some of my favorites, on any front, Cap'n.

    If it can be done, I wish you well. I didn't do a scenario on Dog One, but I did do one on the town of Ramelle, the saga of paratroopers, rangers, and a certain private. That one is indeed a LOT of fun, at least for me...


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

  5. However long it takes to get the game right is not too long.

    I applaud Charles Moylan and Steve Grammont for not rushing this game to the market as other gaming companies have done in the past.

    Its harder to sit on the game and make sure it is really "right."

    All of us want it, but we want it "right," with as few bugs as possible.

    We've been ravaging the scenarios that will be included in the game with the same purpose in mind.

    It will come, Captain, but I think you'll agree that the wait for a top quality game will be worth it.


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

  6. Let me set a point of clarification on the CM Site at the Raiders.

    We are not in any way in competition with MadMatt or the great work he is doing. If you really want to see a bang-up job of a website, updated almost daily (and the game ain't even out yet!) that is the place to go.

    The graphics, articles and Matt's hard work really shine.

    What Dick "Warmeister" Reece will be doing on the Raider site is complementing and adding another dimension to coverage of the game.

    Not trying to steal the Warmeister's thunder, but he has told me that as soon as the game is published, he'll be offering scenarios and operations right from the start.

    Matt is devoting his site to a deeper understanding of what CM is, what it includes, and what it can do.

    Our focus will be scenario design implementing all of the features found at CMHQ. That is the goal of the Raider Combat Mission corner.

    To be honest, I look for dozens of smaller sites to pop up everywhere once the game goes gold. And that is good, as it should be.

    Our purpose, as it has always been, is to provide top notch scenarios for the game. There will be other features too, but all geared to scenario and operation design.

    So why not enjoy both? There will be plenty to find at both sites. We support Matt and Fionn all the way in their efforts.

    And be assured, Warmeister will do a great job at the Raider site on this same theme.

    It is a "gung ho" spirit, I promise you!


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

  7. It appears that it can be done. I am in the 5th Battle of the Arnhem Operation, testing it out. We've been fighting here for 2 1/2 days now, and the struggle continues.

    In designing and now testing the operation, I have invested well over 100 hours. So far it has played quite historically. This has been a pleasant surprise.

    After a tense night battle in which the Germans made an all out assault across the bridge, the paras find themselves low on ammo, low on manpower and a reduced perimeter. Hope has been replaced with grim determination. Now we fight for pride. It appears we cannot hold the bridge. Where is XXX Corps?

    Playing it gives me more of the feel of Frost and his men in this intensive situation than any other I've ever seen on this theme.

    Time is running out for the Red Devils. I'd better get back to the fight.

    And Seasons Greetings to you all.


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

  8. If anyone is expecting a 100% acceptance of ANY game, they will be sadly disappointed. That is why there is a myriad of games out there, to please the diverse tastes of many.

    For me personally, this game "tastes" real good. For John Doe that you guys speak of, it has a "bitter taste." Now that could be because of a personality conflict, jealousy (No! It couldn't be! Yes, it could - G).

    Remember old Aesop and "sour grapes," or the "dog in the manger" stories?

    Actually constructive criticism is good. Vindictive criticism, alas, for the person with the attitude, only makes the game look better to the man who thinks rationally.

    Flak over the target means there is something worth bombing there. I'd rather have criticism than indifference any day!


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

  9. David, in order to have a good historical battle of Arnhem, I may have to lock the units in place.

    But of course, there is an editor, and it offers you the opportunity to the operation and change that.

    That is, of course, if the scenarios and operations that come with the game are accessible. I can't comment to that point.

    Now I am not saying there will be an Arnhem

    operation in the game, only that it is very possible...(G)


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

  10. As the time approaches for this marvelous game to become a part of your electronic repertoire of war, I notice more and more questions about the scenarios and operations that will be included.

    Naturally, that would be a primary concern of all gamers. The battles are what make the game shine. They are the show window of the goods inside.

    I don't think any of you will be disappointed. Its been my pleasure to coordinate the testing of these battles among 18 different very talented men.

    These guys are sharp and they are tough. Up until this moment, the testing has been very thorough and the scenarios are shaping up nicely.

    I've seen great games with disappointing scenarios. That will not be the case here. They are historical in nature (even the hypothetical ones). They are challenging, some more than others. They offer a wide range of combat situations, variety of terrain, and weather conditions.

    The nice thing is that the editor is the most user friendly that I have ever seen in a wargame. This has been the consensus of all the scenario designers.

    For those among you that aspire to doing your own scenarios, this will be your chance. Its logical, stable, and easy to understand.

    I look for hundreds of scenarios to be pouring out of the minds of you gentlemen and I look foward to playing every one of them.

    The Gamers Net and I am sure other sites will be providing a scenario depot where you can load your beauties for the pleasure of others.

    So get ready to now at last transport your favorite battles into this game to relive some of your famous moments in history!


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

  11. Yes, Paul, we know, but you don't (G). Now that is coldblooded. Like any good poker player, you don't want to tip your hand, but think of nearly every month of the period from June 44 through May 45. Think of most of the battles better known to historians and gamers of Western Europe.

    Think of last stands, hard charges, tenacious defenses, running tank battles, alamo situations, rescues,.. Think of paratroopers, tank commanders, tank aces..You'll see them all. Now if I say more than that, I'll be on the outside looking in.


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

  12. Yes, I have an Arnhem map done, and as soon as I can get the AI to do what it should, I'll be getting whipped into shape. I'm not saying it will be included. I hope so. But I am 3/4 of the way to having it done.

    You were talking about that one, weren't you Rune?

    If it passes Rune's playtesting, its ready for anything (G)!


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

  13. Answering AACooper's query, the scenarios and operations vary greatly in size and length. There are those you can play in a quick moment before supper or bedtime.

    Then there are those for which you should bring lunch and supper (and a port-a-pottie).

    They range from company level to battalion plus.

    No matter what your taste, short and sweet, long and tough, I think you'll find your appetite for war thoroughly satisfied in this banquet of battles.

    And in odds, it really depends on a number of factors, hard to give a fixed figure. Meeting engagements, attack-defend, strong fixed positions (pillboxes-bunkers) terrain (open-mixed), and on and on. As a general rule 3:2 to 2:1 is about right from what I have seen so far.


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

  14. Every war in every epoch has its foot soldiers in moments of anguish and glory. Korea, Nam, even the highly mechanized Desert Storm, plus the many other small conflicts of the 20th Century all provide opportunities for a game like CM.

    It is a tribute to the quality of the game. Since, however, the focus is WW2 primarily, I again advocate strongly that the Pacific be given a place in the sun.

    Thanks to all of you for saying your "yeas" and "nays."

    I'm firmly convinced it would be in CM's best interest

    It will be interesting to see how the upcomig Rising Sun game does, won't it?...


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

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