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Posts posted by TBlaster

  1. Moon, can you comment if the multiplayer part of the game is going to be fleshed out in the future as in:

    * Buy unit screen

    * Objectives

    I play games for multiplayer only and hope it will improved in future patches.


  2. I disagree, TOW is a half-finished game. besides technical issues such as game freezes (i have no issues in any other games), load times, 1990 era network code that requires you to manually specify the connection speed to synch with the server, the multiplayer part is just a deathmatch with no options to purchase units, objectives, campaign, etc.

    This game has big potential, and I hope many features are yet to be implemented, but I stand by my opinion that this game is feature lacking and should not have been released as is.

  3. So I went to my friends house to try out the multiplayer. After initial problems trying to get it running (had to run towsetup to adjust the network speed to be identical on both systems), we finally connected.

    It was a very big disappointment.

    1. No objectives - it's a giant deathmatch

    2. No ability to purchase your own units

    3. No battle generator

    4. No ability to pause the game - I felt completly out of control with trying to command 2 infantry squads with 6 or so tanks.

    This game has MUCH potential, please make multiplayer fun, right now it's not worth playing.

  4. 76MM: As Hawk demonstrated ADC2 works quite well. The problem with all the Operational/Strategic level games is that the AI automatically resolves combat.

    I would love to Take Total Operational Art of War as my strategic layer to CM, but it will always calculate combat whenever opposing forces meet.

    ADC2 doesn't. You have full control, unfortunately without a GM you can;t do hidden movements.

  5. My friend and myself are using Aide de Camp 2 to create a strategic layer to the game.

    We're currently playing a game where a German Panzer division is attacking an American Panzer Division in '43.

    We created icons at company and platoon levels (My division has 35 icons total), and made our own rules on movement/weather/artillery range, maximum engagement size, supply rules etc.

    Let me tell you, it's a whole different game when you are concerned about your units to make it passed 1 battle.

  6. Hi Priest,

    I'm not asking for CM to be modified to incorporate a operational/strategic layer, that would exceed my expectations. I just want to know if there are any other software programs that are flexible enough that could be used for this purpose. If there were only a way to disable battle calculation and have it prompt for a damn text file :(

    There used to be a very old hex based wargame builder...Aide D'Camp (spelling?). Anyone know if that would work?

  7. My friend and myself enjoy CM immensly, but meaningless quick battles and scenarios get boring for us real quick. We need purpose! For CM1 we made up a primitive "Meta-Campaign" that worked so-so. Are there any tools/games out there that can could be used to use CM just to fight the tactical battles?

    What I was thinking of, for example, would be a hex based game (i.e. TOAW) that wouldn't calculate combat, but whenever your combat units meet, would provide you with a text file where you would update the unit strengths after the CM battle had taken place.

    I found the official CM meta-campaign too frustrating because it tried to do too many things at once and took the fun out of the game.

    Thanks for any hints or suggestions.


    CM 1 Ass Kicker of the Month Winner

  8. It was a 1000 point Quick Battle, Meeting Engagement, with NO rarity (we learned our lesson now ;) )

    The Sturm/Jagd Tiger only cost me around 800 points, so I said...what the hell? Why not? The first (and only) shot of the Sturmtiger killed 1 Platoon on Infantry, 2 AT-guns, and a 122SP AT-gun.

    After that I got hit about 10-15 times before the "Gun Damaged" message occured. Similar fate for the Jagdtiger. I only had sound contact on the AA gun the whole time.

    I am aware that it was quite a lucky shot, but fact is, when I play, I'd rather chose two 20mm or 25mm AA guns over one 50mm AT gun against TANKS. I still think they are overpowered.

  9. Well looks like it's over...Texastoast surrendered on turn 17, and my game with superslug ended a few weeks back.

    Send me that trophy smile.gif

    There are a few things I would like to say.

    Some of my opponents have stated that my choice in purchases were "different". I went into this tourney with only one thing on my mind, and that was to win. If that means that my force composition/tactics are not "historical" then so be it. I bought the type of units that I thought would win me the game and not to neccessarily have "a nice battle". Heavy artillery won most of my games, hence I will make this recommendation: The next tournament should be played with Fionn's '75 or '76 rule (including artillery). This would almost guarantee for better gameplay.

    Anyways, till next time...



  10. Slug's infantry is surrounding my tanks! Don't know if i can pull that one off.

    Texastoast's game is pretty cool right now, my KT and his Jumbo both immobilized eachother in the same round, with our sides exposed...next shot you kill either one smile.gif ( reload, soldaten! reload!!!)

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