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Installing Mods with CMMos

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I've pulled my CMBO disk back out after a year and ahalf hiatus......much to my chagrin I find I can't get my Mod installer working!!!

Can I get a walkthrough from one of you fellows with abit of patience for the computer challenged?

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To make a CMBO mod work in CMMOS, remember the following:

1) Download and install CMMOS if you haven't done so already. Check CMHQ to make sure you have the latest version (I think its 4.03). CMMOS should set up in its own folder in Program files, and should not be part of the CMBO directory. And CMBO should also be a sub-directory of Program files: if you have installed it in something like My Games, the CMMOS program won't be able to find it.

2) The old CMBO CMMOS doesn't work in quite the same way as CMBB CMMOS, even though they're part of the same program. CMBO CMMOS mods are unzipped to the bmp folder.

3) For a CMBO CMMOS mod to work, CMMOS has to be installed (see 1) above), the rulesets for that particular class of mods have to be installed (you get them at CMHQ in the CMMOS CMBO section), and the unzipped bmp files with the weird cmmos extensions for the mod have to be in the CMBO bmp folder. If these three conditions are met, when you click on the red and white CMMOS icon on your desktop and then go to the tab that corresponds with the ruleset, you'll see a bunch of icons. If an icon doesn't have the one-way traffic sign on it, you can install the mod by clicking on the icon and then clicking on the apply button after making the appropriate selection. [i only mention this last point because not hitting the apply button is the most common and embarassing cause for a CMMOS mod not working -- I still do it myself sometimes].

4) If the mod still doesn't install, you should take a look at the CMBO CMMOS log file to see what is happening. The log file will usually give you a good hint as to what the problem is. The log file can be found by going to Program Files/Gem Software Productions and looking in the CMMOS folder.

[if you ever want to know what something's bmp number is, you can find it by going in a little further and looking at the file list folder (just be careful not to change anything). You should also take a look at the CMMOS readme file, which has some very interesting information (and uses pictures).]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tophat, ignore the current crop of CMBO mod working with CMMOS4.03. I just posted CMMOS4.05a, see a previous post, and there are all new rulesets with all new mods completed and ready for posting.

EVERYTHING you have right now can safely be ignored. I have redone those to work with CMMOS.


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