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Wild Bill Wilder

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Posts posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. An easy surrender would be a strong indication of green or conscript troops. You can see the type of troops you have when you click on them. But there are other things that might be involved.

    There are also grades of suppression. For example in the first battle of the Operation of Team Desobry at Noville, there are American troops outside the perimeter, symbolizing retreating American forces in the face of the German advance.

    Desobry did avail himself of units of the 28th and other units as they headed away from the Germans toward Bastogne.

    For some historical reason, the designer may begin a battle with troops already under some fatigue or suppression, thus making them riper for surrender, or worse, getting wiped out.

    I used these features in another scenario in the game when one Allied unit was relieving another in the line. They had forced-marched all day and half the night in the pouring rain and cold. They were exhausted, hungry and not paying attention. They were caught off guard by a sudden German counterattack.

    Unit quality runs from conscript to crack, with a gradual upgrade in experience and morale. They become tougher as they go.

    If you have the time and interest, you can always open a scenario in the editor and look at its "guts," or how it is put together. You can find out a lot about each unit by clicking on the unit and then clicking on edit.

    Wild Bill


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net



  2. And starting this week, we'll be posting new scenarios and operations on a regular basis. Our site is to support that of Madmatt and his CMHQ, but we'll have a few of our own also.


    Then go to Boots N' Tracks section.

    Wild Bill


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

    billw@thegamers.net http://wbr.thegamers.net

    [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 06-19-2000).]

  3. You speak from ignorance, Killmore. Evidently you have not visited my site. I have an entire section devoted to Combat Mission and have fully supported it for five months now with articles, AARs, graphics and anything else I can do with permission of BTS. So look before you leap, my friend.

    Why not go and check it out under Boots and Tracks?


    Plus we have the great site from Madmatt. So yes, we do support, advertise and promote CM.

    Steve, you want to verify that for Killmore?

    I see where your name comes from.


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net



  4. While you're waiting for this lovely lady to make her debut, you might want to check out the new SPWAW. I wanted to pass this excerpt from the manual on a couple of the new features never seen before in an SP game.

    It will be available Monday, May 8th


    Commandos, Gliders, and Air Drops

    Three more new features found only in Steel Panthers World at War make their debut. They are Commandos (Special Forces), Gliders, and Airdrops. When you now play scenarios or campaigns, these features may be included, depending on the scenario.

    All three features work basically the same way. If the scenario includes gliders or airdrops, then as the battle begins, prior to turn one, gliders will come in and land. These features work in the same way as pre-game artillery barrages or air attacks. If it is an airdrop, the transport aircraft will fly across the screen, dropping their human cargo in or near the designated drop zones.

    Weather and enemy opposition can affect where these units will land. In some cases, they may continue off the map. If that occurs, these units are considered to have been dropped or to have landed out of the area of battle for this scenario. They will be unavailable.

    If a glider hits a tree or a building, it will crash and transported casualties will occur. All landing units will be in varying states of suppression. This is determined by their basic morale and skill values as well as just how close an enemy unit might be to them. Thus they may be ready for battle, or it may take a turn or two for them to become oriented and get down to business.

    Commandos will appear at varying turns, usually on the enemy’s side of the map. They are Special Forces and have special skills at demolition tasks. The scenario designer has predetermined their hex of entry and mention of their presence should be in the introductory text that accompanies the scenario.

    These are marvelous new additions to the game. They enhance greatly the realism of the Steel Panthers series. You will really enjoy watching parachutes blossom as the transport aircraft stream across the map.


  5. In support of 0311, may I say that all theaters of war deserve a shake at being depicted in the Combat Mission game.

    The Pacific has been my predilection for many years. I guess seeing (at the movies when it came out! biggrin.gif) "Sands of Iwo Jima" hooked me.

    My uncle also served in the Pacific in the USAAF.

    After years of extensive reading and study

    on the subject, it is still my favorite.

    I have pleaded and begged BTS to give it thought. I think it will happen. There will be a Pacific module, or that is my hope.

    Think about it. CM is an infantry game. I know this because I have worked on it for over a year. I still have my alpha and three beta disks.

    Tanks are there, but this is infantry. I think most designers and testers will agree as well as Charles and Steve. Tanks are a corollary to infantry fighting.

    Now where will you have more infantry fighting than in the islands of the Pacific or the jungles of Burma?...Merrill's Marauders, Edson's Ridge, Battle of the Ilu, Banzai charges, infilitration, night attacks, so many things that could be effectively modeled.

    Tank battles from Saipan, the Philippines (early and late), Betio (yes, there was a short engagement between US and Japanese armor there!) and on and on I could go.

    SO yes, enjoy the East Front. In fact, I recommend you read my Overview of the War on the East Front going up Thursday, May 11th at the SPWAW special site. It was a year in the writing.

    I wanted to have personally a general understanding and quick grasp of all fighting in the east, so I spent the time reading and writing as I read.

    Its a year by year coverage of the war there.

    But enough of that. I too advocate a Pacific Module in CM. Listening, Steve? I know you are wink.gif

    The Kunel


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net



  6. eek.gif

    SP3 and SPWAW are not the same game, Echo. I think you are wrong to prejudge us that way.

    You missed the entire content of the announcement. This is NOT the same as all the other SP versions.

    Why do you think we spent nine months and thousands of man hours - a team of 20 qualified gamers and programmers working on it unless we wanted to make it better than what was out there?

    But you won't know that for fact until you play it.

    And don't judge the quality of the game by the scenario. A poorly done scenario reflects on the game...no doubt about that.

    But we have gone to extra effort to see that does not happen.

    Want a challenge. Play "Moment of Truth" the battle of Prokhorovka. Take the German side. Tell me if its easy.

    Or simply forget us. That is your call. But don't prejudge us on past experience. This is a new game. At least give it a shot.


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net

    billw@thegamers.net http://wbr.thegamers.net

    [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 05-03-2000).]

  7. My Gosh!

    What is wrong with some of you guys? This is a wargame. Its about killing. Its about destroying the enemy. This is not Chess, or Risk.

    It's a wargame. What do you think happens when a tank fires into a squad? Or a machine gun chatters on men caught in the open.

    If you don't want death, why play a wargame?

    What is the purpose. Go play Monopoly!

    For the life of me, I can't understand this nit-picking afraid to see reality. You want real tanks, completely authentic. You want troops that fight like real troops. But no evidence of the fighting?

    There are no guts, no body parts, just a marker where a unit ended its career!

    And what do you think the smoking hulk of a tank represents? What do you think is inside of it? Because you can't see it, its not there?

    You guys are far too dainty to be playing a wargame.

    Men fought and died on the battlefield. That is what this game is about. Tactics and strategy are important, but there is an unavoidable element of violence, plain and simple.

    Honestly, out of all the arguments I've seen on this forum, this one without a doubt is the most ridiculous to date.

    And now I've jumped into it. Oh well, it had to be said. Now you can leave my body in a crumpled heap on this forum battlefield. You can be certainly be vicious enough here.

    I don't mean to deride those who oppose this aspect of the game. I just don't see the logic of your arguments. I won't convince you, I am sure. And I KNOW you won't convince me, so we'll leave it at an impasse.

    But I like the feature. I think it should be in the game. I vote for it.

    (Breathing hard, he steps down from the podium)



    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net



  8. As for Windows 2000, Crapgame, I can't say. One person tried it and had no problem. It is not a DOS game. It is a Windows game, at least through 98.

    I have heard a rumor that MS is going to try to make some sort of arrangement for gamers that are frustrated by 2000's intransigence toward our favorites.

    If I hear more, I'll let you know...WB


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net



  9. The only better announcement I could make than this one is that I won the BIG GAME lottery for about $130 million dollars.

    The reason I do this is because a lot ... I mean most gaming companies announce release dates and you wait..and you wait...for the next release date.

    I feel kind of proud that we are meeting the deadline. biggrin.gif A lot of folks don't. That is a good sign for Matrix. I hope it continues. wink.gif

    Matias, only David Heath can answer about the software thing. I do know the game is coming on the CDs in PC Gamer, Computer Gaming Online and Computer Games biggrin.gif. That will be in June or July.

    So there will be ways besides downloading I hope that we can get the game to you.


    Thanks Panzershark. I appreciate the encouragement. Going to get back to it.


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net



  10. biggrin.gif

    As we continue to wait anxiously for CM to make its golden appearance, here is some news for you.

    One week from today, May 8th, in celebration of VE Day, we launch Steel Panthers, World at War. We are keeping our word. We promised you would have it by May 8th, and so you shall. It looks like there will be 50 scenarios and two campaigns to get the ball rolling.

    In addition, we will open SPWAW week, four days of intense coverage of this marvelous new game. Articles, After Action Reports, Interviews, more scenarios, and a ton of of other things. You'll want to tune in each day for all that will be offered and included.

    Remember, a week from today, a new era in playing enjoyment with Windows compatible STEEL PANTHERS WORLD AT WAR!

    It will certainly give you something to do till CM comes out anyway


    Wild Bill


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net



  11. Anything is possible, old B&G. I would think that is a great idea. For example A series of Operations, say on the para drops at Normandy, or your suggestions about Market Garden (there are probably a dozen or more scenarios that are candidates for inclusion on the CD dealing with Market Garden, including at least one operation).

    A scenario designer, or a team of them, could readily take this on as a project and if done properly would provide many hours of good combative fun.

    You got my vote on this one. I really like the idea.

    What about an Add-on CD called "The Battle of the Bulge?"

    Fighting at Clervaux, Bastogne, St Vith and the surrounding area, etc., covering all of the Bulge in a series of operations or single scenarios or a combination of them. Scenarios for small battles, operations for more extended fights (Like the three day battle at Noville)

    Great idea, B&G. Keep 'em comin!...


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net



  12. Wotan, you mentioned sgt. Lafayette Pool. You might be interested to know I designed a scenario around one of the battles in which he was involved. It may be included on the CD.

    If not, you'll find it posted later on the Raider Combat Mission section.

    He was a true tanker, no doubt about that!


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net



  13. Since no one has answered you Ron, I will. Yes it could be done. I would imagine increasing the terrain level dramatically and running a road across the top of a ridge, putting water behind it would do very nicely.

    I know of no one working on that theme. It is a good one. I hope you do it.


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net



  14. There is no such thing as a truly balanced scenario when variables are involved. And that is as it should be. Balance is good, but there needs to be challenge.

    I tried that just for the fun of it while beta testing CM doing a tank only battle scenario with Pershings, Shermans, Tigers and Pzkfpw IVs. The numbers all came out about the same, terrain pretty equal, both sides equidistant.

    It really turned out to be a capture the flag type of scenario. The fun part was trying different approaches, strategies, etc, to achieve a better victory.

    Of course having designed it, I had an unfair advantage because I knew what was coming no matter which side I played. With FOW turned on and being ignorant of these facts might make for a challenge on either side. I guess we'll find out once the game is out there for you to play.


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net



  15. Thank you B&G and Fionn. In fact, thanks to all of you.

    I really appreciate the very kind words. I'm sorry it all came to this, but I guess that is what a forum is for.

    You all must know my dedication to Combat Mission. I love this game. I will play for a long time to come. It is a classic, a ground breaker in gaming.

    No hard feelings against anyone here, including Def Bungis (could you tell me what that means, please?), and old Blood and Guts (I know what that means).

    Thanks Fionn. The good will of my good Irish friend is as important to me as the "luck of the Irish." (G).

    Thank you all for listening and understanding. And I do, really do understand your point of view also.


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net



  16. Interesting postulation, B&G.

    Here is my personal view on this subject. We have numerous forums at The Gamers Net. They cover different aspects, say from a particular game to other more abstract themes, such as military history.

    It has been my feeling that if a forum is dedicated to one theme, then the mail should focus on that theme.

    Here is my reasoning. Most of those who come there come with the purpose of reading and contributing thoughts pertaining to that theme. If they had something else in mind, they would go to where their interests were being addressed.

    They would have little or no interest in another theme and would wonder why something unrelated to that theme was being discussed.

    On the other hand, every forum gets off topic sometimes and we have to accept that fact. I am one of the worst for posting unrelated themes.

    On the SP forum we have talked about everything from families in need, the WW2 memmorial fund, the birth of my first great-grandchild (don't go there..I ain't that old, though my wife says that dust comes out when I pass gas), to were the Tigers in SPR the real thing.

    And that is an E-Mail forum. So everyone who subscribes has to read all of this. For that reason I have to step and get folks back on track sometimes.

    Now on this type of forum, if I see a theme that does not interest me (and I see quite a few) I don't bother opening them. Isn't that how you do it?

    I think the problem is the idea of bashing or APPEARING to bash a program that is very dear to us and one on which we have been working for thousands of man hours. That hurts. And I feel it is unreasonable.

    It hurts even more when leaders throw in their two cents to give such actions credence.

    Be that as it may, and let me not stray here,

    I think an off-topic theme can be addressed and constructive criticism with the end of improvement is very good and desired, at least on my part.

    I support Combat Mission wholeheartedly and I equally support SP World at War wholeheartedly.

    And there is plenty more to talk about. Ask some questions. I'm ready to talk.


    Wild Bill

    Wild Bill's Raiders

    Director of Scenario Design,

    The Gamers Net



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