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Marco Bergman

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Posts posted by Marco Bergman

  1. This sounds rather odd. I need more information.

    Which Sherman pack did you install? If it is the All US pack, then that has a later batch version number than the Stuart, and should be the one loaded. So it is possible that the batch you installed last didn't contain any US Shermans, which might explain it...

    When you clicked on the US icon, did a DOS box pop up, with a scrolling bunch of text? If not, the batch didn't run; if yes then see above.

    If you email me, I'll send the very latest batch if you like, plus more help if required.


  2. Clubfoot said:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Those are Marco's tanks. Maybe Max has some arrangement w/ Marco to recolor his mods, but we won't be doing that. We respect his work too much and don't have such permission. Jeff has worked from the stock

    textures he PAID for, not the hard, FREE work of a 3rd party. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well actually, you do have permission. I put the following into ALL my mod docs:

    This mod pack is released for free unrestricted use to the CMBO community. Feel free to do anything you like to it, so long as modified versions are labelled as such, and credit given both to me and any prior author. (In this case, BTS).

    This pack may be freely posted for downloading, but must not be charged for.

    Also there are standard resolution versions of all my later work.

    Now, I am NOT saying that you must use anything of mine; I am saying that if you did want to use any bits like say the 3 piece Sherman nose you shouldn't feel constrained, but just go for it. I personally don't have enough time to cater for the desert stuff, but am happy to see someone else recolour my stuff for extended use.

    The only thing that matters here is the advancement of enjoyment of the CM community. Which is something AussieJeff is doing very nicely.

    By the way, I still can't see any of the pictures...

  3. Everyone, please wait for the OFFICIAL announcement from Old Dog for the release of this mod.

    As usual, Maximess is not quite right since Bob has to insert some screenshots and Mod-manager stuff, and the LR full set won't be sent out until today sometime. Destination will be CMHQ as usual.

    MikeyD, your mod was a big improvement on the originals, and I used it myself.

    [ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: Marco Bergman ]

  4. Marco has been too ill the last week to do ANY mod work, but is finally well on the road to recovery. I can't recall ever having such a bad 'flu before, ever.

    All I need to do is improved versions of the muddy and snowy tire tread, and docs, and we're finished. The option pack will be released a little later. I've even got a totally unmarked set for thoise who really want a mod-base to play with.

  5. For anyone else who feels this way I recommend you consider the LR Plainpack versions of my mods, which are the same size as the originals, and don't have colour conflicts. If only US-UK compatibility is the problem, use the HR plainpacks.

    Two other points:

    1) All CM mods overwrite the original and don't let you swap at will, not just the batch file ones. If this is an issue, use the Mod Manager, or make a second BMP directory as MikeyD suggests.

    2) If you do get into a battle and find you've got the wrong texture set: just save, drop out to the desktop, run the right batch, go back to the game, and load. Doesn't take long.

  6. TwoSheds, I think far more people use the ModManager then you might realise. You only ever hear about the problems and complaints. If it's any consolation, all I ever hear about the batch files are "Help!!" messages.

    It would be a pity for you to abandon this obviously much liked tool on the basis of some negative comments. It serves a function many players require. If it wasn't used, I wouldn't bother to get Old Dog to ensure that my mods were as compliant as possible.

    I don't see the conflict here, myself. The two systems do diffrent things. For setting the overall selection and order of mods from scratch, MM can't be beat. For swapping in and out one nationality on the spur of the moment, batch files seem to me (and I force nobody else to agree here) to be ahead. Two very different tasks. And yes, I do have a copy installed.

    For the DFDR conversion, short of a second installation MM is definately the way to go. To use a batch file would be insane!

    You said at some point that batch files are the future. They are the past.

    I wrote the first batch files knowing that they were a quick and dirty solution, but having no choice because my programming skills are mired back in DOS. The troubles behind the scenes we've had with those damn things! You don't know the half of it. (right, Gordon?)

    If there is a better, simpler way than batch files I'd love to hear about it. Or at least a little Windows front end program to launch them: that'd be really nice...

    But please don't abandon MM just because of the loud vocal minority. When reading criticism, consider the source... I'm sure others who read a thread this far do the same.

  7. I've asked Old Dog to send all the All-US-Shermans mods to CMHQ. They needed to go there anyway for archiving, so this is as good a reason as any.

    If you are desperate, email Old Dog and ask nicely, and I'm certain he'll happily send them on.


    The Sherman options pack (KitchenSinkPack) ( which includes the "leaked" summer and winter aerial recognition panels, among other things ) is stalled waiting an update on CM Outpost's status. As soon as we hear from Dragoon we'll know whether he's hosting it, or whether it'll have to go to CMHQ.

    But I'm not pulling mods I promised to a site without the site's consent, and I promised this one to Dragoon while CMHQ was being shifted.

  8. There's no need to feel bad about not understanding the arcane art of MSDOS batch files: they're a real esoteric field.

    One, why must I make shortcuts to the batch files?

    The 2 batch files that do all the work need to have a commandline parameter to work properly eg: for the USA Low-viz batch the correct full command is "usandff.bat usa lowviz".

    These parameters are set by the little start-em-up batch files. You don't NEED to set a shortcut to these if you don't mind double-clicking on them in Explorer. I just find it more convenient to have a group of shortcuts in a folder on my start menu.

    Two, I didn't understand what the Read me meant about the Sherman II and the US Shermans. Could someone tell me what I need to do in this case?

    The US and UK versions share turret textures. Therefore when you have the UK texture set installed, any US Shermans will have a green turret instead of an olive drab one. ( and vice versa.) If you don't mix nationalities, then this isn't a problem. If you absolutely must have US and UK forces in one game, use the plainpack which colours ALL the tanks the same way to avoid this.

  9. I was recently conversing with someone who was considering a Tiger I ambush scheme mod.

    After breezily assuring them that I was sure I had a photo or 10 of ambush-pattern Tiger Is, closer examination reveals that all the pictures are actually of some variant of a two colour dapple scheme instead.

    Has anyone with better reference sources got better pictures? Or is the Tiger I the only German vehicle which didn't sport this scheme?

  10. Originally posted by Pud:

    Poke me in the eye and call me blind but I just think a Tiger mod needs to be revisited.

    ** POKE **

    Seems every man and his dog does the Germans. And the cat does them best of all. =^..^=

    So sorry, but I've got a lot of Allied loose ends to tie up. Since I am currently suffering from Sherman overdose in a BIG way, however, I'm taking a short break first.

    Thank-you to everyone for the nice comments.

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