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Capt Andrew

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Posts posted by Capt Andrew

  1. Bill - Cosmetic question here (and please remember that I am Editor Ignorant):

    I've noticed that you have fairly accurately represented the beachhead invasion hexes with port tiles on the map. I really like this idea and appreciate some of the obstacles each placement meant. In keeping with the A3R "model", is it possible to re-draw some of the port tiles so they appear as A3R beach tiles?

    Besides a cosmetic change, it may open up a PvP House Rule that only beach tiles may be amphib invaded. Like Retributar, I'm mostly an AI player - so I'll try HC's update suggestion and take a few notes myself. Again, fun mod.

  2. Great job Bill. The only thing missing is the attack odds table in the corner of the map!

    A couple of observations: With the limitations in tech, I'd scrap the rockets or up the base attack distances. I've also noticed that the Allied AI is having difficulty purchasing for USSR. In two solo games as Axis, I've noticed that USSR saves about 2400 MPP (or BRPs) pre-Barbarossa. I expected the build cue to get loaded up any second, but it just never happened - a very frugal Stalin! In both games, the Axis minors never joined. (One of the games was due to pro-Allied Spain, no idea about the other.) Lastly, I noticed AI transports move and unload in sub 5 ports in single move. (No big deal... if the AI aint cheatin, it aint tryin!) smile.gif

    I wonder if its possible to get Normal Dude to alter some of the port images to beach head tiles? Now that would be cool!!!

    Nicely done Bill. ALOT of thought went into it, and I'm impressed you were able to make it wokr and stay fairly true to the 3R build limits.

  3. Wow, that's certainly an ambitious project Bill. I can't wait to see what you did with A3R (still have the original box version myself). Of course you're limited within the game engine, so some of the main features of A3R will be difficult to represent (stacking, hex map, beach head invasion hexes). I wish there was a way to also tackle the Attrition combat and brutal effects of having units cut off/surrounded! Can't wait to see and play it!

    Some of the modders have shown a real ability to work with the Editor (I haven't been so lucky). I think if there was a group effort, the American Civil War would be a real possibility. But, there would have to be enough of a community interest - all too often an ambitious mod is abandoned because of a perceived lack of interest.

    As for HC's personal project -- I can only hope it's a Pacific Theatre!!!! Whatever it is, we all know it will be great.

  4. Just (finally) gave this mod a try. Very, VERY, nice job Kuni! If anyone hasn't tried this mini-campaign, it's pretty fun. Even against the AI.

    Just some random thoughts:

    - For balance, I'd have the Prussian units arrive at half their current strength. They accumulate MPP for some time, so they hvae enough to start reinforcing some units.

    - Even though Napolean and Ney made some historical errors, I'd recommend raising their HQ rating to 8-10 and/or their unit strength to 8-10.

    - It would be nice if Artillery units that are on a ridge crest, would get +1 to spotting and attack range. Don't know how you could do this, but it would make more sense.

    - As for spotting, I think upping the spot range of the HQ's makes sense, but I would lower the HQ defense ratings (making protection of the general's that much more critical).

    - RE: Action points. Don't quote me, but I seem to recall that action points weren't always working. IE. - A unit with 3 action points could attack and still move 3 tiles, instead of the 2 it should.

    Nice job Kuni.

  5. // Deactivate lurker mode

    Just a few tweeks to the naval weather would be nice. For example, some ideas:


    • FOG - Reduce naval movement in half, spotting and attack ranges, and attack values also cut in half.</font>
    • SIZE - Rough seas or storms don't have to encompass all of the Atlantic. By reducing the size, playability could be enhanced by allowing users to steer around weather systems.</font>
    • SYSTEMS - A storm system (ie. rough seas, fog) could originate at tile XX,YY (determined randomly), and is SML size (small, medium, or large storm system). On the following turn, this system has moved ZZ tiles.</font>
    • SEVERE STORMS - Donated by white caps on the sea tiles, these storms are the only ones that damage ships. Severe storms can also suddenly stop a ship's movement (ie. suprise encounter) and either cause severe damage (supply reduced, morale and readiness reduced, physical damage), or it could cause minor damage (supply, morale reduced).</font>
    • DURATION - During shorter turn times, allow the storm systems to stay a bit longer while they move around. Distances travelled for storm systems are reduced.</font>
    • LAND EFFECTS - A Severe Storm event that effects coastal tiles creates mud like movement effects for land units, winter/ice like effects for air units (grounded).</font>
    • VARIABILITY - Weather systems can have fog on the outer fringes, rough seas inside, and severe storm tiles in the middle.</font>

    Just some random thoughts regarding weather at sea. Resuming lurker mode...

  6. In H2H, research investments have to be balanced with game plan. It's kind of like in Axis and Allies. If someone played Britain, they could invest all 30 dollars into tech rolls. If they get lucky, roll a couple of sixes.... heavy bomber tech. Game over, Allies win. If they can't roll a six, Germany cruises to an easy victory. I see SC as a similar balance...you can't spend all your MPP in tech - you have to balance it. Finding the right balance in money spent, and which tech to invest in can be different every time. No more "cookie cutter" strategies - a welcome change!

    Interesting HQ variability idea. But I'm not sure I'd like what would end up being a 300+ MPP gamble. Especially for the Axis, where the couple extra HQ's are critical to success. Buy one hoping you're investing in a 7 and getting a 4... ouch. If MPP's were flying around like in SC1, it wouldn't be so much of a risk. I wouldn't like this idea as the fixed game, but perhaps as a coding option for mods. Then I'd be all for it, but I think having HC create coding language that allows for CASE/SWITCH or IF/THEN coding logic is a higher priority. Heck, we could actually start coding some of the HUNDREDS of interesting "if" and "percentage chance" options that Edwin always comes up with. (I love every one of them Edwin, they're just not doable right now with the current coding.)

    Still, an interesting spin to say the least. I'm probably one of the few people that would like to see HQ's be upgradable. At least with motorization - or maybe even anti air tech, but it would have to be commensurate with the unit cost.

  7. I don't think modifying the attack ratings of subs is necessary at all. I can understand increasing a port's defense against naval units though.

    Making subs harder to locate and utilizing the "silent" mode is an issue. It IS too easy right now. But I believe that a sub's combat effectiveness should decrease faster than other naval units. By increasing the rate at which a sub unit's morale/readiness decreases, the amount of damage inflicted and damage taken is greatly affected - while the convoy MPP raiding can remain constant. I think that would solve alot of those issues!

    As for spotting and silent mode: U-boats made NUMEROUS trips to sea, and back again. For example, U-47 "The Bull of Scapa Flow" made 10 separate patrols to sea. LINK As it stands right now, having a uboat make it from the Atlantic to a German port is impossible, and sneaking out only slightly less so. That needs to be adjusted. Just my $.02.

  8. Not so Seamonkey. It helped, but submerged subs in WW2 stood out EASILY when submerged. They could not dive deep enough to hide their silhouette.

    Blashy - I respect your WW2 and personal knowledge (weren't you a submariner?), but I kinda would be interested in knowing what your source is for that statement. You've made the statement several times, and every time I see it, it makes me wonder. I know that sub spotting was "easier" when subs were in the Gulf of Mexico or the Med due to the shallower depths and gin clear waters. Not to mention that the WW2 era subs were vulnerable due to having to regularly recharge batteries and air supplies on the surface - which was typically done at night.

    But as far as I know, you can't see 50 feet down into the deep water ocean sea lanes that were often patrolled. I don't have hard number stats on me, but I'm pretty sure that even the early U-boat models were capable of diving several hundred feet down.

    If sub-spotting was as "simple" as putting a recon/combat air patrol in the air to spot subs, then it seems that the extensive anti-sub warfare technologies were a waste of time... LINK

    According to NASA: How deep is the water at the beach before you can’t see the bottom any more? Visibility is limited to about a meter (3 feet) on the typical beach, ten meters (33 feet) in the clear waters such as the Caribbean. In fact, only half of one percent of the visible light that hits the surface of the ocean penetrates to 100 meters.

    I guess they should have coined the phrase, "Run Silent, Run Really Really Deep But They Can Still See You". Haha! ;):D

    [ November 29, 2006, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Capt Andrew ]

  9. Excellent job Normal Dude! One suggestion, if I may: When completing a sprite, create an identical layout with the glow (green and blue) sprites for attaching to HQ's, etc. Most people, like myself, don't have the know-how or the software to easily create the outline glow sprites that coincide with your excellent sprite images.

    Keep up the great work, it is most appreciated from the SC2 community!

  10. Wow. Outstanding job! Love the job you did on the Corsair! Very, very impressive. For someone who tried (and failed miserably) their hand at making units, I certainly appreciate your hard work Normal Dude.

    Afterwards, do you have any plans to expand the date range of your air designs (thinking bi-planes, maybe Korean/Vietnam era jets, etc)? Or even expand into additional tanks and country units (like Japanese ground/air units)?

    I'm POSITIVE that once some of the modders out there start working on mods like the Pacific Campaign, Korean War, etc - you're going to get requests for help on the units.

    [ November 19, 2006, 11:15 AM: Message edited by: Capt Andrew ]

  11. I like the idea too, but not for the default campaign. To me, this falls into another of the great tech (INTEL!) ideas - Edwin could probably list about 20 of them.

    It almost sounds like it would be beneficial to have a moddable tech script, where the effects and benefits from a single technology area could be tinkered with. For example, a non-default technology called "Enhanced Fog Of War". Advances in FOW Tech could improve spotting distance, allow random spotting of naval movement, focus in on location of enemy aircraft carriers launch positions, announce new units built, etc. Instead of making all these changes to one existing technology, ie - Intel, perhaps having that one technology that can be modded would help. It might also add some real flavor to some user created mods out there!

    Just my $.02. HC - Is it "doable", or is it a pipe dream?

  12. I believe Hubert has already acknowledged that the morale boost issues and maximum morale exploits are something that they are trying to address in patch 1.05. And that patch should be out any day, so at least your hiatus from playing won't be too long...

    And don't think that Hubert doesn't read every post, especially those that bring up issues and provide feedback or suggestions on solutions. He may not reply, but he's proved he listens and makes the tweeks necessary to keep this game going.

  13. Hubert, I know you keep a running list of all (realistic) user requests for changes - something all of us are EXTREMELY grateful for. Can you please add a couple more to your list?

    - In Editor, add an <ALL> option to the country drop down lists, allowing the user to edit all country data at ease. For example: if you want to lower the cost of paratroopers for every country, you can select ALL, lower the cost, hit OK. Done... rather than having to manually select each country, then paratroopers, then edit the cost, etc.

    - In Editor under editing Unit Costs, add the ability to edit the Repair Costs! This one is big with me. Instead of selecting a specific cost, be able to toggle the percentage repair cost as it relates to initial purchase price. I'm hoping this would be feasible while not having to make engine changes. This could really add flavor to a lot of mods. IE, it would allow people who want to expand upon the Battle of the Atlantic by lowering naval repair costs. It could also allow for a realistic global/Pacific theatre mod by encouraging naval battles while not having to skew the MPPs of countries - which would open the door for land/air unit exploits, etc.



  14. Sorry to bring this dead horse back to life, but I was wondering if there was any more thought put in to the ability to upgrade your ally minor units. I thought that doubling the cost would be realistic, or else halving the tech advances (rounding down) for the Minors. IE - Germany has Lvl 3 IW, Finland can only upgrade their units to Lvl 1 (3/2 = 1.5, rnd down to 1). Either way it would prevent it from being a game breaker, yet give some of those units (ie., Canadien) their due!

    Hubert, any thoughts on this for future versions?

  15. I stand corrected SO. I should have proof-read my post - I actually had gone into more of the issues facing the transport of supplies to Malta and deleted most of it... so this post is off-topic (apologies).

    But you are correct, the main coastal batteries the Vichy had were in Morocco near Casablanca and in Algiers. And if you flew the Union Jack, you could bet on getting some shells lobbed at you. I wouldn't exactly call them "neutral", as they despised the British for their actions in the attack on the French Navy at Mers-el-Kebir. If you ask me, they were neutral only when they didn't know which side was going to win. The French African units would probably have fought tooth and nail if it wasn't for sneaking General Clark into Algiers by sub for some diplomatic efforts pre-Torch.

    Speaking of subs, that where I missed my edit. They were the ones that were shredding everything. The Allies had a devil of a time getting supplies to Malta because of them. Some major tonnage was lost in the Med to German Uboats. I don't have any numbers off the top of my head, but I do recall that even despite a very heavily supply convoy mission (Operation Pedestal), a Uboat managed to still sink a British Carrier in the Med. (Was it the Eagle or Ark Royal? I know both were sunk down there...)

    But you're correct, it was the spies that relayed the ship information playing a critical role in the sub successes in the Med. Even though the Rock is considered an Allied port, I wonder if SC2 could show this by lifting FOW for all ships going in/out of Gibraltar and adjacent tiles as long as Spain is >= 40% Axis. Might be a cool tweak. Good catch though Stalin, my bad.

  16. I love it. I think we're on to something. Now if only HC could make it happen!

    Carrier attacks (land and/or sea)

    - 25% chance true carrier location is shown on screen

    - 75% chance a false location is shown on screen. Random tile within attack range of target unit is used to show the carrier location.

    - 100% chance true carrier location is shown on screen when attacking from adjacent tile, adjacent to any enemy unit, or if within spotting range of enemy aircraft unit.

    - 85% chance true carrier location is shown on screen when enemy air interdicts/intercepts the carrier attack. (15% chance false random tile within range will be shown).

    I think that tweak could really spice up some of the naval battles and intrigue of the carrier. Only question... is it doable?

  17. Minty and Liam are correct, that the European theatre carriers were floating transport and support ships. They were there to protect the "big boys" (battleships), find subs, and haul land based fighters.

    Some of the biggest roles that the carriers had were in ferrying planes to Malta - through the straits of Gibraltar at night! (Allies had a terrible time crossing at Gibraltar since the Vichy had land based guns that were shredding ships, Spain had Axis spies watching, and the Germans had U-Boats flinging torpedos everywhere.) If memory serves me, the Ark Royal made several re-supply runs to Egypt and Malta. In fact, it was the USA that saved Malta from capitulating. The CV Wasp made not one, but TWO night runs to Malta delivering RAF planes, pilots, and supplies to the rock fortress. This led Churchill to utter the famous quote, "Who said a Wasp couldn't sting twice?!"

    If (and when) anyone every makes a Pacific theatre, the idea of keeping the location of a striking carrier hidden is a fantastic one! I'm sure it would require some of Huberts coding to prevent the carrier from popping up during FOW attacks, but the idea is golden! I'd put that on the wish-list for future releases!!

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