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Posts posted by Sixxkiller

  1. Stalin did his homework. Finland did have about 20 of them and really did have success with it.


    Originally posted by Stalin's Organist:

    Thanks guys - the Buffalo is a much maligned a/c - designed to the same specification that produced the F4F Wildcat it was selected by hte USN because of problems with hte initial Grumman product.

    Commonwealth pilots at Singapore describe it as a lovely plane to fly, with superb manouvreability and better performance in some respects than the first Hurricanes (I've got a biography of a NZ Pilot who flew both a/c in combat smile.gif ).

    However it was unsuitable for high altitude interception that was required at Singapore as it's performance dropped off rapidly above about 15,000 feet and there was no radar warning meaning the aircraft were always struggling to get to the bombers in time.

    And of course the Finns used them to great effect too.

    Later versions were weighed down with more armour, heavier guns and other equipment and unsurprisingly their performance was "less than optimal"!

  2. Hello greywolf, welcome to the community.

    You make some excellent points but I just have a few comments to make.

    Lets start with Japan. The design decision to make the Japanese planes weaker is a sound decision based on the facts that have been brought up here already. I do however disagree that the J2M4 as it is modeled in the game is the worst of the elite planes. But you also have to remember it is up against some pretty still competition with possibly the best 3 planes to ever fly in any era to be the P-51, Spitfire, and Fw-190. My rankings for planes in the game would surprise you. Infact the best plane in my opinion is the P-51 followed by the Fw-190, then a shocker, the P-47.

    Japans early edge wasnt just due to the planes being superior, but they also had the best pilots in the world in the early stages of WWII.

    As far as campaigns go, you are not getting 1 more campaign, you are getting 4. :D And wait till you try to win as the Brits in the Crete Campaign. I challenge ANYONE to top Misturas score as he is the only person to have beaten the Germans. That must give you some idea of how good he is at this game. He is a former Marine too, but we wont hold that against him. ;)

    As far as your English... You did just fine. Infact I think countries that dont use it as a first language actually teach better application of it than the US does.

    Oh ya and the new campaigns are just the icing on the cake. Wait till you see the cake. There will be one coming in a few months that will be so large, its gonna take you 20 minutes a turn to figure out what planes to place BEFORE you even play your turns. smile.gif


  3. Ok new game terminology. Fredding (Also Fredded if god forbid it happens to me), where by if you get shot down by turn two and have to watch others play! :D


    PS and I couldnt log in either. I want a refund!!! smile.gif

    Originally posted by Fred19:

    Ts, ts, look at those newbies making fun about us famous fighter aces! :cool:

    One thing that's far less funny is that I cannot logon anymore since about 15 mins before this post was written. When trying the game freezes and that's it. :(

    First time it happened I was in the lobby trying to create an online game and my pilots didn't show up. Since then I'm out. redface.gif

  4. Hi Mikey,

    Well we are the bullys on the playground but that doesnt mean we can control all aspects of said playground. We dont control the access to the playground and that is essentially why we are having so much trouble in Iraq at the moment.

    If we do go to Syria I am thinking we plow right through but with much higher costs.

    And we are the last major superpower? Might want to let China and Russia in on that one, atleast in terms of what thier military capabilities are or will be.



    Originally posted by MikeyD:

    There are three schools of thought on how to survive a fight with a bully on the playground.

    The first is you try to make friends with the bully. Honestly, when has this ever worked?

    The second is you stand up to him publically and give him a good hard punch in the hope the bully's all bluster and will back down. On the downside the bully may simply murder you in retribution.

    The third is you go aggressive, but not on the bully himself. You construct your own reputation for being ruthless to those you know you can whip. Hopefully the bully will get wind of your reputation and decide to go elsewhere for easier prey.

    Okay. You're Syria. The world's last major superpower is making threatening noises. Which of the three strategies do you adopt?

    In tactic one you invite as many UN inspector into the country as the local Mariott will hold. Any site they want to visit. Any document they want to see. We all know how well that tactic worked for Saddam in 2002.

    Tactic two. Show of force. VERY hard to do. The only thing I see that'll really scare the U.S. is if you can knock down his air arm. Level the playing field (the U.S. really disliked losing an A-6 Intruder over Lebanon back around '82-ish). If you can't keep at least nominal control of the skies then any assault will just turn into another Kafjhi.

    That leaves three. The U.S. has got to be convinced that you are such a bad-ass MF that every leaf on every tree is going to be hiding a bomb. You know the old Soviet-era saying "quantiity makes up for quality". In this context the saying should be "ruthlessness substitutes for tactics". That is basically the current Iraqi jigadist strategy. And following the playground rules you don't go for the tough kids. Leave the Abrams and Bradleys alone. Let the 82nd Airborne be. But hit everyone else in-theater, as often as you can, everywhere that you can, as hard as you can.

  5. Earlier this morning, Tornado, Fred, Cethegus, and I had a great match even though Fred must have had the O-Ring Help Line on speed dial. Too bad theres no eject button at the start of the game Fred, you could have got more chatting practice in hehe. J/K Great Fun!!!

    I racked up 2 medals even with my kill stealing wingman Tornado making himself look like an Ace pilot off my hard hard work! I mean I just got the game today and all sheesh. Be nice to the new players who discard IMS 2: Destroyed Cards.


  6. Actually your ideas arent off the wall. Infact they are rather good. I think I will take credit for them!!! ;) Off the wall would be making a career out of designing wargames. :eek:


    Originally posted by fej425:

    Oh no, I'm well aware of how much time and effort goes into this thing...doesn't stop me from having wild off the wall ideas while at work thinking about playing though. smile.gif

  7. I believe that the main programmer for the 2 games isnt the same person. Brian has enough to do with DIF I believe hehe. Dont think you guys really know how much they have put into these games and supporting them with the new additions is time consuming. smile.gif Be cool if they can work it out to combine them though. Think I would jump on that smile.gif . But for now DIF takes all my gaming time and when MNB comes out I can imagine that I will be spending the rest of my free time on that.


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