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Posts posted by Madmatt

  1. Are you implying that your earlier posts where, oh lets see, you:

    *...Attacked someone that couldn't defend himself in public...

    * Then reopened another thread with a similar theme about gamey styles of play...

    * and then posted a public appology in regards to your original thread...

    DIDN'T need to get locked up?

    Hmmm...Interesting...And here I thought this Forum was supposed to be about Combat Mission and not personal agendas....


  2. Actually he has a new Email address and is busy with a real life which keeps him away from reading threads here. I will ask his permission to send you his new Email Capt as I am sure he would not have left the game midway on purpose.

    Say what you want a about Fionn, and trust me, I have cursed his name more than most, but he is NOT a bad sportsman player.

    Ok, enough of this now, time to get back to discussing Combat Mission.


  3. I tell you what Tankman, If I see you offend ANYONE than you can kiss your time here on the Forums goodbye as you will be banned.

    Are we clear?!?

    You DO NOT come into our house and start a thread like this, espically against someone that is not able to defend himself.

    Consider yourself served with your one and only warning on this matter.


    [ 05-01-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

  4. Ok, this could be about the lamest flame thread I have ever seen but its still a waste of our bandwidth and I am closing it up.

    Eurowarrior: Keep your little attitude off my Forum and feel free to fight your battles somewhere esle.

    Maximus: I am growing very tired of seeing your name anytime their is some sort of flare up on this board. I am thinking seriously of just doing everyone a great big favor and removing your posting privilidges. The warnings obviously aren't getting through to you so let me say it once more for the record. You step out of line again (and I DONT CARE WHO STARTED IT!) your gone, no excuses, no take backs and I won't give it a second thought. Your a great supporter of Combat Mission Dave but your are also an amazing pain in my ass!


  5. Ok, everyone has had their say now and we have heard from all sides. So time to close this little wayward choo choo down now.

    But first, a few words.

    The Peng Threads are permitted to exist for several reasons chief of which "WE THINK THEY ARE FUNNY!" and last time I checked , which was about 13 seconds ago, this was and still is our board to run as we see fit. And we do amd will continue to do so.

    If you are going to wade into the cesspool then a thick layer of skin (or biohazard suit) is going to be a must BUT I have gone in there myself from time to time to make sure they keep it at to at least some level of decency.

    I don't care where someone hails from, the rules of common civility still apply here and when someone goes off on a rant and it's F'in This and F'in That, well then its time to put the brakes on and bust some heads, which is what I do best.

    So, everyone just chill, accept the fact that while we run this board as best we can it may not always seem fair to you, go outside, take a deep breathe and put everything into perspective once and a while. This is just a web based message board on the internet. its not some holy writ, it's not the unfinished symphony and it's occasionally choked full of detritus and spew, but it is also a repository for some of the best and brightest and eductaed minds I have ever met and many of the relationships that have formed here are strong indeed.

    So, don't worry about how far is too far, just participate in the discussions that interest you and leave the others alone, try and keep the language to nothing worse than you might hear on network TV and get up and walk away from your computer before you launch into some sort of personal attack on someone.

    We don't ask much of people here...Just be cool with each other, have some fun and who knows, you might come away a little smarter for the time invested...


  6. Fred pretty much said it best.

    We would really "prefer" that topics in this Combat Mission - General Forum stay on track in regards to issues pertaining to Combat Mission.

    Topics that are just basically "chatting" are better suited to the full General Forum and the other forums are rather self explanatory.

    Now, we can't monitor this forum 24/7 (although we come damn close) and sometimes so threads get side tracked or are obviously inappropriate to the theme of the forum and when we see those we usually wade in and take care of them...

    The use of our Forums is a privlidge we extend to all, it's not a right, all we ask is you try and keep at least a modicum of civility in your posts and try and keep them topical to the forums stated intent...


  7. Alex,

    You didnt give me any info to look up your order in your message above but if you can email me your order details (your name, full address, method of payment, when you ordered and credit card expiration date) I can give you some idea on whats going on with your order.


  8. Hank,

    You don't need to do anything so drastic, all you need to do is email me directly with the name and date that you ordered the game and we will send you a replacement CD for a small charge (covers shipping basically), email me and I will give you all the details.


    p.s. Currently we are backorderd so there will be a slight delay before we can ship out a replacement obviously.

  9. I can see where this thread is headed but I can also understand the use of such language being used in the correct context so that is ok.

    We just frown upon blatent use of bad language for no better reason than to provoke or shock. But an oh F**K now and again is understandable when your last tank take a schrek up its butt. :)


  10. Actually DONT send us more than one email!!!

    If we were too busy to answer the first then you are just adding to the problem by sending us a second or third. It is such repeated requests for info (beyond the first message) that is burying us in email support and keeping Steve and I away from working on CM2.

    Send ME (matt@battlefront.com) ONE email (and one only) with your FULL name, date the game was ordered, form of payment, expiration date and FULL Ship To Address and I will look up your info for you.


  11. I think its just fun to watch all you guys argue actually.... ;)

    Hey, here is a novel idea, why don't you all just sit back and wait until we start releasing some official pictures and the previews come out before you worry about what sort of graphical improvements will or won't be in the finished game? Seems a reasonable solution to me...Or you can all just continue to argue with presumed conjecture since NONE of you really know what we intend on doing...yet


    I now return you to the arts...


  12. Ok, everyone back of the guy. Patton Returns you are of course free to make whatever mod you wish and promote it as well but you will find that people will give your work a much fairer appraisal if you just slow down a bit and double check what you say and more importantly how you say it.

    As to your frequent claims about Res Edit I believe you need to do a little more checking as making mods is a little more complicated than how you make it out to be. True we have left the sound and texture files open ended and people have moded a great many of them but you can't access any of the unit data and all you are really doing is just painting the models. Still cool, but if a mod is going to look presentable it is certainly NOT going to be easy.

    Now, eveyone get off the guys case and lets see what he can do...


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