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Posts posted by Reverendo

  1. Oddly enough (please don't think it will always be THAT easy) I AGREE with an argument! smile.gif

    JonS' opinion seems damned right to me. Thanks Fionn and Steve too. I was able to find the Dead Bodies threads, but everything is far more clear in this one. Ok, we'll perhaps see them in CM2, but I'm happy right now... wink.gif

    One more question, not about dead bodies this time: I posted a thread called 'CombatMission meets Carmageddon' about tank collisions. Some people told me there's already an old thread about the issue, but I just can't find it no matter how hard I try the search function. Anybody knows where the thread is?




  2. It is true that flamethrower equipped vehicles were to be feared. But you know, flamethrowers also burn...

    What I mean is that, despite of the fact a flamethrower generates both havoc and confusion, I wouldn't surrender to a croc at first sight if I had a Panzerfaust, and I would beg for more crocs if I had a Panzerschreck.

    If you're facing a lot of Germans advancing through a forest, then the Crocodile is the devil himself. But if you're well fortified and have adequate weaponry, the Crocodile is nothing but another allied tank... You have to get close to use a FT effectively... and sincerely, would you get close to a German infantry team with a Sherman? I wouldn't and I wouldn't do it with a crocodile either...

    My humble opinion, of course wink.gif




  3. Well that's a point...

    Anyway if I had that amount of Shermans I would still be quite scared if I heard the word 'panzerschreck'... smile.gif

    Call me Mr.Picky, but I prefer to do things neat and fluffy instead of the media circus I face against my fellow PBEM opponent. The only times he doesn't level towns, he uses his almighty 'Braveheart' tactic, and I have to say it works...

    That is, he plans carefully, but then he makes every unit 'Run' and 'Fast move'. About 60% of the casualties I take are from grenades and close-range fire. He's yet to win with this tactic, but I get mighty scared when I see all those men running towards my positions...




  4. I'm also an addict. I check CMHQ about three times a day, and I get very disappointed when I don't find anything new...

    BTS, Madmatt and Fionn are making a hell of a good job, but my will to play the full version is greater than my respect to them! wink.gif

    Nah, really. Keep all the nice work and release it when it's finished. I guess I can play tons of stupid Shareware games and try to look busy till CM ships...

  5. Just a tiny question...

    I don't mean to keep arguing about what has already been solved smile.gif . But some of you said having one of the three soldiers prone would be bad for LOS and FOW. Well, we have those crosses/stars meaning 'last sight'. This is nice for tanks and men that actually move. But I don't really think a casualty is going anywhere... I see no reason for shooting at it either. So, what's the problem with FOW/LOS? Who cares about the dead body in order to make battle decissions? Just leave it there...

    Would it be a pain for CM's engine to track it anyway?

    P.S: thanks Steve, let's all try to make this place even friendlier smile.gif (hey, smileys DO help!)

  6. Howdy, BTS!

    Nice vehicle list. I have to say I'm greatly impressed by the smallest of vehicles: the rowboat! smile.gif Seems neat and fluffy to me. I would just LOVE to see one of those in CMHQ. Is it possible?

    Lad, I'm going to make LOTS of scenarios with rowboats (I'm even planning to make some 'covert ops' like scenarios, thanks to FOW. Stay tuned...)

    A happy assault boat sailing Reverend


  7. Fionn,

    I hadn't heard about the badger in my whole life (well, not about the flamethrower named after the burrowing mammal I mean smile.gif )

    But I saw it in the vehicle list. I ken the wasp and the ack-pack, but the Badger's new for me. Is it one of BTS' 'we won't add' gizmos? Perhaps a funny from the good old Percy Hobarts I'm yet to hear about? You ken, I can't imagine a bunch of burrowing mammals eating a Sturmgrenadiere squad... Perhaps in the Blackadder IV series, maybe a song from the Monty Python, but not in CM anyway...





  8. Oh, so you can initially set houses and woods on fire! That's a hell of a work saver (heh, pun NOT intended)

    In CC2 I was fighting for Son town... Too bad the victory locations I captured could easily fit in an ashtray. Seems like CM will follow the same rule... I have to be a hard fighter, since every town I lose to a PBEM opponent is just a pile of blazing rubble (have you notice that bad habit of the American's? They seek not to conquer, but to destroy!) wink.gif

    I guess we can make some good scenarios with that 'burning terrain' feature...




  9. Well, probably that's why the Churchill Crocodile kept both the main gun and the co-axial BESA MG. It surely ran out of FT fuel quite early in the battle.

    What about the WASP mounted on the universal carrier? Are we going to have it? It had a smaller fuel capacity (358 l against the Crocodile's 908 l) but it was useful, too...

    And one last question: the WASP was mounted on a carrier and the manned FT was called 'Ack-pack'. What was the BADGER then?




  10. Well, a dead body is a bad thing, but it means some of your enemies are dead and you're actually doing something. One of tha cons of VietNam war was that they mostly didn't find the VCs they killed, so most G.Is thought it was worthless (well, it WAS worthless anyway)

    The morale effect would surely need programming, but it's a bit late for that. Not for having dead bodies as 'casualty markers' as other people want, though. And the fact they can be disabled would men there's absolutely NOTHING bad about adding them (a change you can discard at will can only make things better, you know)




  11. Ok then. My idea is fairly stupid, but here it goes...

    We've got to agree that blood ponds and/or stains would be totally tasteless. And it is true that we can't add a dead body for each casualty, since our best computers would go nuts. Ok then... The simple 'prone soldier' is a fairly good death marker. It is already modelled, so BTS would not need to spend more time.

    If every little soldier the computer draws represents five soldiers, then add a dead body only every five soldiers! This wouldn't hurt framerate at all, since if you start with 40 'alive soldiers' and you end up with 40 'dead soldiers', the amount of actual 'soldiers' will still be the same.

    And finally, we have seen Hotkeys that hide AFVs. Then make (this is the only 'programming part') a hot key to hide dead bodies. This way, those who don't want to see them will not have to see them.

    In short, no blood, no extra programming or drawing time, and even an option to take it out.

    The main reason that moved me to ask for dead bodies is something CloseCombat modelled: the fact that walking over your comrade's dead bodies reduces morale, while walking over the enemy's may increase it.

    The only problem I find to my theory is that you only get to see a corpse for every 4/5 soldiers, so you don't get to know EXACTLY where ALL of your men die... Just where the 4th/5th did. But hey, 1 soldier is better than none...

  12. Oh, I almost forgot:

    I've been thinking about how important the release of the GOLD demo will be. What I mean is that it isn't only 'a couple of new scenarios to play with without having to pay for the full version', but the fact that the full version is finished.

    We all want CM to expand, right? We want more and more people to know about this. Well then, we SHOULD kind of advertise it... So:

    I would love EVERYONE who has a keyboard (if somebody in this forum doesn't just raise a hand smile.gif ) to start posting some ideas about the CM community. We could run some web pages about it, we could add links to CMHQ, we could add custom scenarios, icons, desktop pictures, tactics, AARs, PBEM lists... whatever.

    So, who's planning to do something like this? I would LOVE to contribute to CM's success. I already bought it, but I would like to do something more... wink.gif




  13. Quite right, Lokesa, quite right. I agree with you 100%...

    My position was agnostic, as usual smile.gif

    Which means I didn't really give any special reasons to add them, but just replied to the reasons against them. So putting them in or not wasn't a technical problem, neither an ethical one. But now, putting them in or not is a question of time, and may the Devil feed with my soul if I do not want to see CM released right now.

    I prefer it to be released soon than to wait for a 'dead bodied' CM.

    P.S: hey, my 'way of solving it' didn't even require new graphics! smile.gif Not even sprites.




  14. Gromit,

    Sorry lad, didn't mean to do any harm. I just wanted to show Fionn and the other guys my support, I didn't expect to start another firefight... Anyway, you've got to agree that there are no offensive words but defensive listeners. You can have 'friendly fights' if both posters are friendly...

    For example: Steve, you're ugly! smile.gif

    Don't worry anyway, I'm ugly too! (and so the argument is solved, without spilling any blood)

  15. As far as I know, the game will go 'gold' when the master is finished, right?

    Then, what are we going to enjoy first? The Gold Demo or the real stuff we have already pre-ordered?

    P.S: CM is surely a good game, since I would still take the time to download the Gold demo even if I knew the full version would be shipped next day! I just can't wait to see a new unit... Just one.

    P.S2: Fionn, how about one or two flamethrower screenshots in CMHQ? Yours died far too quickly in your Alpha AAR! smile.gif




  16. Aye, there are going to be tank versions. As far as I know, Churchill Crocodile for Allies and Flammpanzer for Germans.

    I haven't seen any screenshot from a flamethrower yet (well, I read an AAR in which two FT teams were involved but Fionn... er... well... lost them before even being able to use them smile.gif ) So we'll have to wait. It would be a hell of a good update in CMHQ, though.

  17. God (BTS and Fionn) knows smile.gif

    Anyway, I would love to see CM going platinum or something. The guys at BTS are making a hell of a big job, and I would love them to be rewarded for it. Is there a way we could know how many sales of CM have been placed? We could throw a big party for each, let's say, 500 (100 if we feel a lot party-like!) smile.gif

    P.S: long live Fionn, too! And, related to another topic I saw rummaging around...

    'The right of free speech is not the right to be stupid' wink.gif Keep the good job, Fionn. I'm still looking for a way to help you out with CMHQ. If you need somebody to contribute to any of your sections, please let me know!




  18. 'Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!' smile.gif

    A pretty good piece of Monty Python, isn't it, SySShockeD?

    Anyway, I feel like sinning now, but it would be a minor sin (so it may just cause me to be darned to heck for 15 minutes) smile.gif

    It is true that the last 'dead bodies' threads are there, but they're locked. And when I came to this BBS, they were ALREADY locked, so I couldn't say a word... I actually have an idea that wouldn't offend any player, that wouldn't be hard to program anyway, and that wouldn't hurt framerate in any way. But I'm yet to be heard, just because some people got angry while debating this topic, therefore making BTS angry too.

    I think every thread may have another chance if it is well driven... frown.gif

    And hell, I'm a peaceful lad, I just want to talk... smile.gif




  19. Some time ago I downloaded a film of an AAR, right from CMHQ. It was from a PBEM game in Last Defense.

    After the allied reinforcements arrived, a Hellcat drove all the way down the hill (very fast indeed) and rammed two German halftracks that were standing on the road. The halftracks didn't take any damage, neither did their crews. They were merely displaced out of the Hellcat's path. The fact is that they weren't even TOUCHED by the tank, and they seemed to be repelled by some kind of force field surrounding the Hellcat's hull.

    I'm pretty sure the answer to this behaviour will be 'Tank ramming wasn't a commonly used tactic'. Ok, don't mistake this (I love the job you BTS lads are doing) but may the Devil feed with my soul if I care. Go tell tank commanders at Kursk if tank collisions didn't happen...

    Ok, I don't want to make CM a new Carmageddon version smile.gif Actually BOTH tanks should be damaged from a collision. But this collision should actually happen for reality's sake. I have seen a Stug moving a knocked out Tiger from a road without even slowing down. And this SURE seemed strange to me. To me, if a tank is reluctant to move, it should be totally inmovable. And both roads and bridges were often blocked by knocked out tanks (so you had to wait for the engineers or just surround the tank). I do think this SHOULD be modelled.

    If tanks won't be damaged by collisions (I think it would be wrong to overlook collision damage) let's at least make those tanks inmovable. The Tiger moving Stug was a little damned game engine spoiler... smile.gif




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