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Posts posted by Webwing

  1. I'll try this one as well JohnO. Thanks

    One thing I found interesting about the BWOTM book is that the maps are approximations of the places. Most of the action/missions they still don't really know where exactly they took place. The maps where made based mostly on soldiers reports. So they say in the introduction of the book.

    I was worried about making them accurate in CM:SF but I guess is just a matter of transposing the situation itself.


  2. Originally posted by JohnO:

    ...Also after talking to them, I have come up with a good scenario :D

    It will probably be an interesting scenario!

    Now in this mission it doesn't make sense to just throw yourself in the middle of an unknown area and get more men killed than the ones you are trying to save. Besides this is not really the main objective. Since you can still win even if they do get all trapped soldiers killed.


  3. Originally posted by DaveDash:

    I would have won, although suffering heavy casualties, but it crashed about turn 70 on me.

    I have to test it again in WEGO. Most of the time I test it RT.

    Basically all my guys ran low on ammo, and wouldnt really fire at anything anymore, so I just did a mass suicide charge into the middle.

    Ammo needs to be increased, maybe have three more immobile Strykers sitting around (without javelins, just ammo). The reason I say this is two-fold:

    1) The Syrian AI doesnt seem to run low on ammo. Even at the end of the game his units UNLOADED on mine despite these units firing through-out the entire battle. My guys wouldn't even shoot back. His units should have been out of ammo long ago.

    2) LOS annoyances in 1.04. Guys on rooftops can shoot at you, but you can't shoot back without saturating the area with area fire. This of course chews through the ammo at a rapid rate.

    I pretty much mowed through his army from the high hilltop if they were exposed, but I couldn't get close to the town without a suicide charge at the end. The "east" route definately is a death trap. The guys on top of those buildings just wreck havock to your troops THROUGH the hills, and you are incapable of shooting back.

    I think next time I try I might send a Platoon to take the high hill with tons of ammo, and then send two platoons just straight up the damn middle and try and gain those trenches. Use the annoying LOS bug against the computer.

    Well, it is a problem conserving ammo. But it is manageable. If you know that you could have help from an extra company, you wouldn't need to hurry so much.

    A few tips that might help:

    You can take 2 squads, cross the road to the left and up behind the hill without firing a single shot. Take your troops through the gap on the wall that is close to the border of the map before crossing the highway.

    Take the house halfway from you and the crossroads, going through the wheat field and little road. Carefully!

    Else you will just be firing for too long from the roofs of your starting position.

    I'd like to here what others have to say before watering down this one too much...


    Ive just noticed in the scenario looking at it via the editor you get a company reinforcement after about 60-90 minutes, well, that changes things a bit =P

    If my game didnt crash I probably would have gotten them at some point.

    You didn't read the briefing. That is mentioned there. You also didn't read my post here. I mentioned it as well. It seems you have the same philosophy as me "If everything else fails, read the manual." :D

    Now, seriously.

    They are set to 60min with an arrival span of 30 min. Meaning it could be anytime between 30 to 90 min.

    Do you think having an extra company that may not arrive is an interesting prospect or it actually detracts from the fun?

    Should the Co have a fixed time of arrival?

    Anyway, thats for all the feedback.


    [ December 07, 2007, 10:45 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]

  4. Originally posted by Bertram:

    I did start to move, one squad got beside the house before everyone opened up and they fell back.

    I had send some troops on the roof (the SAW gunners), and they had good cover. It was those other squads behind the wall that got mowed down...

    The reinforcements arrived on a slight hill behind the wall, it might be that they were visible over the wall, especially to the enemy on the hill to the left and on the roofs. Those reinforcements got pinned by AK fire, and then slaughtered by -I think- rifle grenades or mortars.

    If they were in view either the hil should be lower, or they should pop up in an other place (right near corner maybe?). But I would await the update before doing anything.

    Anyway, it looked interesting, except for the frustrating bugs (I was already irritated, started Hammertime, and two of my teams got stuck, with one man jumping the wall, and a Stryker kept driving circles around a house.... I just should not play this game before the next patch).

    They now start inside the buildings. It really makes no difference except that we avoid cases like this one you mentioned. It makes more sense anyway.

    I repositioned some of the reinforcements.

  5. I finally did it successfully. Twice!!! I feel like I'm getting a lot better at this game. The most enjoyable thing is that using sound real world tactics pay (apart from the bugs of course).

    I don't agree with the arty support. Didn't have the buildings issue either.

    But never got to rescue the guys alive.

    Although the mission starts on a frenetic rhythm I decided not to hurry things. Got my strykers only with their noses showing from the corners of buildings and walls, sometimes venturing a bit further to give support to the troops.


  6. Bertram,

    Thanks for the feedback!

    The infamous tall wall bug can give you a bit of a headache but I didin't experience what you describe.

    DaveDash mentioned it was too quiet in the beginning so I don't think he had that problem.

    Enemy troops aren't supposed to start firing at you right away. You are not in range of their ambush orders. Only when some of your troops start advancing or shooting. I'll try to replicate what happened to you.

    But either way it won't hurt to have Blue starting positions inside the houses. I might change that.

    I'm not giving up on this one, so do come back in the future to give it another go. Or maybe after 1.05!

    Lost 40 men then, and still almost in my setup position, not having moved at all. So I quit with about 1 hr 30 minutes to go.

    By the way, the whole mission is 1hr30min.


    [ December 07, 2007, 05:59 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]

  7. Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

    I guess for the time being the only way in the game to really conserve ammo is to have half you men hiding and half firing, with them switching over every 5 minutes or so. I might try this sometime to see if there is any merit in trying to outlast your enemy's supplies.

    Good point.

    In the parameters for the mission you can get points for conserving ammo for both sides. So there can be a situation where you get points for conserving your ammo plus the enemy losing points for spending too much.


  8. This is really a bit strange. I guess they just didn’t have time to implement it. It sure doesn’t make much sense to me the way it is. If you have extra ammo inside the strikers why not on the humvees of the Supply Platoon? This has been the source of most of the trouble I’m having with my mission Crossroads. Infantry only, fighting for over an hour. Ammo won’t last. Ammo is spent like hell in suppressive fire that is usually the role of the strikers. Some may argue that the game was not designed with infantry only in mind. That might be the case but still be really cool to have the supply platoon vehicles drive to the front line with more ammo for the troops.


  9. First thanks a lot for the feedback. Designing the mission you lose perspective completely sometimes and its not possible to have an interesting mission without the help of this kind of feedback.

    Originally posted by DaveDash:

    well this was quite a fun mission, had a bit of a WW2 feel to it.

    smile.gif All my missions end up having this feel. I wonder why! :D


    Well, I failed hopelessly at this mission. I think my tactics were relatively sound, I was just let down by real poor shooting on behalf of my men.

    I'll look into the poor shooting issue.

    Winning or Losing

    My idea was:

    To win you MUST take few losses. Not sure if this is clear on the briefing but your main objective is to probe the enemy strength. IF possible, specially if the second company arrives on time, then you try and take the crossroads.

    If you take few losses a draw is already assured. If you also kill a good number of Reds or take the crossroads then you win.

    I sent TWO platoons to the west to gain the high ground, and they both were stalled COMPLETELY by the guys defending the hill and the guys in the houses below.

    I send another platoon east through the forest to provide overwatch for my .. eventual ... assault and they also got pinned down.

    The biggest thing preventing me from moving forward was ammo. I noticed the poor levels of ammo on my guys way too late, and perhaps I could have re-armed my guys at that Stryker.

    Eventually though, all my guys ran out of ammo and had a very poor exchange rate with the Syrian forces (almost 1:1 slightly in my favour).

    This is where I asked for a cease-fire, unable to gain any objectives. I had about 54 minutes left, but without more ammo against fresh enemy reinforcemetns, my efforts would have been futile.

    I'm not sure still how to solve the ammo issue. I assume you used the ammo in the immoblilized Striker. It is there exactly so that you can get 3 Javelins and more ammo. The Javelins help you clear two houses full of enemies in front of you and the guys on the tree lines. This way you can take control of the high ground a lot easier.

    I wanted to use some randomness and see if this added a sense of realism to the mission. The second company can arrive any time from 30 minutes to 90 minutes. Depending on that your mission can change dramatically. Leaving this to chance seems realistic to me, but is it fun? I assume you never got them.


    Sure!!! The recon platoon should be the first there. Good point.

    If you choose to try and advance through your right flank, a possible course too, you will face an attack on your left flank! The AI behavior is pretty cool on this one.

    New version, v1_1, is already on CMMODS.

    Max load of ammo for all US units.

    The scouts now start the game.

    Up one notch the experience of most units.

    Tweaked the point system.

    Some changes in the AI as well.


    [ December 07, 2007, 06:01 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]

  10. Originally posted by MeatGrinder:

    Webwing, if you make any scenarios from the book I would love to try them!


    What a lucky coincidence for me! I was looking for exactly something like that to help me with my missions. I'm almost finished with reading the book. I can't seem to able to put it down!!! I'll have to come back many times. This first read is just to get a general idea and select the most suitable missions for CM:SF.

    I'm not sure if Red on Red would be ideal for the units. Russians (Syria) X Muhajdeen (Unconventional)??

    I'll sure let you know when I have something.


  11. Originally posted by handihoc:

    I'll definitely dl and test it soon as I get chance - might be a few days, though. I also like the idea of inf only. The original Babado was that, and a really nice mission it was/is too (though it's larger more mechanised offspring is also totally cool). I'll let you know asap - but cheers for making it.

    Ok, I count on you! Thanks. :D


  12. Originally posted by Egon:

    Wow - looks like a "dream come true" for all fans of historical accurate scenarios (although those triggers are still sheer rocket science to me, even with webwings great tutorials *lol*).

    Hmm - does anyone know a source for contemporary aerial photography or topographical maps ? Google Earth is better than nothing but far away from being the real McCoy, I found out.

    Anyway - thx-a-lot from Egon :cool:


    You will love the Builder!!!! :D

    Get your maps ready!

    From now on a good way to do scenarios would be to join forces with others. One would do the map and the other would do the mission design for instance. That way each one can concentrate on what he does best.


  13. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    The Editor will evolve over time. More control over what gets selected for units is planned. I too do not like the HQ requirement. The current reality is a compromise between the way it originally was (don't ask smile.gif ) and the way I think it should be. We always try to move towards the ideal, so hopefully there will be an improvement here.

    No, players will not be able to write their own AI scripts as such. That would require a whole lot of new coding and UI. Not in the plans. The coordination options we're intending on putting in will function similar to the ones already available to you, just with different parameters and coded behavior.

    2D map speed has already been improved, believe it or not :D Hopefully Charles can do more to speed it up because I think it clearly would benefit from such improvements.


    I see no problem with the HQ. Specially IF it's proven that they do influence the performance of the troops. It seems very realistic. You can have green troops but if the HQ is veteran with +2 leadership they will coordinate the troops really well when close by. You would need to be careful not to let those high ranking officers get killed.

    Besides the only mandatory HQ is at Squad level.

    Great news! Specially the coordination options. It's tricky to predict how long one unit will take to get from A to B specially if they have to engage the enemy on the way. It will make AI attacks a lot more 'intelligent'.


    [ December 05, 2007, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]

  14. JohnO,

    Looking forward to your feedback. Thanks!

    I have at least 8 maps close to finished and several missions to go with them. Thing is I'm always experimenting and never finish anything!

    This one is the closest to finished that I have.

    I wanted a field with just a few houses but loads of small elevations for the troops to get behind and shoot!

    I tried to add some randomness to see how it would go. For both sides. Even with only one plan for RED for now.

    The biggest unbalancing factor is the second inf company that might not get there on time to help you!!

    If they get there soon enough the mission is too easy. If the don't it is a good fight, I feel.

    But I really don't know at this point. Testing you know where everything is so it's very hard to balance the mission without help from others.

    I like infantry only. Too many Strykers, Bradleys and Abrams in most missions for my taste. Its a personal thing of course.

    A few problems with this though.

    1 - The problem with troops getting too tired when crawling might make your life a little bit difficult.

    2 - Ammo. No Strikers means no extra ammo supply.

    3 - It takes time to get from A to B on foot.


  15. JohnO,

    I have!!! smile.gif

    Have I been into this game or what!

    Now, the thing is, to do one scenario takes a lot of time. Making 6...

    I have this campaign for RED. It's called Painted in RED. You follow a company of Syrian Spacial Forces through a series of missions from a big ciy, suburbs, highway and mountains.

    I have the maps, missions setup, most of the briefings, the whole campaign already linked and working, going from one mission to the other and carrying the troops statistics.... pretty cool.

    The missons and maps need tweaking of forces and bits and pieces here and there.

    But I have the felling I will never finish it! Too ambitous a project for my short attention span! ;)

    How would you like to help me finish it. Would be nice to do some real team work. I was thinking of inviting MarkEzra too.

    You can feel free to add, delete, change maps... a real team work.

    What do you say?

    MarkEzra? What about you?



  16. This missions is no longer available as standalone.

    It's now part of the Crossroads Campaign.

    Please download the campaign from CMMODS to play this mission.

    Current Version: v1.3

    Duration: 90 min.

    Infantry Only.

    Playable only from the Blue side.

    You have to control the crossroads with minimum casualties.

    If you play it please leave some feedback so that I can improve it.

    Two plans for Red so far.




    [ December 09, 2007, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]

  17. Originally posted by bus:

    Well I have a little problem,

    I can't wait. I want it now ;)

    Use the time for some research. Make a sketch of what you like to build, etc. Based on the maps in TOW you can have a good idea of the elements you can use. But now you can have steeper hills!

    Patience! Easy for me to say, I know! :D


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