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Everything posted by FEBA

  1. Oh, I see, neither B or C know there is a middleman? Still, it would be pointless. Not only does A not get to play, he doesn't get to see the movie replays, because he doesn't know either players password. Still A could "win" a tournement. If one player is not in the tournement ( and the other is ©, then A's win/loss ratio can go up in the tournement in which C and A are playing. While your personal win/loss rating stays at 1/1 your tournement ratio can be 1 win, 0 losses.
  2. For Reisberg, I would allow greater freedom for German setup and maybe drop the calibre of the ATGs or replace both with a single Hetzer. As it is now, the placement of one 88 is too predictable, which hurts replayability in terms of FoW. In addition, the german is forced to place one and only one panzerschreck up forward. I say let the german put his stuff "somewhere" on his side of the map. This increases FoW when the game is played the second and subsequent times.
  3. I agree with MOS I'm player B. I'm playing against C (and I think its A). C is good enough to be a tournament player: otherwise why does A ask C to play in his stead? Player A has enabled me ( to play against C. As player B, I am fortunate to get to play and learn from a tournament level player. I guess I would have to thank A. A takes the (false) glory of beating me (and little glory THAT is ). Heck, he has to live with himself, but I don't see he's hurting me. However, why would C do this? Does he like playing AND giving the glory to A? Does A pay C? I don't think this is a cheat we need to worry about. What I do need to worry about now is pford's mortar...or is it Fionn's?... [This message has been edited by FEBA (edited 11-09-99).]
  4. This is my first post, so let me say this to start: GOOD JOB! Love the game! (I've already pre-ordered.) Now on to the real subject: I just started playing 2 PBEM games. I have an organizing problem in that both games produce the <PBEM File.txt> file. While I can work around this by renaming it would be nice to add a feature to permit the player to name the PBEM file being saved. Don't know how much work this would be, but it seems like you could reuse some of the savegame code that does the same thing. An even more useful feature would be to allow the starting player to assign a name to the game during setup and then have the program generate unique names for each turn based on it. For example: I enter "PBEM with Bob" when setting up the game to play email. The game generates files named: PBEM with Bob - Reisberg German turn 1.txt for my turn and... PBEM with Bob - Reisberg American turn 1.txt for Bob's turn. Alternately/Additionally, putting the name/side/turn info in the produced pbem file would be nice. e.g. something like ----------------- Play-By-Email Data Follows This Line ----------------- ----------------- Game Info: Reisberg American turn 1 ----------------- Anyway, these are convenience enhancements only. They don't look too tough to me, but you know your schedule. Maybe CM2? [This message has been edited by FEBA (edited 11-07-99).]
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