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Private Ryan

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Everything posted by Private Ryan

  1. I don't mean to intrude but, I have read many books about the European theatre, and wanted to read some things about the British in Africa. I don't know much about this theatre, until the Americans came into the picture. Thanx for any responses, Pvt. Ryan
  2. I have a reccomedation for the hereo's corner on TGN. I was playing Chance Encounter as the Germans, and had a Stug knock out 3 M4A3(75)W Shermans and caused 7 infantry casualties. The game isn't over yet so he might get knocked out, or just claim more damage for himself. One interesting side note: I sent the Stug tank ace on hunt just over the central hill, to get a shot at the last Sherman. The Sherman was buttoned and firing at my infantry in the woods. The Sherman never saw me coming. As the Stug got los of the enemy tank, he aimed at it for about 5 seconds, fired a smoke round right in front of him, and reversed down the hill. No one was firing at him, or even saw him. I believe he should've added another victory stripe onto his barrel. Pvt. Ryan [This message has been edited by Private Ryan (edited 12-21-99).]
  3. I was wondering if the kill screen will display all the kills a unit infllicted during the whole campaign. So a tank might say, if it's lucky and can shoot well, 1 Tiger 1, Stug IIIG, 2 Panther G's, and 20 infantry casualties. Instead of it going battle by battle. Thanks, Pvt. Ryan
  4. I'm very sorry to bother you with this, but I haven't had my computer for about 3 weeks. Where can I download Chance Encounter? I've played the first 2 scenarios at least 5 times each. I need something new, and it appears Battlefront has delivered again, only I can't see a place to get it. I've searched before, but with no luck. Thanks for any assistance, Pvt.Ryan
  5. I was wondering if you are allowed to pick which orginazations you wanted to lead or be a part of in a campaign. Like as in West or East Front. You know just deciding between a light infantry battalion or a heavy panzer battalion. Thanks again, Pvt. Ryan
  6. You guys really are the best game designers out there! The AI for the human side is totally awesome! e.x.-a squad will target another enemy squad closer o it, than tje one you targeted. Anyway I was playing Reisberg as the Americans, and was driving the Germans out like crazy. The VL in the front of the town to the left, was somehow the last one that they had bye turn 15. I didn't think any Germans were still in the building, but when I sent 3 squads in there, there was a Panzershreck and a Volksgrenaider Sub-Machigun squad left! I guess the Panzershreck was waiting for an ambush, but my Shermans never went that way. Anyway before I went in a targeted some other squads to totally demolish it. This flushed the Volksgrenaider squad out, just as my 3 squads were going in. I mean it was almost perfect timing. The squads i sent knew not to enter the building until the other squads were done shooting the place up. Eventually the Volksgrenaider squad was reduced to two men and surendered, but the Panzershreck team sttod to fight, but didn't stand very long. Great game! Great AI! Great Minds! You guys are the best. Proudly, Pvt. Ryan
  7. How accurate was the Sturmtiger? I know it's a mobile assault mortar, but how accurate could this tank be? Thanks, Pvt. Ryan
  8. Hey all, I just recieved the "Encylcopedia of German Tanks of World War Two". I was curious on what kind of panther models there will be in the game. I know of Panzerkampfwagen V Ausf D, A, G, and F models. I was also wander about the heavy tank destroyer types. I know the Jagdtiger is already in the game, but what about the Jagdpanter and Jagdpanzer? They wouldn't be as powerful, but they could knock out a few shermans. Pvt. Ryan
  9. Hey, I just finished 'Last Defence' as the Germans. I lost 1 StuG IIIG,83 men (14kia), and 2 1/2tracks. I captured all the objective locations as well. The Americans lost all 3 Hellcats, I think 143 men (41kia). I got an Axis Major Victory. I'm surprised I got this when my infantry suffered over 80% casualties. I'm not sure if this is good or should I have spared more lives with my infantry? One more question: I understand that the 'real' demo is coming soon. How many scenarios will there be? Is this what the actual game may be like? Thanks, Pvt. Ryan
  10. I was just wanderin what kind of gun did the M-18 Hellcat have? I know it's a tank destroyer, but one destroyed my Tiger from 480 meters away, in the Last Defence. One hell of a shot in my book! Thanks, Pvt. Ryan
  11. Well downloaded the demo and holy s*** was I excited and impressed. Now only one thing every time I attempt to move a unit there is the error sound that makes you feel like you have just done something horrible. I searched ahead of time and I'm sorry to cause more problems, but how the hell do I move my darn men! Pvt. Ryan
  12. You guys should REALLY REALLY REALLY make a game based upon the battles and conflicts of the Pacific Front. You should do this of course if CM and CM2 make it big. Which I don't think will be much of a problem. Maybe you could make some gaming engines and graphics for LCV's and other assault craft like that. Guadlecanal, Lete Gulf, Iwa Jima? I mean just imagine the multiplayer! P.S.- Has anybody been watching those Mets? Sincerely, Pvt. Ryan
  13. I ma really sorry if this topic is to far off course. I apologise in advance if this causes a disruption. In Fighting Steel are you allowed to launch aircraft, via: aircraft carriers? I wouldn't have asked but I went to the Fightin Steel website and looked. They also dont't have a chat room. (That what makes battlefront sooo neat!!) i was just lookin', because of the long, long,long wait for CM. ------------------
  14. I ma really sorry if this topic is to far off course. I apologise in advance if this causes a disruption. In Fighting Steel are you allowed to launch aircraft, via: aircraft carriers? I wouldn't have asked but I went to the Fightin Steel website and looked. They also dont't have a chat room. (That what makes battlefront sooo neat!!) i was just lookin', because of the long, long,long wait for CM.
  15. I have just downloaded QuickTime 4 and watched the first movie called "Advance". Cool movie (like how the tanks move). Then I tried to download the second movie called "Panther". It took mw to a page that had the QuickTime logo and then the movie popped up all fizzy like. It then said it couldn't downloas the movie. What gives? Thanks!! Pvt. Ryan
  16. Just wondering/making sure, when the date will be for the demo? I'm just a little curious to see how the game hanles I can't wait!! Don't mean to be a wet blanket. Pvt. Ryan
  17. I got an e-mail from BTS saying they have two new screenshots of the Tiger I and a screenshot of the Jagdpanther. While I clicked on the link, it just took me back to the older screenshots And I also have tried to view the new screenshots on the disccusion board, and it also took me back to the older screenshots Can anybody tell me how I can take a peek at those vehicles?? I especially want to see that TIGER!! Pvt. Ryan
  18. I got an e-mail from BTS saying they have two new screenshots of the Tiger I and a screenshot of the Jagdpanther. While I clicked on the link, it just took me back to the older screenshots And I also have tried to view the new screenshots on the disccusion board, and it also took me back to the older screenshots Can anybody tell me how I can take a peek at those vehicles?? I especially want to see that TIGER!! Pvt. Ryan
  19. I know it's sometime in Fall but does anybody have an estimate in wich month or date it will be out? Thank you very much, since I was looking at every possible site. Pvt. Ryan
  20. This is a real quick one. Can anybody give me a name of a really good book on German infantry tactics? I've looked on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, but still can't find one. Thanks, Pvt. Ryan
  21. As some of you know I am new hear and, well quite frankly new to multiplayer. I was wondering if somebody knew some great multiplayer sites, and maybe if somebody would play with after CM comes out (on the ametuer level of course!!) Thank you for your time, Pvt. Ryan
  22. I have just joined this site and am not very use to it yet, so this message is going to be short, since I have only a couple questions. The first one is "How many CMs will there be in all?" "What will the next out be about (which theater)?" Thanks for your time!!
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