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Help solve the problem !?

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Здравствуйте! Я хотел бы обратиться к вам с такой проблемой, может быть, кому-то удалось решить без изменения адреса IP? Некоторое время назад (около года, я не помню точно), высший суд сайта Battlefront.com заблокировал мой IP. До недавнего времени я не очень беспокоился ... В последнее время я начал думать о покупке прорыв, но по понятным причинам я не могу сделать это с моего домашнего компьютера. На трех из моих обращений, за последний месяц, верховный суд администраторов и модераторов молчит.



Всем привет! 

Хотел бы обратиться к вам с такой проблемой, возможно кому-то удалось её решить не меняя IP-адрес?

Некоторое время назад (около года, точно не помню) верховный суд сайта battlefront.com заблокировал мой IP. До недавнего времени меня это не очень волновало ... В последнее время я стал думать о покупке Breakthrough, но по понятным причинам не могу этого сделать со своего домашнего компьютера. 

На три моих апелляции, за последний месяц, верховный суд администраторов и модераторов молчит.


Edited by pacifffick
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Open a ticket with the Helpdesk (click on the blue button '+new ticket' in the upper right). You may need to provide your IP address, ISP (internet service provider) name and the country that you're in. To be honest I'm not sure how quickly that this can be resolved or if it will be resolved at all. I believe Battlefront subscribes to a service that tracks the volume of attacks, spam and other suspicious behavior that comes from certain ISPs and 'black lists' them. I'm not sure what 'white listing' options that they have with this service. The reason that they went with such a service was due to some malicious attacks in the past that crippled the website and community.

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1 hour ago, Schrullenhaft said:

Open a ticket with the Helpdesk (click on the blue button '+new ticket' in the upper right). You may need to provide your IP address, ISP (internet service provider) name and the country that you're in. To be honest I'm not sure how quickly that this can be resolved or if it will be resolved at all. I believe Battlefront subscribes to a service that tracks the volume of attacks, spam and other suspicious behavior that comes from certain ISPs and 'black lists' them. I'm not sure what 'white listing' options that they have with this service. The reason that they went with such a service was due to some malicious attacks in the past that crippled the website and community.

Thank you very much, you are a kind person)

Огромное спасибо, вы добрый человек)


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If it is not difficult, answer one more question? Is it possible to solve the problem by changing the IP address of the provider ??

On 07.05.2017 at 1:39 AM, Schrullenhaft said:

Open a ticket with the Helpdesk (click on the blue button '+new ticket' in the upper right). You may need to provide your IP address, ISP (internet service provider) name and the country that you're in. To be honest I'm not sure how quickly that this can be resolved or if it will be resolved at all. I believe Battlefront subscribes to a service that tracks the volume of attacks, spam and other suspicious behavior that comes from certain ISPs and 'black lists' them. I'm not sure what 'white listing' options that they have with this service. The reason that they went with such a service was due to some malicious attacks in the past that crippled the website and community.

If it is not difficult, answer one more question? Is it possible to solve the problem by changing the IP address of the provider ??


Если не сложно, ответьте еще на один вопрос?
Возможно ли будет решить проблему, путем смены IP адреса у провайдера??

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It would seem possible that if you change your IP address (it would have to be of a certain range), then it might not be blocked by the 'black list'. However some black lists may be based on country / ISP, so all ranges of IPs provided by some ISPs may be blocked. Proxying services MIGHT work, but a number don't. It's possible that most well-known proxy providers might be black listed too (as an option, rather than for known malicious behavior).

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