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Bil Hardenberger

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Everything posted by Bil Hardenberger

  1. Regiment. Let me think about that. Posting that for every turn might be overkill and will add to the workload. I will try to provide an overview as often as I hink is important.
  2. Simple. I used the editor. You can do this simply by placing a waypoint in the position you want to check.
  3. Observation and Fields of Fire How well do you normally know the ground when you play a scenario? The following several posts will talk you through some of the key elements of terrain analysis. Military professionals use the acronym OAKOC in order to compartmentalize this procedure. OAKOC breaks down into: ---O = Observation and Fields of Fire - basically how well can you spot from key positions. ---A = Avenues of Approach - ideally this will include both friendly and potential enemy avenues of approach ---K = Key Terrain - these pieces of terrain are what you think might be important for one side or the other (or both) in the upcoming battle ---O = Obstacles - obviously this process will continue throughout a scenario... as you uncover any enemy obstacles they will be rolled into your planning map. This also includes and terrain obstacles that can block, hinder, or channel movement ---C = Cover and Concealment - identifying where the best cover and concealment is in your area of operation can help dictate how best to maneuver For this segment I will show you a quick and dirty type of analysis for the Observation and Fields of Fire section. I will start with the Left Tit position... from this image you can see that while this position offers GaJ good visibility in the distance, as you close on it there are many blind spots: The Right Tit position does not seem to have these blind spots and can see well into my right side approach zone: I will do this analyses for each of the positions I expect GaJ to have OPs on... I will not be posting them all as this analysis is done as a quick and dirty process and I will not be taking screen captures like the above for all positions. I will however look for any blind spots (a blind spot for one position might not be for another) and any obvious danger zones or potential enemy kill zones. It is also a good idea to do this process from several different points on each position. This will help pin down the best deployment areas that the enemy could use.
  4. Map Overview I finally got my new rig worked out so the screenshots are working better so thought I should put together a little post to keep you entertained. I am starting my terrain analysis while I wait for GaJ to finish his purchases and put together the following as a basis for that discussion. Here is a map overview image showing the objectives for this game. They are (in no real order): 1. Left Tit 2. Right Tit 3. S Ridge (comprised of two separate hilltops) 4. Ridge Road (starts before the tits and goes between them) 5. The Spur 6. Observation Point 7. Tame (village) 8. Santa Maria Infante (town) And here is the same map with the topo overlaid (through the magic of Photoshop): Finally here is the topo itself with the objectives outlined (except for the Ridge Road which I left out for clarity). This will be my main planning map.
  5. John, I just watched the episode. I don't think that was sad at all. They drained the fluid for a good reason.. and it isn't like that engine is going to fire up anytime soon.. it would require a full rebuild before that was possible. We are lucky they care enough for these antiques to put some love into them, to help them last another 60 years, and place them on display for us to examine. Bil
  6. I'm not sure how true that is, but I do know that it wasn't the elephant that caused the Romans to be out maneuvered and out fought for the decade or so he was on their soil.
  7. For what its worth GaJ did provide a good challenge last game, are you insinuating that he did not? I would give him more points if I could.. I have already offered the following: --only purchase one Elefant... showing the Elefant was part of the purpose of this AAR, I could have easily taken more --purchase no Tigers or Panthers.. those tanks can really upset the balance I do want a challenge and I think I have gone out of my way to not have an overwhelming force and have even provided a little advice via email to GaJ. Also, I gave him the choice of whether to attack or defend, and he, knowing the Germans would be the attacker, chose to defend. What more can I do?
  8. Just received an email from GaJ.. looks like he is planning on having his purchases and setup completed by the end of the weekend. So, smoke 'em if you got 'em, and take a load off for a while. He told me that he was having trouble with his purchases and doesn't have enough points to set up a proper defense on this map... I say that depends on the type of defense. If you pull your main line closer to the towns and defend in depth with Platoon sized strong points scattered through the depth and width of the battle area then that should be enough... should even allow for a mobile reserve. I think. how much does wire cost? Mines? If he blows 600 points (or whatever they cost) on an aircraft then yeah I can see that he would reduce his capability on the ground.
  9. Well and my screenshots are not showing what I am seeing in game.. I am working with Phil to iron the issue out. I have a new lap top and though it runs the game perfectly taking screenshots is turning into a frustrating experience. Print screen doesn't work (Win7) in game and Fraps is less than perfect it seems... What you guys are seeing in my shots are the game screens minus the final filtering.. they are missing that subtle touch that makes them come alive (shadows are too dark and missing any detail, equipment and terrain feature details are getting lost, contrast is too strong, etc.). Sorry about that.. hopefully we'll get it figured out soon. Bil
  10. Funny Michael. None of this is new.. its pretty much common sense and anybody with any experience would probably have most of these points as well. It's my job to analyze the enemy's probable courses of action in order to properly prepare for attacking him. Some of these I even suggested to GaJ in our emails in order to help guide him a bit. Still waiting for him to complete his purchases. I think I have about thought mine out, at least loosely. Bil
  11. Ken, looks like Doug retreated and took his post home with him. It doesn't bother me if people want to come in here and thump their chests for GaJ... won't throw me off my game. Only GaJ can do that now. Bil
  12. I've been thinking about how GaJ might defend this piece of ground... or rather how I would do it. I would: --close the ridge road with mines/obstacles thus forcing the attacker to split his force --use many mines and obstacles to funnel any attacker into preset kill zones, preferably by AT guns and on map mortars placed behind the crests of the numerous hills and keyholed into positions that cannot be engaged from the attacker's side of the map (at least not directly) --maintain a strong armored reserve (or two) to counter-attack with... it would be important to keep this hidden until the right moment presented itself --Purchase few infantry.. rather put the available points into artillery, bunkers, AT guns and on-map mortars. Any infantry purchased I would use as part of the mobile strike force. --Buy an aircraft.. this will be necessary to counter the Elefant and the Brummbars. Even though these really unbalance a scenario that is not unrealistic especially for a US force --purchase many TRPs and litter the approaches with them in order to call in artillery quickly and effectively and to increase the accuracy of the AT guns and mortars --conduct an active recon with snipers or similar unit with good eyes in order to determine the attacker's main avenue(s) of approach.. the goal here would be stealth That is basically what I would do were I in his position.. basically make it an attacker's nightmare with multiple lines of defense and interlocking fields of fire. It is these possibilities that I will be keeping foremost in my mind as I task organize my force for this attack. That is..if GaJ ever sends me the next file.
  13. Aragorn, yes. Michael and Vanir.. well all I can say is that it is probably going to be a personal thing.. these were shot in the editor.. once the battle gets going I think you'll be able to see why I like it so much. If it becomes something people hate I'll revert to standard lighting. Chops, I should be able to do something like that, we'll see.
  14. I am in love with the War Movie Lighting (WML) and will probably be using it throughout this AAR. I lthink it has a gritty realistic look, the terrain is easier to read, and the details frankly just pop better. Here is an example of an Elefant on the ridge road (a major objective for this game) showing the difference between the two lighting modes. As for the map, it measures 1.6 km by 2.2 km.. very large, and will allow some nice covered maneuver and for GaJ some terrific defensive potential. Here is a look from my setup zone towards Santa Maria Infante.. from the left and the right approaches. Right and left of the ridge road that is: Finally a view of the ridge road as it snakes towards the town in the distance and as it winds between the left and right tits (those were the names given to these two hills during the actual battle, sorry if that offends anybody, but this is HISTORY ).
  15. Well if you are serious, I am thinking about going with a Command Push style of play for this battle... I think he will be expecting me to do my normal Recon Pull but I am thinking about mixing it up some and pushing HARD in two or three different zones and sending a strong mounted/armored reserve at whatever turns out to be the weakest point. Can't say more until I get to see the map in detail (I built it BTW ) with my forces purchased and can determine a way forward.
  16. I haven't shown the map yet.. I suppose GaJ has though.. did he tell you guys we are switching locations to make this a more interesting show for you, more challenging for me, and more defensible for him? As to how I'm going to use them.. them.. well actually it as I will only be purchasing one... I haven't decided yet.
  17. Chops I can watch that show and go see the real thing... I need to get out in the sun once in a while you know and it is top down weather here.
  18. Too bad mechanical failure isn't modeled... this tank could seriously unbalance a scenario.. that is why I will only be taking one, so everyone can see it in action but hopefully not make it impossible for GaJ to potentially win. Bet he buys an aircraft.. that would about even the score.
  19. I just found out that one of the the two surviving Elefants (this example captured at Anzio) is located about 30 minutes from me (Ft. Lee Virginia). In fact I did not realize that the Army is moving the entire Army Ordnance Museum from Aberdeen to Ft. Lee.. sweet. I have fond memories of visiting that museum in the 80s. A field trip is in order I do believe.
  20. Sequoia, you will not be disappointed Baneman.. I will not have AA, but GaJ will Davek555.. you WILL be disappointed.. this scenario is taking place in May.
  21. Michael yeah I was kind of disappointed that the battle ended when it did. I was looking forward to solving the "mortar problem".. until those were taken care of my infantry had to walk around the battlefield on tip toes.. while my two Shermans could have and would have decimated his infantry.. my Stuarts would probably have been very vulnerable to the 81mm he could have thrown at them. I was on my way to assaulting his right side force with infantry. My Sherman and Stuart in that attack were meant to keep his main combat power facing towards me defending against my feigned frontal attack while I worked in on his flank and rear (my truck born infantry were going to drive around the back side and 1) take out the mortars on the back ridge and 2) set up a base of fire in his rear). Would have been a challenge.
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