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Major Tom

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Posts posted by Major Tom

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shandorf:

    Hiram - LOSER! Sha!

    The score was like 98-2. Hiram couldn't stand the complete drubbing I was giving him so he surrendered on like the 15 turn. Poor sod.


    Sweet! I am just going to join the popular and ever growing 'I beat Hiram' Club. I have just sent my setup turn, and he is undoubtedly shaking in his now urine filled slacks!

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Benny Manieri:

    Hey MANTA-GAY,

    Remember douchebag, you got banned a while ago for behavior which was more out of line than my worst, TEN FOLD. So, before you point the dirty end of the stick at me, think twice before you do it, you two-bit moron. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Manieri, if you can think that you can get away by being an ignorant bigot and spouting what is basically hate phrases, you are sorely mistaken. Whatever MantaRay did in the past he appologized for, and genuinely regretted posting it. You, on the other hand, truely believe in this crap.

    It is a pathetic individual who raises himself up by pushing others down. Your inability to take the responsibility for your choices, be it the REAL reasons for removing FOW, or to admit that derogatory statements are uncalled for is really pathetic. You are barely a human being Manieri.

    By the way, I am a secret full FOW user too. I thought I was the only one!! Of course, it was a conveniant way in excusing all of my lost games... smile.gif

  3. I used to be pretty good at fooling my enemy into a false sense of security, especially after he knocked out all my tanks smile.gif

    The thing about CM, is, that you could wipe out 1/4 of your enemy with little/no loss at the beginning of the game and still loose. Taunting your enemy into believing that you are either stronger, or weaker than you actually are has and is an important strategy to get them to do what you want them to do. If you are really weak, just casually mention something about the difficulty of positioning large numbers of tanks, if you are fairly strong, start ranting about the poor amount of coverage of one platoon.

    This works very well for pre-made scenarios, where you have ZERO idea on the point composition of your enemies, let alone your own forces.

    Self confidence can backfire. Back when I stated you can still win with losing 1/4 of your forces is usually done when your opponent becomes too confident in their ability of destroying your forces 100%. Then they start getting sloppy (letting tanks wander too close to woods or buildings, moving groups without the ability to support one another, etc...).

    Taunting in an effective way in getting your opponent to be unnerved a bit. Even if it is blatant taunting, your opponent will always think that just maybe there is a little truth to it. Of course, it works both ways smile.gif

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    Major Tom and I do an elaborate dance at Krewinkel that involves not shooting at each other.


    I do believe that 'someone' stumbled accross some explosive trees though... Still, no real shooting yet, on a pretty small map, on turn 11. At least he finally stopped using Goanna's wave attacks, but, has gone to the absolute opposite, with no tide at all.

    Anyone up for a 'REAL' shooting match?

  5. No, in reality you WOULDN'T see all 8, 10, or 12 of those troops moving in advance and you wouldn't be able to determine which ones were hit or not. CM abstracts a lot of stuff, what we don't see when a squad moves forward is that they usually do so in a skirmish formation, with troops utilizing as much cover as possible, firing at intervals so as to confuse the enemy to their exact numbers. So, it would be impossible until within a dreadfully close distance to determine the status of your enemy. You aren't countering realism and unrealism, what you were trying to do is to try and legitimise your status on FOW.

    Most likely you just hate to lose. Use FOW or don't use it, it doesn't matter, (unless you don't tell your opponent smile.gif ). Just don't try and justify it by faking a shortcoming in CM. It's not cochere.

    [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-07-2001).]

  6. In a very large way I am disappointed in the CM community right now. Letting Manieri get away with this blatant bigotry is pretty pathetic. John Hough was just about the only one who bothered to say something about Manieri's ignorant remark, yet he was quickly shot down.

    I consider Manieri's statement to be as flagrantly bigitrous as if he would replace the word 'queer' with 'n*gger', 'k*ke', 'sp*ck' or other derogatory namecalling. Some of us were exposed to Manieri's 'humour', if you can actually call it as such, when he posted his comedy webboard (back in the early days), which was mostly racist jokes (targetting Poles). IMHO, he is no more than a ignorant, intolerant, racist, homophobic bigot, and if anyone is to be chastised, it should be him.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Benny Manieri:

    That's right Cat, big Italian army near Stalingrad. Specifically, if I recall correctly, the Italian 8th Army. I remember someone telling me on this forum, (who is a first generation Italian) That his granparents friends were worried about recieving news from the front, those who were in the Italian 8th Army<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    That was either Knaust, or me smile.gif . My grandmother lived in Northern Italy, and heard all sorts of reports of losses in Russia. The losses in all other fronts were high, but, most were POW (like my Grandfather in Ethiopia!) but in the East they were mostly KIA.

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Benny Manieri:

    That's right Cat, big Italian army near Stalingrad. Specifically, if I recall correctly, the Italian 8th Army. I remember someone telling me on this forum, (who is a first generation Italian) That his granparents friends were worried about recieving news from the front, those who were in the Italian 8th Army<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    That was either Knaust, or me smile.gif . My grandmother lived in Northern Italy, and heard all sorts of reports of losses in Russia. The losses in all other fronts were high, but, most were POW (like my Grandfather in Ethiopia!) but in the East they were mostly KIA.

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

    Lorak wrote:

    > Fionn contacted me in an e-mail and ask that I pass this along.

    Fionn's expulsion from the board was of course a BTS cover-up. As has become plainly obvious, he has been wired into the BTS server and, while maintaining his silence to avoid suspicion, orchestrates a strategic intelligence campaign, constructing psychological profiles of all board members, cataloguing attitudes towards CM and suggestions for the future, conducting a behind-the-scenes subterfuge campaign via e-mail with trusted board veterans, and when things get out of hand, acting as a forward observer and calling in tactical Madmatt strikes on unruly members. Every word posted on the board passes through Fionn's conscious. He has, however, attracted the attention of Interpol due to the mysterious disappearances of "JOCHEN PEIPER" and "CPT_STRANSKY", who are rumoured to have been incarcerated at BTS HQ, for purposes of research leading to the hotly anticipated Historically Accurate Blood And Gore Engineā„¢ tipped for CM2.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    (At the press release for CM2 in 2002)

    Steve -

    "And as you see here BTS has managed to fully develop accurate 3D generated decapitation of a soldier's head when hit by a 88mm Armour Piercing round..."

    Press -

    "Wait a minute! Those aren't 3D generated!"

    Steve -

    "This exhibit is closed!"

    (forgot the exclamation point!)

    [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-05-2001).]

  10. There was one really interesting movie (albiet made during WWII, as it was about Russians, and they were all heroic), which I can't remember its name, was about a group of partisans who were trying to flee the German occupied zone, and were causing a slight bit of chaos on their way out, with most of them dying. I think that one of the members was from a dive-bomber group, who parachuted from his plane behind enemy lines.

    I do remember seeing an entire movie about the Serbian partisans during WWII. It was pretty interesting, yet, like with all war movies made around WWII it ignored a lot of the in-fighting between various political groups. In reality, most of the in-fighting was even more bruital than that against the Germans, Italians or Bulgarians! One movie that really got this aspect right was dealing with the Greek partisan schism during and after WWII. The British not only landed in Greece to free it from the Germans, but, to free it from self destruction!

    Never really agreed with Partisan fighting. It just caused more destruction than any possible gain, and further blurred the line between civilian and soldier. The scars also last longer. If you must fight for your country, flee and join an official army in exile.

  11. Also, using crews in this way isn't innovative. It is exploiting a feature of humanity (ie. not being able to see the big picture of your orders!) that CM (and all games) is lacking. There is NO way that the Crew knows that the orders you are giving it will result in them engaging the enemy. In reality, if you were to order a crew of troops to do an offensive action you will probably just get a few bewildered looks at you.

    Innovation is doing something WITHIN the restraints of reality. It is innovative to defeat your enemy using some real, or new tactic that can be replicated in reality (ie. creeping barrage, quick tank strike, etc...). It is not so by doing every little thing that the game allows you to do. The exploitation of an unrealistic feature isn't innovative, its easy.

  12. Nobody is denying that crews NEVER performed infantry actions. The thing that Steve, Germanboy, and most of us are trying to say is that they didn't ALWAYS. There were certain circumstances where a crew would perform as an Infantry group. However, they were by no means as effective. They didn't carry the same amount of ammunition, nor firepower that a regular squad had, nor did they have any combat experience as Infantry men. Most troops were scared sh*tless after having their tank/gun blown out from under them. They rarely got on their feet and joined the infantry on a followup advance, more likely they would retire, or, if the front moved beyond them (ie. their front advanced) they would probably stick around their tank.

    Rarely would advancing Infantry want to grab these guys to join them in action, unless the situation was desperate, and desperate being 'the enemy is about to break through' NOT 'we need some extra troops to bust through their lines'. Most instances of non-Infantry forces being sent to join the Grunts would take place well before the battle (ie. rear-area personell sent to join extablished units). Even in Patton's 3rd Army I am willing to bet that dismounted Crews rarely, if ever, participated in offensive actions. The odd accounts of crews doing brave actions rarely occured well after their AFV/Gun was knocked out. Usually it happened just after (ie. out of immediate need/desperation) and was out of necessity to survive.

    Massing crews and merging them with the infantry, or in front of the infantry as a screen is not only unhistoric, but, pretty gamey. Sometimes the loss of crews is offset by destroying enemy squads AND attaining VP's. This can be done if your regular squads advance unscathed while the enemy ones waste their ammunition on crews. When close action occurs, your enemy is at a severe disadvantage (due to low ammo and attrition).

    HOWEVER, most people support the idea about having crews participate in Prisoner watching and Defensive operations. This happened much more often than offensive actions with crews.

    I am pretty sure that most Allied and German MP's weren't shooting/arresting crews on site. Hitler Fanaticism wasn't quite as rampant within most ranks of the German Army, and the Allies were well aware of their troop shortage. The worst thing that could happen to them is to be issued another tank and sent back to the front. smile.gif

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    Originally posted by Major Tom:

    Damn you!! You ruined my only chance of gaining the entire bulliten board to hate you and cause you to loose track of your troops in our current PBEM resulting in your untimely defeat!! You blew it up!!! You are a dastardly opponent indeed!! Damn you all to hell!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hehe - now since we all know how to kill the mighty Hetzer, let's switch topics.

    Is editing a post to insert a smiley gamey? Opinions on a postcard please.

    "Wish you were her"

    I think that the preemptive use of an EXTRA smiley after you have written your message is about as gamey as using Crews mounted in Jeeps equipped with Bazookas travelling so far on the left side of the board that they appear on the right side to engage the enemy. Not only this, but, it is as morally aprehensive as killing small children with a dull battery. Anyone who does this should be immediatley and swiftly tortured for hours on end.

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