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Chinese Partisans

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How important is it when invading China to leave garisons in Chinese cities?

I know that every turn you get random partisan attacks from either the Chinese or Communist partisans which inflict MPP losses on various cities and I realise there is nothing to be done about these.

But in an earlier campaign I made the mistake of leaving a key Chinese city without a garison (As I recall it was either Changsha or Canton) and an actual strength 12 Chinese partisan counter suddenly appeared in it, which caused total chaos to my supply network for several turns.

Since then I've become pretty neurotic about leaving any Chinese cities empty, just in case one of these counters pops up. However, I'm rapidly running out of options in terms of air units, engineers and AA units to leave behind my lines and as I advance further and further into China the number of cities I need to worry about is increasing.

So, I wondered if there is any limit or listing of Chinese cities that need to be garisoned, or whether it literally is random and completely down to chance whether it happens.

The same question will probably arise in other area's like India, but I haven't actually seen a physical counter appear in any of those area's yet.

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