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Posts posted by BDW

  1. I don't mind lack of random maps. However, it would be SO much better if CM QB interface allowed for a "quick map preview" feature when setting up a QB. Currently, I feel like it is way too painful to pick out a QB map. For me, it goes like this:

    1. open up Editor

    2. scroll through list of maps

    3. open one

    4. load 3-D preview

    5. load set up zones map

    6. take notes about that map, noting the map name

    7. repeat the above (until I find a decent map)

    so painful. I would love, love, love it if the QB interface had a "quick map preview" that presents me a list of the maps that meet my criteria, then I can quickly choose each map and see a 3-D preview - all within the QB setup area (i.e. w/o having to exit and go to the editor and take notes).

    I've had opponents who aren't willing to do these steps, and just let the computer pick one, which oftentimes mean we are setting up a new game. Another request would be to allow the person who sets up a QB to preview the map prior to the first PBEM turn being saved and sent to the opponent.

    Another idea would be to have CM link up to the repository, dynamically, so repository maps can be included in the game interface (with ratings summary, too, so the great maps get the attention they deserve). I think this could be easily done with a simple web database that the game could access and present to the player. Just a thought!

  2. I have multiple MG teams attempting to deploy in buildings. For some of these teams it is over 6 WeGo turns and counting and they are still not deployed (two members of the team, it says "deploying" for their status).

    I never noticed this before the Gustav module. BFC, any plans to address this? (I have saved game files I can send).

    In the meantime, any help or workarounds for this would be much appreciated. Is there any way I can get them teams to "reset" and start over or something, so the guns will deploy in the usual 2-minute timeframe? This is an H2H game I'm playing and I really need these guns to start firing! thanks!

  3. I didn't know about this MG deploying in buildings bug. I'm alarmed, because in the H2H game I'm playing, those MGs in the buildings are key to my plan, so I need 'em up and firing ASAP.

    Does anyone know how to force them to deploy somehow? how long does it take, when the bug is happening? any help or tips would be much appreciated. has BFC mentioned any plans to address this bug?

  4. I'm having the same issue with Gustav, but with the M1919A4, attempting to deploy it in buildings. I have multiple teams attempting to deploy the gun in several buildings and i think it has been at least 3 or 4 turns and it still says "deploying" to two members of each team. Is this the correct behavior? How long is it supposed to take to deploy the M1919A4 in buildings? Are there certain buildings where it cannot be deployed?

  5. what is funny about this scenario is that even though I know exactly where the german troops are, I still cannot beat it. the closest I have come so far was suppressing fire and the piat at the machine gun on the hill (got lucky with two direct hits), plus point arty on the sniper crew (got lucky with accurate arty). feeling confident, I attempted to get the guys in the train station, under cover of smoke from my mortar - and got slaughtered. lol

    "deceptively simple" indeed. this might be the most difficult scenario I've ever played in CM. I really want to see a movie of someone winning this one!

  6. I would find it extremely useful to be able to have more info about units during the purchasing process. It is cumbersome to have to refer to the manual. For example, I wanted to buy trucks to transport my troops. I had to refer to the manual to try to figure out (a) how many seats the truck had and (B) how many guys were in a certain unit. Unfortunately, I was not able to figure it out, because the unit info is not in the manual. So, I had to open the editor and pick the same units and manually count all the guys. It was painful.

    Why not just display a tool-tip in the purchasing UI, or add a R-click feature to bring up the unit details? All the info either in the manual or in the game already, so why can it not be in the purchasing UI? This would help out the non-grog folks like me, and make QB a little more accessible to the masses.

    This is my #1 request. thanks for listening!

  7. Thansk sburke, i appreciate that. it is awesome having a community with people like you who truly care about the game and helping everyone figure out The Truth! I'm actually feeling slightly better - just had a turn where my tiger took a few top hits from a mortar and spotted the mortar team way far off in the trees and took one shot and took them out. My opponent may be starting a thread "unrealistic spotting by Tigers in CMFI"


    In this same game, my opponent shot at the tiger with a zook, the zook round went arcing OVER the tiger and killed one of my panzers further back. It was an INSANE lucky shot. Good times!

    I actually like some random results in CM, becuase it makes the game leess chess-like. The early CMx1 tank battles felt like a chess match to me. Now, I have no friggin idea what is going to happen! Its fun, frustrating sometimes, but fun and entertaining, which is why I play - even if I'm on the losing side.

  8. Good question, Michael. I've been playing CM since the first game back in 2000 or whenever it was. I skipped the modern CMSF series. I'm not a grog by any respects and only know about WWII hardware from CM and reading the posts from the grogs here. Anyhow, I've really got no preconcevied notions about german armor or whatnot. I just like me a good tank battle! That said, in all the past 12 year playing CM, I've never experienced such consistent spotting issues. I've been playing CMFI a lot! So, i've got a pretty good sampling of this issue, from a statistical standpoint. It's gotten to the point that it is starting to not "feel" right to me. I'll let you experts and grogs validate it as bug or not. One theory is that I've been hexed or cursed! :-)

  9. sburke got your email. Thanks!

    To be clear: not just the Pz. Also having this happens with the Stug and with the Tiger. The Tiger was perhaps the most frustrating. The Tiger was Elite, Fanatic, +2 leadership, stationary, unbuttoned, and taking hit after hit from two shermans (infantry near the tiger spotted the sherms before the shooting started). The tiger did not spot them at all, and I actually had to retreat the tiger on the next turn, to prevent damage to gun/optics/etc. how does an elite tiger not spot those shermans for over a minute? Crazy, right?

    Perhaps the Stugs are the worst offenders, however. I played one game and lost 5 Stugs to this behavior – they never spotted the shermans and did not even return fire, just taking hits blind. The most recent was another great example: Stug was on a hill, perfect position, clear LOS to fire down on the approaching Sherman, stationary, covered armor arc, I knew exactly where the Sherman was going to be. Infantry had eyes on the Sherman. Sherman trundles right into the covered arc; Stug can’t even see it. Sherm starts firing at the stug, stug doesn’t return fire, sits there blind. Sherman kills Stug. I’m actually losing most of my CMFI games as germans due to this behavior.

    It’s nuts - Or maybe I’m extremely unlucky? I’ve not run a “test” yet, but I’m experiencing this in ALL of my games as germans.

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