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Posts posted by Strider

  1. Had 2 60mm mortar teams sitting still for at least 2 turns. Other units spotted a 'gun?' way up in the left corner of the map. I targeted both my mortars on the area, but couldn't determine if it was targeted...Used the 'fire' command, but all I got was los was obstructed...Is there a visual cue that arty has 'targeted' a spot/area? Am I using the wrong command to target my mortars?

  2. I've played CC2 more than any other game (CM seems will change that smile.gif ) Anyway, it was the campaign vs a human that I enjoyed...I played against a player named cryts (an excellent player and sportsman). We 'finished' a couple of campaigns...took us 5 or 6 weeks, playing 4 - 5 nights a week for at least 3 hrs...thing was, even tho cryts always kicked my rear, I looked forward to getting home and meeting up with him to continue our campaigns smile.gif

  3. Yes, the campaign is 'dynamic'...There is a large map and each battle is played on a portion of this map. There are more detailed explantions of this in other posts and some reviews.

    BTS has talked a great deal about the AI...Steve has talked about some scenerios he has played vs AI...he has played the same battle more than once and the AI and the gameplay were different each time (bear in mind, this was also an alpha version he was using).

    A lot of effort has gone into the AI...bear in mind, you issue orders, then the AI takes over and carries them out without you being able to change them for the following turn...so the AI as an opponent should be better than anything offered by any games to date.

    BTS says there will be two demos (a beta demo, then the 'release' demo). If you're concerned about gameplay, wait for one or both of these before making a decision. I'm not concerned, and I've already placed my order a while back smile.gif

  4. Started boardgames in 1974. 1st one was Luffwaffe(sp), 2nd Third Reich, 3rd Squad Leader, than many, many more after that smile.gif Tobruk was my favorite. Also, Red Star / White Star for a 'modern' day wargame. The Ambush series was pretty good for soltire.

    Computer wargames : Perfect General, Global Conquest, V for Victory - Utah Beach, CC1 and CC2, Most of SSI's 'General' series, Steel Panthers I & II, TacOPs, and a number of others I can't remember smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by Strider (edited 09-24-99).]

  5. I've got the Windows Classic version and have played it quite a bit. Others can explain this much better than I can, but, the 'weapons system' of the unit does a very good job of 'picking' it's target. Such as, a tank will fire it's main gun at another tank while it fires it's MG(s) at infranty units (if such targets are available to it). As far as AA, each unit capable and in range, will fire on aircraft with it's AA weapon(s).

  6. I belong to CCOC (a Close Combat club). What they did was that a member established a web site and the others submitted their ICQ numbers. In your 'info' tab you entered info about the game(s) you play so that when you contact another ICQ player they can check why you are interested in adding you.

    What I found was, that by entering ICQ players to your contact list, and over time, you find quite a few players who are 'online' at similar times you are and can make better judgments on who to take on H2H. Since PBEM is an option, you can also leave messages 'offline' to players who you have 'heard about' from others who have direct playing expirence with. This 'list' is a very good way to make these contacts since it really isn't feasible to search thru individual threads trying to compile an ICQ list. It is necessary to post the web address of the member (every so often) who is hosting the site so new members are aware that something like it exists. I don't have the knowledge (yet) to maintain such a site, but I'm sure there are a number of you who do smile.gif

  7. BTS : I like the concept of your game, and I fully support your design decisions. My so-called 'wargame' library consists of old titles (Perfect General, The Lost Admiral, Z, etc) to more recent titles (Panzer General I & II(?), Steel Panthers I & II, Close Combat I, II, & III), in other words 'Been there, done it'. I for one, am looking forward to a fresh approach to wargames. Your 'concept' of a 'campaign' seems just find to me. I agree that if you lose your forces to a point that you can no longer continue, then give it up and start a new fight. Hitting the 'Flee' button in CC3, knowing that the next battle or operation is going to be against you even with more 'buy points', and just waiting for the next operation that is in your favor, is not my idea of 'fun'. Using the 'Save Game' feature while playing against the AI to refight the same battle so you know where and what the AI's units are, is not playing the game, it's beating the program (although some games 'require' you to play this way in order for you to continue it's 'campaign'). BTS : seems to me, you have a lot more support for your game system than you do against it. You and other developers have stated it yourselves 'there's no way to please everyone' (would be nice if there was smile.gif

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